Inviting Filipino Women in Korea

This is an invitation for Filipino women in Korea.
Special Gift: Free Cosmetics or cash worth 30,000 won!
Sookmyung Women’s University Food and Nutrition Department is conducting a research study.
WHAT: Filipino Women’s Study
WHO: To all Filipino women married to Korean men (divorced or separated from Korean husband can still join)
WHEN: February 23, 2014 (Sunday)
March 2, 2014 (Sunday)
March 9, 2014 (Sunday)
March 16, 2014 (Sunday)
From 8:00 A.M in the morning till 12 noon.
Note: You can choose the most convenient date for you to come. You only need to participate one Sunday.
WHERE: At Hanyang University Guri hospital

Map to Hanyang University Hospital in Guri
Map to Hanyang University Hospital in Guri

HOW: Your expected time of commitment for this study is around two hours. Questions are related to your health in general and small blood sample will be collected. We would like to ask the interested participants, if possible to fast 8 hours before the interview.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the health status of Filipino women married to Korean men and their children. We are concern of the very limited information available. Results from this work will be presented in scientific journal and the mainstream press and information will help shape national and international health guidelines. Furthermore, recommendations will in turn be given to better improve the health of Filipino women and their children.
If interested please contact GRACE P. ABRIS (010-4780-6590) or Sherlyn Mae Provido. (010-2372-1029). You may pass this information to your officemates/coworkers, friends, neighbors and other women whom you think would be interested to participate. Your participation in this research will be greatly appreciated.

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