Blog readability tag

The Blog Readability Test is now a tag!
***** Start Copy Here *****
1. Take the Readability Test for your blog(s) here.
2. Paste the result on your site.
3. Copy and paste this tag on your blog (make sure to include the links).
4. Add your link to this tag.
5. Tag as many friends / readers / victims as you want!
1. Read my Mind 2. joanjoyce 3. Buhay sa Korea 4. Apt 1014 5. add your link here
***** End Copy here *****
blog readability testTV Reviews
I’m tagging Technomad, Jasmine, Cher, Elliot, Pete, Haydee, Beena, Jade, Mye, idealpinkrose and Eden.


  1. I got Junior High School too! I like it when a blog – especially mine – is universally readable! ^^

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