Jang Dong Gun: screen quota protest

It’s on the news… Jang Dong Gun will stage a one-man-protest tomorrow, February 6, against the reduction of the screen quota.
Actor An Sung Gi braved the freezing cold last Saturday to start the one-man-protests while Park Jung Hun had his turn this afternoon.  It will be Jang Dong Gun’s on Monday and Choi Min Shik (of Old Boy) on Tuesday.
I wish I’m not busy tomorrow but I have some obligations to fulfill.  I would gladly join JDG on his protest!


  1. I am soo hooked on this actor(JDG) since All About Eve and have been searching for more infos on him and Chae Rim, whom I think one of the most beautiful women in the world. I’m from Denmark and US and I think Chae Rim is drop dead gorgeous, would love to see another movie of her and the HUNK Jang Dong Gun.

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