Hope for Shim Hyun Hee

When her story came out on October 20th on SBS 세상에 이런 일이 (Sesange Ireon Iri) or “What’s Happening Around the World”, the viewers didn’t take time to contribute money for her operation. Now there is hope for Shim Hyun Hee.
Shim Hyun Hee is suffering from a disease called “neurofibromatosis“. Because of the tumors in her face, her eyes, nose and mouth are almost invisible. She has a hard time talking, eating and she is confined to her home.

Hyunhee's disease ~
Hyunhee’s disease ~

Hyun Hee was born with a healthy appearance but tumors developed on her face which caused her deformity. She inherited the condition from her mom. When she was two years old, she lost her eyesight due to glaucoma. Her face has been deformed from that time. When she was 18, her face looked like as it is now that she is 33 years old. The tumors hang on her face and her skull is hollow because her brain is misplaced in one of the tumors on her face. She is only 130 cm in height and weighs 30 kg.
How Hyunhee's disease progressed ~
How Hyunhee’s disease progressed ~

After her story aired, about 45,000 viewers contributed up to over 800 million won (703,000 USD or 34 million PHP) in one day through “SBS Nado Funding” and Naver’s Happy Bean! The amount is more than the 40 million won they expect to spend for her operations.
Fund raising for Hyunhee ~ a whopping 700,000 USD in one day!
Fund raising for Hyunhee ~ a whopping 700,000 USD in one day!

Shim Hyun Hee has suffered physically, mentally and emotionally since she was young. Her disease has brought tremendous difficulty for her and her parents. She does not go out for when she does people treat her like a freak. Her only wish is to be able to put on makeup and wear pretty clothes. A simple girly wish that she could never do in her current condition.
Hope for Hyunhee and her mom ~
Hope for Shim Hyun Hee and her mom ~

Our only wish is for her to be able to have the best treatment that she could get. Hoping that it would make her simple wish come true.
Watch the videos from SBS ~