Non-native English teachers to be allowed in Korea

The Korean government will soon open its doors in hiring non-native English speakers to teach English in Korea, according to a recent Korea Times article. Good news for those who wish to come here to teach.

“Only foreigners whose countries have trade agreements with Korea can apply for the positions. These include India, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines,”
Requirements for the non-native teachers, however, will be much stricter than those for native speakers. Non-native speakers have to hold a bachelor’s degree or above in English studies and teaching licenses from their countries.
From Non-natives can become English teachers

They just didn’t post exactly when they are going to hire but it seems that it would be for the school year 2009. The SMOE (Seoul’s education office) has all its English positions filled up for the first semester of the school year. I’m not sure with the GEPIK and EPIK programs.
Only those with English majors in Education who have teaching licenses will be allowed to teach in Korea. I’m not so positive about this requirement as I know some people who are not licensed teachers but are as well qualified in the practical sense to teach the language. Anyway, let’s wait and see when the government will officially open its doors.


  1. That’s cool…atleast they opened the doors for Filipnos to teach in Korea. Anyways, English Teachers here in Vietnam pays good, and they don’t have restrictions, requirement is just you know proper English, whether what Nationality are you is cool…they pay better for those with license though, $25 USD for non-license is good for me ($35 USD with License).
    Lyndsays last blog post..How to Tell if a Guy is a Player?

    1. hi miss lyndsay, i’ve read your
      post about english teachers in
      vietnam. can you please help me
      find a possible english job
      in vietnam..

  2. The sad thing is that we see so many native speaking English teachers simply taking advantage of Korean kids’ parents, who believe that the teachers hold the key to a great university.
    As for me, this is a positive thing, seeing the requirements for the non-native speaking teachers are solid.

  3. that’s a good news. i wonder where i’ve been all this time when the fight for us non-native speakers to teach had begun.
    and we can finally prove that those native speakers don’t always know what they’re teaching like we do. i have seen native speakers make mistakes, and nobody noticed nor cared because AGAIN: native speakers.
    it’s high time we make our mark.

  4. It sure has opened door for Filipnos to teach in Korea, but in Korea, still the look still counts. They tend to prefer “American looking” teachers, whether they are qualified or not, over qualified “non-American looking” teachers. I have even met many Europeans teaching English in Korea, because they have the American looks. As they say “Educated customers are the best customers”.

  5. ^^how about those who have excellent english ability, and with 2 years experience in teaching english… but university undergraduate ??

    1. if you’re an undergraduate native speaker, the TALK program may be for you
      if you’re naturalized Korean, you can work in a hagwon (private language school) even if you haven’t finish college

  6. “Requirements for the non-native teachers, however, will be much stricter than those for native speakers. Non-native speakers have to hold a bachelor’s degree or above in English studies and teaching licenses from their countries”
    Why are you guys being so negative? Think positively like this, that this is actually a good chance to show that Phillipines have better quality teachers because as strict as the qualification goes, Phillipino teachers will be better qualified than native teachers. just a thought

    1. What are you talking about? The statement doesn’t have the connection with your comment.
      Yeah, we are all positive because Filipinos aiming to teach in Korea were licensed and have their bachelors degree. tsk tsk.
      But you need to know this, Philippine teachers here are often discriminated because of the fact that most Filipinas married to Korean, who happened to be undergraduate and don’t have a degree in education, are teaching in some hagwons and schools.

  7. cherryblossom, i really dont know whats there in korea but i kinda imagine what your talking about..i guess if your not really into english & your english knowledge is not above average, then i suggest dont dream of teaching english or get more credentials again! not a grammar puris, but i do believe that command of the english language is very important in teaching english..grammar is just actually part of it..also, if you dont have any skills in classroom management, then you might as well not teach..traditional classroom set up most of us Pinoys grew with might not work with the new generation..especially if your experience is just from the public not saying our public school has low quality teaching, but there are more dynamic methods in handling a class that might not be present in our public schools..WE CANT REALLY PREVENT WHAT OTHERS PERCEIVE ABOUT FILIPINOS, BUT I BELIEVE WE CAN DO SOMETHING TO IMPROVE WITHIN OURSELVES..

  8. This could trigger the exodus of good English Teachers from Philippines to Korea, in effect, the country will suffer once again on a brain drain dilemma.
    On the other hand, it maybe better for these teachers rather than becoming a Domestic Helper in other countries.

  9. cherryblossom, so are you teaching in Korea right now? You could use some formal grammar training. Your structurally incorrect sentences are giving me eyesore. Go read a grammar book before you say those harsh things. Don’t ever think you’re better than the rest of them, truth is, YOU ARE ONE OF THEM.

