[singlepic=592,250,250,right]I found a website I’d like to share with you. It’s called “The Frisky” (a daily romp on the sexy side) and I stumbled on it while looking for nice themes. This site caters to the single men and women out there, but I enjoyed reading their articles eventhough I’m married. The overall look of the site reminds me of orange, chocolate and wine and I really can’t explain why.
The Frisky specializes on Relationship Advice but it also has sections on other interesting topics like Celebs, Food & Travel, Health & Beauty, News & Culture. One topic that I know would interest both the singles and attached is the Sex Advice Column. Nope, I don’t really need an advice on that aspect of my life but I just enjoyed reading it. This site sort of reminds me of one of my favorite magazines, only thing different is it’s online.
Men and women alike should check out the section Hot Guys. The former can get a pointer or two on what we women consider as hot or not. The latter can drool over the hot guys featured on the page. LOL
Haha, I like the site, but I disagree with all the articles I’ve read thus far! It caters to a different type of person, IMO. One who is looking to maximize quick-fix pleasure, but at the cost of growing from experience and long-term happiness.
That’s just a quick brush through a few articles, though. I enjoy reading these too, though.