A UMPC and a cellphone

I am going to buy a UMPC and a cellphone in August — before school starts! I’ve been spending a lot of time since last month scouring gadget reviews as it’s always difficult for me to make decisions.
I’m very careful with my purchases. And I’m glad to say that the things I own usually last long than I expect. Examples are my almost half-a-decade old MP3 player or my more than half-a-decade old Ipaq 3630 that I still use as a PMP. Could it be that the gadget reviews are really reliable?
I’ve been reading the latest Reviews on Stuff.TV and I’m astounded by the number of new products available in the market. It’s just so overwhelming. Good thing, they have a Top 10 list of everything or else I wouldn’t have any time for anything else.


  1. I would suggest checking out other independent sites too not just the full-on commercial review sites such as Stuff, they sometimes tend to be biased in their reviews especially if they are reviewing their regular advertisers.
    Good choice on the UMPC, you’ll never regret it, just don’t expect to replace your desktop.
    Emils last blog post..Nukes no more!

  2. I rely so much on top 10 lists… I wanted a phone that had a good camera so I wouldn’t need to carry a camera, and so I looked for the top 10 multimedia phones. The first one was way too expensive, haha, so I opted for the next best.
    But ultimately, it is not what you have, but how you use it!

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