    1. No, I’m not teaching and no plans either… I am an exchange student… I’ll be back in the Philippines next month. Sorry for my incorrect grammar.

      1. Hi, how did you become part of an exchange program? could you help me too how to inquire about it coz I want to go to Korea. thanks

  10. little bee/cherryblossom Sorry, I didn’t mean to be unnecessarily harsh. Goodluck!

  11. Little bee
    Hi, how did you become part of an exchange program? could you help me too how to inquire about it coz I want to go to Korea. thanks

  12. Little bee
    Hi, how did you become part of an exchange program? could you help me too how to inquire about it coz I want to go to Korea. thanks
    I wish you could help me.

  13. hello,
    i was wondering if germans can get a teaching job and where?currently im teaching at an international kindergarten in vietnam, for the past 3 years, but i would like to teach in korea. i dont have a teaching degree ( got a bachelor of arts) but great references from my current employer and i used to work in america for 61/2 years, also with children. i really enjoy working with young ages.
    any ideas??? thank you so much…

  14. Hi Miss Lyn!!!! I’ve read your comments and ou’re now in Vietnam, could u do me a favor of sending me mail. I’d be interested to go to Vietnam rather than going to Korea. I’m not a Licence teacher also because I’m gradaute of management but i taught ESL to Korean students in the Philippines for three years before I come here to Saudi Arabia. My contract here is almost finished and I’m planning not to comeback and pursue my career in ESL teaching. Hope to hearing from you soon. Mail me

  15. hello britta… good to here that u r teaching in kindergarten. i’m also teaching in kinder here in korea for almost 3 years…it’s fun to teach here…you can apply in if u want to work here in korea.

  16. … funnily enough, i seem to be noticing more inconsistencies here.
    i’m currently taking this crash course teaching kids, and if GRAMMAR or not having a good command in English can land anybody a job in kindergarten… then we’re screwed.
    i said on my last post here it’s high time we make our mark. i never thought NOR imagined that THAT particular mark would be a disaster in the making.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..i changed her oil, she changed my life! =-.

  17. I recon only Filipinos married to Korean nationals are allowed to teach in Korea then? I am going to Korea next month with a family dependent visa (I’m married to an E2 visa holder)and I want to know if I can teach as well. Under the benefits and privileges, working is not included unless maybe It’s done discreetly:-p.

  18. Hi!
    1 of the University in Korea hired me as Teacher/manager of University English zone,and im waiting for the doc by Nov it possible to work there?pls advice me what to do next b4 the doc will arrive.

  19. Hi!
    1 of the University in Korea hired me as Teacher/manager of University English zone,and im waiting for the doc by Nov it possible to work there?pls advice me what to do next b4 the doc will arrive.

  20. you’re so lucky! you’ve got the chance to explore and wonder korea’s most famous places! how I wish I can also go there in the future..(sigh)
    I really like to know all about korea..wish I have a chance in the near future…
    just sharing my thoughts and dreams..hehehe

  21. I would like to teach in Korea effective February 2010. I finished Bachelor of Arts major in English and minor in Science 1987; Master of Arts in Educational Administration, 2000; Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language, 2007; Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration and Supervision.I been teaching English subjects for 21 years now in the following schools: CAGAYAN DE ORO COLLEGE PHINMA EDUCATION NETWORK , 21 years; GOLDEN HERITAGE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, 1 year; MISAMIS ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 1 year.
    I will be very fortunate given the chance to teach there in your beautiful country.

  22. To all dreamers of teaching English to Korea:
    Stop dreaming! It will never happened for Filipino English teacher to be hired in South Korea as long as Hon. Luis ( Phils. ambassador to SK) is in the office.
    Or even if it changed to another ambassador… it will not ever happened.
    Our government was the one don’t want to pursue for SK open their door for teachers. You’re just wasting your time of dreaming and waiting.
    Therefore, if there will be somebody will tell you or offers you, like asking you to be trained to speak Hangeul for possible teaching job in SK legally… don’t believe.
    It is just a false hope!!!

  23. i am a teacher of English in Sri lanka. now I have been working as a teacher trainer. I have the national diploma in teaching Engliah- 3 yr full time, National diploma in English 2 yr full time, B.A. in English, Post graduate diploma in teaching English as a second language, Masters in linguistics, and teacher training programme followed in EFLU india. can you help me to work in korea as a teacher. please

    1. Hi Jenny! Since last year, the Korean government have been inviting teachers from India to teach at public schools. No news yet about teachers from the Philippines, but many the government will not be hiring native teachers for high school and middle school beginning next year. They will just employ Korean teachers.

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