meeting other foreign wives

saturday afternoon i met some foreign wives who are members of ISKA Korea… it’s an organization for foreign spouses of koreans…
i was a bit late… the meeting time was 5pm at the lobby of Hamilton Hotel but i arrived at 520pm… why? because i had to cook spaghetti sauce! πŸ˜€
anyway, when i got to the place there were just a few people… Rowena, Patricia (British Indian) and husband Jesse, Misumi (not sure about her name, Indian too), Ben (Indian), and MinJeong (Korean)… as we waited for a few more people to come, I chatted with Jesse… he’s Korean but living in London… he’s been married to his wife Patricia (she’s got a really crisp British accent) for 5 years but no kids yet… at 530pm when nobody else came, we decided to proceed to Gecko’s Garden… we have a reservation but we did not proceed there because it was kinda dark… so we thought of moving instead to the garden but it was too hot there… we just decided to sit near entrance… it’s a cute place, airy and with lots of greens!
so we just ordered some drinks since not a lot of them are hungry anyway… i had a lemon iced tea for 4,000 won (plus service charge and VAT)… after a couple of minutes, Rona came with her son (Sean) and stepdaughter… she’s friendly… she’s an American who’s been living here for more than eight years now… married to a korean too… she’s from Los Angeles and she’s currently training government teachers…
we just talked there and drank… after more than a hour, we decided it was time to go… so we said goodbye to Rona and her kids and MinJeong too… the rest went to an Indian grocery store… it smelled so good… there were sooo many spices and the prices are very reasonable! i didn’t buy anything though…
then we headed out… and said goodbye to Ben, Patricia and her husband… Rowena, Misumi and I decided to check out some stores… and finally we went to a nice restaurant… Misumi and I shared the Thai Chicken pizza (really great!) and Garden Salad with French dressing… we talked about life in Korea… and what we think of Koreans…
at 930pm, it was time to go home… so we went to the subway and boarded a train πŸ˜€
and finally… home. i found my husband eating instant memil soba πŸ˜€


  1. Hi Rona,
    This is Karen Brown, I’m sure you remember me from a long time ago. I am not trying to scare you, but I wanted to give you an update on things that have occurred. There was a question I wanted to ask you, it is a long shot, but I am reaching out to everyone I’ve ever known to get a little advice. Can you e-mail me back and let me know if it is ok to contact you. This is my friend’s e-mail address.
    Thank you,

  2. Hi Rona,
    This is Karen Brown, I’m sure you remember me from a long time ago. I am not trying to scare you, but I wanted to give you an update on things that have occurred. There was a question I wanted to ask you, it is a long shot, but I am reaching out to everyone I’ve ever known to get a little advice. Can you e-mail me back and let me know if it is ok to contact you. This is my friend’s e-mail address.
    Thank you,

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