To me, Korea is… video contest!

Remember the “I love Korea because…” video contest held two years ago? Here’s the follow-up to that contest…

“To me, Korea is…”

video contest ~ presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Arirang TV channel
The contest runs from April 1 to May 31, 2014, while the announcement of winners is on July 14, 2014.
How to join the contest?
1 ~ Make a 3 minute video
2 ~ Upload to Youtube or other video-sharing site
3 ~ Register and join your entry!
What’s the topic?
Just complete the sentence… “To me, Korea is…” and show it through the 3-minute video.
Watch the videos of

“I love Korea because…” contest winners

to get some ideas.
What can “we” win?
The grand prize is a Kia Morning! Gold prize is an LG laptop, silver prizes (3) are Samsung tablet PCs and more. There will be a total of 100 winners! Oh wow! I hope to get at least a USB for the effort 😀
Are you ready to join the “To me, Korea is… ” video contest?
Visit the contest site for rules and registration. I hope that there will be a Filipino major prize winner.
“To me, Korea is…” ~ oh I have an idea but I don’t know if I could make a video!

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