Filipina charged for murder in Singapore

This is the title of a thread in Pinoyexchange that caught my attention. I thought it was an old thread revived or bumped just for fun. Unfortunately, it’s for real and I was saddened because it wasn’t a long time ago when I read on Ms. Luchie’s site about a Filipina in the same country who gained attention for her scholastic achievements. Now this might be another setback for those who are trying to improve the image of their “kababayans” abroad. Read more from this PEX thread


  1. This is true. a filipina maid was a suspect of killing another filipina maid. a sad story. but then, we consider this as a personal/individual act that we don’t think it will affect what other filipinos are doing to uplift our image as a people who are educated and achievers.
    thank you for taking notice of this sad news.

  2. This is true. a filipina maid was a suspect of killing another filipina maid. a sad story. but then, we consider this as a personal/individual act that we don’t think it will affect what other filipinos are doing to uplift our image as a people who are educated and achievers.
    thank you for taking notice of this sad news.

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