Park Tae Hwan got the gold!

The Men’s 400-meter freestyle had just finished and Park Tae Hwan got the gold! He timed at 3:41.36 besting other competitors like Australia’s Grant Hacket and USA’s Larsen Jensen. China’s Zhang Lin got the silver while Larsen won the bronze. Think gold Park Tae Hwan!
The anchors are out of breath (and they just might need a portable oxygen concentrator). Those ajosshis (old men) were screaming like agasshis (unmarried women)!
Park Tae Hwan’s SK Telecom CF – Think gold!


  1. Congrats Betchay,your adopted country beat the dominant countries in this event.Good job SoKor,(JDG country).

  2. Oh wow~
    Korea’s doing good! 🙂
    BUT, i’m still hoping for TEAM PHILIPPINES to bring home some GOLD!!
    필리핀 화이팅!
    태한민국 화이팅!

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