Banana heart in freezing Seoul

We had a really cold weekend. We planned to visit Lotte World on Sunday but the -17.6 degree Celsius in the morning made us decide to just stay home. On Saturday night, the temperature was -16 but the real feeling was -26. It was just like being in the freezer — it was really cold eventhough I was wearing a goose down jacket when we visited my SIL that night.
My family stayed home the whole Sunday, and we were not alone. I bet most Seoulites opted to “hibernate” this weekend. I spent the whole day organizing the tax on my start-up biz. It wasn’t easy since everything was in Korean. It took me seven hours with a couple of minutes break to finish everything. Thankfully, my husband was patient enough to answer all my queries.
Anyway, as I was also organizing my external hard drive I saw this picture I took last month at the Children’s Grand Park Botanical Garden. It’s the heart of a banana tree. We used to have three banana trees at our home in Angeles City and it was a delight seeing the hearts bud and turn to real bananas.

Banana heart at the Children's Grand Park in Seoul

Seeing the banana heart, made me wish for one of my favorite Filipino dishes… “sisig na puso ng saging“. This was taken on my 2007 vacation back home.
Sisig na puso ng saging


  1. hi,
    why dont you share with some good korean recipes that are easy and effortless to do. imho – it’d be much appreciated by all

  2. Looks yummy :)….banana heart with coconut milk is also
    one of the best dishes.

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