image from PEx
“The Secret to Better China-Japan Relations: An 11-Year-Old Pinup Girl”… so goes the title of a thread in the Local & Foreign Issues forum of Pinoyexchange. I was surprised to see how “busty” she is. I’m sure she can’t be an 11-yr old girl… but she is!
Her name is Saaya Irie. She’s a Japanese born in Fukuoka on November 15, 1993. She’s 145 cm tall and her body measurements are B78/W56/H78. It was hard for me to believe that she’s only 11 looking at her body’s curves. And it’s quite disturbing that her parents allowed her to pose so provocatively. She might have the body of a woman but I believe she’s still a child.
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She's just 11?
image from PEx
“The Secret to Better China-Japan Relations: An 11-Year-Old Pinup Girl”… so goes the title of a thread in the Local & Foreign Issues forum of Pinoyexchange. I was surprised to see how “busty” she is. I’m sure she can’t be an 11-yr old girl… but she is!
Her name is Saaya Irie. She’s a Japanese born in Fukuoka on November 15, 1993. She’s 145 cm tall and her body measurements are B78/W56/H78. It was hard for me to believe that she’s only 11 looking at her body’s curves. And it’s quite disturbing that her parents allowed her to pose so provocatively. She might have the body of a woman but I believe she’s still a child.
Waah She ain’t 11! Look at her, she looks more like 18. I am not a big fan of busts but she got nice facial features, but then again she really don’t look like 11.
11? you have got to be kidding! what do her parents feed her? estrogen? i think she really looks so cute, but why the bikini? is it supposed to foster friendly relations between china and japan? what is this world coming to?
What is this world coming to indeed when they have to fetisise and objectify an 11 year old girl. While I am not a homophobe, this is part of the same insidious plot. First homosexuality has become acceptable and now it is sexualization of children.
OMG. no way. she’s 11?? gosh, she looks so matured! sheesh. how can her parents allow that?? how can SHE agree on that? and wha-?? she’s got busts at age 11?? she’s not even a teenager! wow. this doesn’t look nice. poor kid.
What the hell? I don’t care what philosophical or scientific BS anyone comes with. I can only see a dark, sad, and painful future for this poor girl. What are we doing to children now.
Nah. She can’t be 11. Can she? And yes, she’s quite “busty”, and the curves, man.. she’s definetely not 11. Maybe 11 (or kid) at heart but not with her body features. Haha! Although her face quite seems like an 11 year old girl’s face. =)
No she’s is 12 now!
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i want to fuck her
is shes my girlfriend ill be happy to fuck her day and night
Man! Shes’s too sexy to be 11! If this is true, I wanna be her Boyfriend!
Yes, she is very sexy.If can I want to be her own heart.How I know her e-mail and address?
iam 17 but iam more beautiful than her
here we go again – the classic asian look ; too me – the asian race is the hardest to decide between ages 10-20 – that decade looks so similer – -even if she is 11 – id still tap that lol – – then again come on – can an 11yo really be that hot?!?!
my god at 11 you got dat boobs?!!!! well am already 18 on dat age of mine i got my boobs same as youre’s!!!!
she’s 14 now
i like her
hey! she’s from japan.
she is not korean! -
she is very sexy in the 12y old???!
she is very hot girl!
oh oh oh oh ?! -
have you guys considered that maybe this is PHOTOSHOPED? since i havent googled her to prove her ingenuity then i may do so now.
Oh God, it is true, I googled her, she is 16 now though, but when that picture was taken she was only 11, she looks amazing
Waah She ain’t 11! Look at her, she looks more like 18. I am not a big fan of busts but she got nice facial features, but then again she really don’t look like 11.
Waah She ain’t 11! Look at her, she looks more like 18. I am not a big fan of busts but she got nice facial features, but then again she really don’t look like 11.
11? you have got to be kidding! what do her parents feed her? estrogen? i think she really looks so cute, but why the bikini? is it supposed to foster friendly relations between china and japan? what is this world coming to?
11? you have got to be kidding! what do her parents feed her? estrogen? i think she really looks so cute, but why the bikini? is it supposed to foster friendly relations between china and japan? what is this world coming to?
What is this world coming to indeed when they have to fetisise and objectify an 11 year old girl. While I am not a homophobe, this is part of the same insidious plot. First homosexuality has become acceptable and now it is sexualization of children.
What is this world coming to indeed when they have to fetisise and objectify an 11 year old girl. While I am not a homophobe, this is part of the same insidious plot. First homosexuality has become acceptable and now it is sexualization of children.
OMG. no way. she’s 11?? gosh, she looks so matured! sheesh. how can her parents allow that?? how can SHE agree on that? and wha-?? she’s got busts at age 11?? she’s not even a teenager! wow. this doesn’t look nice. poor kid.
What the hell? I don’t care what philosophical or scientific BS anyone comes with. I can only see a dark, sad, and painful future for this poor girl. What are we doing to children now.
Nah. She can’t be 11. Can she? And yes, she’s quite “busty”, and the curves, man.. she’s definetely not 11. Maybe 11 (or kid) at heart but not with her body features. Haha! Although her face quite seems like an 11 year old girl’s face. =)
No she’s is 12 now!
i want to fuck her
is shes my girlfriend ill be happy to fuck her day and night
Man! Shes’s too sexy to be 11! If this is true, I wanna be her Boyfriend!
Yes, she is very sexy.If can I want to be her own heart.How I know her e-mail and address?
iam 17 but iam more beautiful than her
here we go again – the classic asian look ; too me – the asian race is the hardest to decide between ages 10-20 – that decade looks so similer – -even if she is 11 – id still tap that lol – – then again come on – can an 11yo really be that hot?!?!
my god at 11 you got dat boobs?!!!! well am already 18 on dat age of mine i got my boobs same as youre’s!!!!
she’s 14 now
i like her
hey! she’s from japan.
she is not korean!
she is very sexy in the 12y old???!
she is very hot girl!
oh oh oh oh ?!
have you guys considered that maybe this is PHOTOSHOPED? since i havent googled her to prove her ingenuity then i may do so now.
Oh God, it is true, I googled her, she is 16 now though, but when that picture was taken she was only 11, she looks amazing