Pink Ribbon Marathon (with Jang Dong Gun and Kim Tae Hee)

Jang Dong Gun and Kim Tae Hee were at the Pink Ribbon Marathon in Busan City last April 20th. That day, my husband also joined a marathon called Inwangsan for the benefit of scholars in Jongro district. The former is for breast cancer research.
Busan City is a 5 hour drive south of Seoul. I’ve been there once in May 2004, four years ago. It’s the second biggest city in South Korea. HERA, the cosmetics company, sponsored the event. Jang Dong Gun and Kim Tae Hee are endorsers of the said brand that’s why their appearance. About 5,600 men and women joined the marathon.
I found exactly twenty-eight pictures of the said event in this blog from Daum. The page loads slowly because of the pictures so you need to be patient. If you want to save the pictures, better use Opera or Firefox.


  1. So did your husband finish? =P
    (btw, your blog design is changing as frequently as a pregrant woman’s emotions! They are all nice, though)

  2. ^^ he did finish the marathon… in 2 hours and 5 min which is just fine… he now wants to join other marathons…
    i think i’m sticking with this design until i could make my own 🙂
    i really like your blog’s design… and i like the content… feels like i’m reading a book

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