poor little rich girl

Last week it was reported that the youngest daughter of Samsung’s chairman Mr. Lee Kun Hee died in a car accident in New York. Details of her death were not released and there was no police report on it. During the weekend, it was learned that the 26-yr-old Lee Yoon Hyung actually committed suicide. It left a lot of people confused. How can a young, pretty, educated and rich woman like her end her life?
There are reports speculating that she committed suicide due to depression over her family’s disapproval of her plans to marry her boyfriend. It would’ve been a braver act if she’d just defied her family’s wish and follow her heart. She had left a grieving family and a heartbroken boyfriend.
I don’t understand how depressed a person can be to kill herself. When I was in high school, one of my roommates cut herself on the wrist after it was proven that she’d been stealing from some students. I actually saw her almost lifeless body with all the dried up blood on her hand and on the floor when we forced open our room. She lived and attempted to kill herself two more times. She left the school and we never heard from her again.
I also have a classmate from high school who got married five years ago and was blessed with a baby boy. When her son was two years old, he died from pneumonia and her husband left her for another girl right after her son’s death. It has been two years ago since that happened to her. We recently talked and she said that she has thoughts of suicide everyday. The only thing stopping her from doing so is her fear of God. I so admire her for her strength and her faith when I never really thought she’s that strong.
When I hear of young people committing suicide in Korea, it makes me wonder why specially when their reasons for doing so aren’t that serious. And then I think about the Filipinos back home who’ve been experiencing so much bad luck with their lives but who never thought about ending their lives. Maybe because we’ve gone through so much in the Philippines that nothing shocks or depresses us anymore. Whereas a lot of the kids here are spoiled and had never really experienced hardships that simply failing in an exam drives them to suicide.
Samsung Chief’s Daughter Committed Suicide

  1. It is truly astonishing. I was once mentoring a young woman from Taiwan at work in New York. She was from a very rich family, very pretty and had all the accoutrements of a charmed, affluent life. Then I received a call that she commited suicide for reasons unknown. Took me some years to get over the grief.

  2. I so agree with the poster. Yeah life in the philippines is so depressing specially if you’re so poor. I’m in middle class but whenever I see kid beggars and other images you can think of a 3rd world country, I couldn’t help but cry. It’s so sad that this country is suffering so much and yet the people in position are too busy destroying each other. It’s even sadder or maybe irritating to see those rich, spoiled kids of affluent families do their wordly thing while most of their countrymen couldn’t eat anything..But regarding suicide, I think having fear of God really plays a part. I’ve had problems to myself and nope they’re not anything light at all, suicide attempts comes to mind but I couldn’t ever do it myself coz’ I respect God above all. I guess we Filipinos believe that there will always be tomorrow. 😉

  3. I ended up to this part of your blog…
    …and I read it, and I find it really disturbing how suicide seems to be a common thing in Korea.
    There are many suicide news as of late in Korea. I wish people would stop killing themselves just because of problems. I hope they strive to survive and be better instead of think that the problems are the end of things.
    Ladys last blog post..China to relax property restrictions

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poor little rich girl

Last week it was reported that the youngest daughter of Samsung’s chairman Mr. Lee Kun Hee died in a car accident in New York. Details of her death were not released and there was no police report on it. During the weekend, it was learned that the 26-yr-old Lee Yoon Hyung actually committed suicide. It left a lot of people confused. How can a young, pretty, educated and rich woman like her end her life?
There are reports speculating that she committed suicide due to depression over her family’s disapproval of her plans to marry her boyfriend. It would’ve been a braver act if she’d just defied her family’s wish and follow her heart. She had left a grieving family and a heartbroken boyfriend.
I don’t understand how depressed a person can be to kill herself. When I was in high school, one of my roommates cut herself on the wrist after it was proven that she’d been stealing from some students. I actually saw her almost lifeless body with all the dried up blood on her hand and on the floor when we forced open our room. She lived and attempted to kill herself two more times. She left the school and we never heard from her again.
I also have a classmate from high school who got married five years ago and was blessed with a baby boy. When her son was two years old, he died from pneumonia and her husband left her for another girl right after her son’s death. It has been two years ago since that happened to her. We recently talked and she said that she has thoughts of suicide everyday. The only thing stopping her from doing so is her fear of God. I so admire her for her strength and her faith when I never really thought she’s that strong.
When I hear of young people committing suicide in Korea, it makes me wonder why specially when their reasons for doing so aren’t that serious. And then I think about the Filipinos back home who’ve been experiencing so much bad luck with their lives but who never thought about ending their lives. Maybe because we’ve gone through so much in the Philippines that nothing shocks or depresses us anymore. Whereas a lot of the kids here are spoiled and had never really experienced hardships that simply failing in an exam drives them to suicide.
Samsung Chief’s Daughter Committed Suicide


  1. It is truly astonishing. I was once mentoring a young woman from Taiwan at work in New York. She was from a very rich family, very pretty and had all the accoutrements of a charmed, affluent life. Then I received a call that she commited suicide for reasons unknown. Took me some years to get over the grief.

