Yeosu Expo 2012: Expo Digital Gallery

There are five gates that one can enter to go to the Expo site. We used the Gate 3, located near the KTX Station and Press Parking. Just a few meters from the entrance, one would see the Expo Digital Gallery covering the main walkway of the International Pavilion. It’s a long canopy with LED screen.

As seen a few meters upon entering Gate 3.

I took the picture above before 9 o’clock, which was the opening of the Expo. Nothing was displayed on the ceiling yet. Here is what was displayed at 9:03 AM:
A panaromic underwater scene

The first thing that came out from my mouth was: Ohhhh! It was a dynamic display with swimming fish and later on, the Korean flag was shown on the screen:
The huge LCD screen enthralls visitors.

The display is even more inviting in the evening. The whale on the screen is a photomosaic of people.
The EDG is more colorful at night!

Don’t forget to pose with Yeony and Suny, the Expo’s mascots, located just at the entrance (or the end) of the EDG.
Posing with Yeony and Suny

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