This topic is all about the common greetings we use every day in Korea. Remember that in Korean, there are three levels of politeness. First is 높임말 (nop-im-mal) which is honorific polite and is used mainly when talking to older people or of people with higher status. Next is 존댓말 (jon-de-mal) which is polite and we can use this when talking to our colleagues at work or people who are slightly older. The last one is 반말 (ban-mal) and this can only be used to younger folks that we know. Never use 반말 at work as it is deemed impolite. Never be impolite when talking to people as it is disrespectful.
Listening & Speaking
Listen and repeat what the speaker is saying. This is to improve your pronunciation. The following images below have romanization. You may practice with romanization at first, BUT make sure not to look at them later to improve your reading ability.