that’s how i will describe ron howard’s adaptation of dan brown’s bestseller – “the da vinci code”… it is not my favorite dan brown movie, i like “angels and demons” better but i guess it’s his most popular work… i’ve been waiting for this movie to come out and i wasn’t surprised that it’s showing in the six ouf of 12 theatres in my favorite multiplex, Seoul Cinema… now i understand why korean film workers insist on having the screen quota… only three out of 12 theatres at Seoul Cinema are currently showing korean films… six were for “da vinci code” and three were showing “mission impossible 3″…
anyway, i guess i expected too much from the movie… the book was hard to put down… it was exciting and interesting… sad to say, i couldn’t say the same for the movie… now i’m not a movie critic but i’ve seen so many movies, some of them i liked and more that i didn’t… i think if you’ve seen great low budget movies from unknown filmmakers (e.g. city of god, peppermint candy, old boy) you’d expect more from hollywood movies… but that is not always the case… plenty of times, you’d watch big-budgeted hollywood movies with your favorite stars and then you’ll realize most of them are just hype…
i don’t really have any issues with the contents of the movie or book eventhough i was baptized a Catholic, educated in Catholic schools and still think that i’m a Catholic even if i don’t regularly attend Mass… it’s just that the movie wasn’t as suspenseful as i expected from a director who gave us the Oscar-winning “a beautiful mind”… i found myself checking the time almost every ten minutes … oh well, i couldn’t help but gush at Audrey Tatou’s resemblance to Aiko Melendez or is it Hilda Koronel?… by the way, i wonder if i were the only one who noticed the shadow of a crouched man walking with what seems to be a camera at the part where the lower portion of the pyramid was shown near the ending… or did i just imagine it? hehehe…
hi! awesome site u got here!
haven’t seen the movie though
i wasnt that excited to see it
coz i really loved the book..
although i still plan to see it
hi! awesome site u got here!
haven’t seen the movie though
i wasnt that excited to see it
coz i really loved the book..
although i still plan to see it
hi! awesome site u got here!
haven’t seen the movie though
i wasnt that excited to see it
coz i really loved the book..
although i still plan to see it