  2. I so agree with the poster. Yeah life in the philippines is so depressing specially if you’re so poor. I’m in middle class but whenever I see kid beggars and other images you can think of a 3rd world country, I couldn’t help but cry. It’s so sad that this country is suffering so much and yet the people in position are too busy destroying each other. It’s even sadder or maybe irritating to see those rich, spoiled kids of affluent families do their wordly thing while most of their countrymen couldn’t eat anything..But regarding suicide, I think having fear of God really plays a part. I’ve had problems to myself and nope they’re not anything light at all, suicide attempts comes to mind but I couldn’t ever do it myself coz’ I respect God above all. I guess we Filipinos believe that there will always be tomorrow. 😉

  3. I ended up to this part of your blog…
    …and I read it, and I find it really disturbing how suicide seems to be a common thing in Korea.
    There are many suicide news as of late in Korea. I wish people would stop killing themselves just because of problems. I hope they strive to survive and be better instead of think that the problems are the end of things.
    Ladys last blog post..China to relax property restrictions

Leave a Reply

poor little rich girl

Last week it was reported that the youngest daughter of Samsung’s chairman Mr. Lee Kun Hee died in a car accident in New York. Details of her death were not released and there was no police report on it. During the weekend, it was learned that the 26-yr-old Lee Yoon Hyung actually committed suicide. It left a lot of people confused. How can a young, pretty, educated and rich woman like her end her life?
There are reports speculating that she committed suicide due to depression over her family’s disapproval of her plans to marry her boyfriend. It would’ve been a braver act if she’d just defied her family’s wish and follow her heart. She had left a grieving family and a heartbroken boyfriend.
I don’t understand how depressed a person can be to kill herself. When I was in high school, one of my roommates cut herself on the wrist after it was proven that she’d been stealing from some students. I actually saw her almost lifeless body with all the dried up blood on her hand and on the floor when we forced open our room. She lived and attempted to kill herself two more times. She left the school and we never heard from her again.
I also have a classmate from high school who got married five years ago and was blessed with a baby boy. When her son was two years old, he died from pneumonia and her husband left her for another girl right after her son’s death. It has been two years ago since that happened to her. We recently talked and she said that she has thoughts of suicide everyday. The only thing stopping her from doing so is her fear of God. I so admire her for her strength and her faith when I never really thought she’s that strong.
When I hear of young people committing suicide in Korea, it makes me wonder why specially when their reasons for doing so aren’t that serious. And then I think about the Filipinos back home who’ve been experiencing so much bad luck with their lives but who never thought about ending their lives. Maybe because we’ve gone through so much in the Philippines that nothing shocks or depresses us anymore. Whereas a lot of the kids here are spoiled and had never really experienced hardships that simply failing in an exam drives them to suicide.
Samsung Chief’s Daughter Committed Suicide

  1. It is truly astonishing. I was once mentoring a young woman from Taiwan at work in New York. She was from a very rich family, very pretty and had all the accoutrements of a charmed, affluent life. Then I received a call that she commited suicide for reasons unknown. Took me some years to get over the grief.

  2. I so agree with the poster. Yeah life in the philippines is so depressing specially if you’re so poor. I’m in middle class but whenever I see kid beggars and other images you can think of a 3rd world country, I couldn’t help but cry. It’s so sad that this country is suffering so much and yet the people in position are too busy destroying each other. It’s even sadder or maybe irritating to see those rich, spoiled kids of affluent families do their wordly thing while most of their countrymen couldn’t eat anything..But regarding suicide, I think having fear of God really plays a part. I’ve had problems to myself and nope they’re not anything light at all, suicide attempts comes to mind but I couldn’t ever do it myself coz’ I respect God above all. I guess we Filipinos believe that there will always be tomorrow. 😉

  3. I ended up to this part of your blog…
    …and I read it, and I find it really disturbing how suicide seems to be a common thing in Korea.
    There are many suicide news as of late in Korea. I wish people would stop killing themselves just because of problems. I hope they strive to survive and be better instead of think that the problems are the end of things.
    Ladys last blog post..China to relax property restrictions

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