Hi! My name is Ana but you can call me “Betchay” – my nickname for a very, very long time. I started blogging for “Buhay Korea” in 2005 but I had to stop due to more pressing matters, but I have never stopped sharing information to the Filipino community in South Korea through my Facebook page – Buhay Korea
Now it’s 2020 and it’s time for a renewal. I have been living in South Korea since 2003 – that’s a total of 17 years! I believe I still have so much to share especially to Filipinos who are interested to learn more about this country I call my second home.
So welcome to my blog and you can also follow me on my “new-ish” Youtube channel. I do have a Youtube channel with 120,000 subscribers but it is so disorganized I decided to just make a new one – just like I did with this blog!
Starting over again but we have so much to share!