KOIMA's Multicultural Families Day

Two days before Seollal or the Lunar New Year, I got invited to KOIMA’s Multicultural Families Day. KOIMA is Korea Importers Association and it is composed of businesses involved in importing raw materials and finished goods all over the world. Holding the “Multicultural Families Day” is one of the organization’s way of giving back to the society.

The venue before the guests started coming.
The venue before the guests started coming.

The Multicultural Families Day was held on January 28th from 6:30 ~ 8:30 PM in Seoul. Among those who came were the Ambassadors of the Philippines and Vietnam and the officers of KOIMA. The two Ambassadors and the President of the organization gave short speeches. There was a short video presentation about the association. After the short program came dinner. A band performed while we had dinner and we also had fun answering quiz questions. A few of the guests performed impromptu song numbers. The most applauded was a Vietnamese who sang a Korean song. She was good and the crowd asked for an encore but she said she only prepared to sing one song.
In attendance were expats from the Philippines and Vietnam...
In attendance were expats from the Philippines and Vietnam…

All in all, it was fun. We had a free dinner and we got to spend time with other multicultural families. The kids were given 10,000 won worth of international calling cards, while the adults went home with a gift set of toiletries and a scarf.
Aside from the delicious dinner, I also went home with this...
Aside from the delicious dinner, I also went home with this…

Thank you KOIMA for a wonderful night ;p

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