Root canal treatment… ouch!

One of my teeth started to hurt last Saturday. The pain was so unbearable that I didn’t think twice to go to my dentist on Monday afternoon. Unfortunately, his clinic is close as he’s on vacation. So I had to go to another dentist, this time at Lotte Castle. I had my husband with me to translate and talk to the dentist and his assistant. First thing that they did was to take a panoramic x-ray of my teeth. He was able to pinpoint immediately which tooth was hurting. Then he performed a root canal treatment! It wasn’t painful at all and it took less than an hour but we had to come back on Thursday afternoon.
The procedure done last Thursday was faster than the first one. He had a lot of patients that day so we came in about 20 minuters after the scheduled appointment. That time, he took off the cement that was placed last Monday. And boy, it hurt so much that I almost screamed! They put a temporary crown that will be replaced on Tuesday. Right now, the treatment restoration hurts. It feels like something is stuck between my teeth.
I paid 6,000 KRW (almost $6) for last Monday’s treatment and 8,000 KRW for last Thursday’s. The amount is 25% of the total cost since dental treatments are covered by the national insurance. The permanent crown is quite expensive though, at 260,000 KRW (almost $260). I was really planning to go home to the Philippines and have all my dental requirements done there. I just don’t have the time to do so.

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