I was at the post office this afternoon, sending a package The Face Shop mask sheets to Singapore, when YTN news announced that Former President Kim Dae Jung passed away at 1:43PM. This is almost not surprising since he’d been in the hospital for the past month or so.
Is it true that everything happens in threes? Last May, Former President Roh Moo Hyun died of suicide. Early this month, the Philippines Former President Corazon Aquino succumbed to cancer. And today… What do these Former Presidents have in common? They all fought for democracy.
Last June, my husband told me that Former President Kim Dae Jung was saddened by the death of the King of Pop – Michael Jackson. The latter had been loved by Koreans and is a big donor to charities here. He also attended the Former President’s inauguration in 1998. Former President Corazon Aquino was also in that inauguration.
DJ, as the Former President had been fondly called, was 85 years old. What a colorful and meaningful life he had lived!
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speaking of suicides, it’s kinda’ alarming that there’s a growing number of korean celebrities that commits suicide. I think that the public or media should pay attention to this very important issue.
I am not quite sure if this behaviour has something to do with their culture, but surely it’s very alarming. Now I’m beginning to think on how difficult life is for this celebs? What are we to do to help them? What role does media should play to help them be aware of the consequences of this action? How can the people around them help them deal with their depression/life/problem?
It’s very sad that most of the celebs that left us are the most promising ones and the best actors and actresses of our generation and i definitely missed them…a lot.
I am hoping and praying that there will be no more next celebrity that will commit suicide…let’s celebrate life for it’s too beautiful for us to cut it short…
.-= rowie´s last blog ..PUA Summit Preview Call W/ Vince Kelvin, Adam Lyons, Hypnotica, Asian Playboy, and David Wygant =-.
Is it true that everything happens in threes? Last May, Former President Roh Moo Hyun died of suicide. Early this month, the Philippines Former President Corazon Aquino succumbed to cancer. And today… What do these Former Presidents have in common? They all fought for democracy.
Ate Betchay, I thought the same thing actually when I came home late at night from my classes and heard the news. I felt like these leaders who fought democracy died by fate on the same year.
May they rest in peace!
.-= Nhemskie´s last blog ..Three Bear Family’s New Hair Style =-.
What does former south korean president DJ’s death have to do with celebrity suicides? Be considerate to write your piece where it outta be which is in celebrity suicide forum. Stick with the topic and show condolences you weirdo.
RIP President DJ
hello??? that’s why I said “SPEAKING OF…” you stupid moron! LMAO!!!
Regardless of what you said, while everyone else here is paying respect by giving condolences, you alone are rambling about “depression, life problems, celebrity suicides”. Do you have any sanity to see that you’re way off track? This article is about former president’s death with a little tribute and nothing more bar none. Read the article, leave a message of condolences if you like, and then leave. KISS= Keep It Simple Stupid! I didn’t mean to shatter your ego, just trying to help you out that’s all.
“I didn’t mean to shatter your ego, just trying to help you out that’s all.” = HELP??? ahhhh your so sweeeeet XD….thanks but no thanks and I am not asking for your help stupid ass*#@%!!!
And as far as i know I did not say anything that is disrespectful to anyone in this forum. It is YOU who doesn’t know how to respect other people’s opinion.
And puhlease! you don’t have any right to tell me what to do or what to say. And if you don’t have anything good to say, then better shut your fucking mouth up! it seems that your mouth is bigger than your ass! LMFAO! XD
When did I tell you what to do? I said you can be more considerate in staying afloat within the topic. Your response that comes with foul filthy language shows your true colors. How old are you? 14? Even a 14 year old would have better choice of words to respond than you that’s if he/she is properly educated by thy parents. As they say, you are the product of your parents. Such a shame!
Btw, I also agree with Arvinsign. Mooohahahaha!
i was able to watched it yesterday in kbs world (via sky cable), my condolences to his family..
@ yaminoshuuen
Maybe you are confused with Kim Dae Jung as Roh Moo-hyun?
and btw i think pacman is right.. 🙂
@ Betchay
“Is it true that everything happens in threes? “– No, and im sure you intended the question to be rhetorical 🙂
@ Nhemsky
“I felt like these leaders who fought democracy died by FATE on the same year”
— Are you serious??? either you are an astrologer or simply ignorant
RIP kdj
I am not confused and I know who they are. If you will read it again, what i said is “SPEAKING OF SUICIDE” Since Betchay wrote:
“Is it true that everything happens in threes? Last May, FORMER PRESIDENT ROH MOO HYUN DIED OF SUICIDE. Early this month, the Philippines Former President Corazon Aquino succumbed to cancer. And today… What do these Former Presidents have in common? They all fought for democracy.”
I’m just giving out my piece and sorry if you’re brain is having a hardtime understanding what I said…peace out!
Im not insisting that you are confused, im just asking if you are. When i said pacman is right, i mean that because you are off topic.
“I’m just giving out my piece and sorry if you’re brain is having a hardtime understanding what I said…peace out!”
— Any sane and thinking person will have a hard time understanding any comments/opinions that is wrong, baseless and unsubstantiated . Thats a fact. Your comments about suicides among celebrities (which concerns you very much and is off topic btw) is pathetic and is a sure laughingstock of thinking people. You have the right to express your delusional opinions, and i do also have the right to state mine.
— One thing is sure about you (based on your first comment), either you are MORE concerned about the life of your favorite korean showbiz celebrities than historical celebrities like KDJ (Nobel Peace Laureate) OR you dont know anything about history particularly Korea’s affairs, hence you undermined the importance of the death of someone historically important (dont tell me you do know anything about it, or you will regret it).
(dont tell me you do know anything about it, or you will regret it)
~ this is so mean. What the hell is wrong with you arvinsign? Everyone here knows you’re smart and well-educated, you don’t have to rub it to our faces. But you are mean and arrogant, and you don’t let anything pass your scrutiny. That’s why I don’t visit this site as often as before, I’m getting tired of reading your mean, hurtful, and sarcastic witticism (at first it was entertaining, then it became annoying). This doesn’t just apply to you, but to others who seem to be following your footstep, who loves to trash other people and calling them stupid, moron, ignorant, and their thoughts delusional. I find this attitude utterly repulsive. Has tact or manners become such a burden? I don’t think anyone would be eager to visit this blog with this display of impudence. And please don’t tell me about freedom of speech BS cause I swear I’m gonna lose it!
I’m not gonna post any more comments here so save your badmouthing to someone else.