It’s on the news… Jang Dong Gun will stage a one-man-protest tomorrow, February 6, against the reduction of the screen quota.
Actor An Sung Gi braved the freezing cold last Saturday to start the one-man-protests while Park Jung Hun had his turn this afternoon. It will be Jang Dong Gun’s on Monday and Choi Min Shik (of Old Boy) on Tuesday.
I wish I’m not busy tomorrow but I have some obligations to fulfill. I would gladly join JDG on his protest!
I am soo hooked on this actor(JDG) since All About Eve and have been searching for more infos on him and Chae Rim, whom I think one of the most beautiful women in the world. I’m from Denmark and US and I think Chae Rim is drop dead gorgeous, would love to see another movie of her and the HUNK Jang Dong Gun.
hi, thank you for sharing all the info about JDG.
God bless us. Take care.