A few days ago, I read a news article on the new teacher’s evaluation which will take effect in 2010. It says that unionized teachers in Korea are most likely to protest its implementation as it will affect their promotion. The evaluation is aimed at improving the quality of teaching at public schools.
In the news tonight are photos of a 9-year old grade 2 student who was punished by her teacher for getting a low grade. The bruises on her butt tell how hard the teacher hit her. The school, as expected, is trying to cover up or protect their dear teacher. The parents (and the people who care about the child and other children as well) are trying to get the story out through the internet. They are also planning to sue the teacher. I doubt though where it would lead but at least they’re not taking things lightly.
Physical “punishment” is an acceptable form of “discipline” in Korean schools. The schools, teachers and administrators need to update themselves. It’s the 21st century, not Chosun dynasty! Physical punishment especially to a 9-year old girl who could hardly defend herself is child abuse.
hell hath no fury if i am the mom of this student!
This is inhuman and insane :(:(
How a human can do this to other human , 🙁 What happened to that teacher now? Any updates please?
i agree with wendy….i don’t know what the hell i can do to that teacher if that will happen to my child.
chers last blog post..7 random facts about me~
Wow! She was hit real hard to get that extensive bruising. They still believe in corporal punishment?
edens last blog post..I got tagged! 7 Facts about me
this explains all the cruelty and punishment shown in school-related korean movies…is this teacher related to jake cuenca? or mike tyson?^^
hi there.I’m new here to your page. Sorry to hear about this post. This is so inhuman. I bet that teacher has some mental issues or something??? She is not suppose to remain in her post after what she did to this poor kid. (sigh!)
so absurd! it’s not the best way to encourage children to learn and aim high.. they might even get traumatic with it and never want to go to school anymore.. such a cruel teacher.. X(
crissys last blog post..2008 Miss Earth @ Puerto Princesa, Palawan
Whatever the reason, this is way too much.
What kind of school is that?
And I start to wonder, what are actually being taught over there?