RP's Mark Javier, eliminated

I just finished watching the 1/32 elimination in individual men’s archery between Mark Javier and his Taiwanese competitor. The score was tie until the 11th game when the Taiwanese shot a bull’s eyes and Mark, an 8. I couldn’t believe I was watching a game featuring one of my countrymen on Korean television! There has been some complaints for foreigners here regarding the Olympics coverage as being Korea-centered, which IMO should be expected.
Anyway, I’m sad about Mark’s lost but he gave a good fight and we’re proud him.


  1. hello betchay… sad but true, sana nga magkaroon ng kahit isang gold ang pilipinas. buti pa nga ang Korea meron na diba? anwyays, let’s all hope for the best for all the athletes. have a good day! hugs

  2. Hello Kuya Mark!
    Although the battle was so fierce, you got the 1st place in Xian, China which made you qualify for the OLYMPIC. The fact that you played in the ULTIMATE COMPETITION OF THE WORLD or “OLYMPIC” makes you a WINNER already. The Olympic was a meeting of TOP atlethes from different countries all over the world. It was the battle among the BEST of the BEST.
    We are still very proud of you! ^.^
    With your pratice and our prayers, you can bring home the GOLD someday!
    The Philipines awaits…
    Your sis,
    Maria Theresa Javier 🙂

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