Teaching English to Koreans online

We already know how English-crazy Koreans are and we’re also aware that Filipinos can’t teach legally in Korea. We also know that hundreds of thousands of Koreans travel to the Philippines every year to immerse themselves in English. In fact, I met my husband while he was trying to do the same.
While Filipinos can’t still come to Korea and teach English legally (F-2-1 visa holders are allowed to hold jobs but the immigration still forbids Philippine passport holders to teach English although some private schools are oblivious to this), they can always teach Koreans from the comfort of their homes through online teaching.
I’ve been asked several times by Filipino English teachers to help them find students for their online teaching. There’s a website popular among Korean students and Filipino teachers alike. It’s called ONTUE and it’s where teachers and students meet. I browsed through the job offers and I’d just say that the students are getting a bargain since private tutoring in Korea starts at 25,000 won an hour.
There is a list of teachers with videos and recorded messages. I think the site could be a good source to earn extra income for some just like a home business. Not for me, though I’m still trying to get a part-time job since I quit my hagwon job last week.


  1. hi te betch.i’ve checked the site.the salaries offered are quite low,compared to other online English teaching. but if the teachers are in the Philippines, where the cost of living is not that expensive as Korea, i think it’s reasonable.I’m teaching english online as my partime job, and i could say, it pays better. Yun nga lang I’m tired of faking my identity as an American, but i have to keep it up since its the policy of the company.

    1. Hi Ms.Anne I would like to ask how can i apply as an online english teacher to koreans.Can you give me some company websites so i could apply too.Thank You.

      1. hi Ms. i’m very much interested to teach english to the koreans.please tell me how to apply as an online teacher for koreans…tnx

        1. Hi, good day to you,
          I am Zoraida Villaflor from the philippines,particularly in Cebu City, i am a college graduate and working in the Stock Market for 20 years, i would like to apply as an online english teacher, please help me.
          Thank you.
          Truly yours,
          zoraida villaflor

    2. Hi miss Anne, Can you help me or advice me how can i have a client or accademy where i can teach as an online english teacher, as of now I used to teach as a substitute teacher and maybe you could hire me too or maybe help me as well.
      Ryan Fijer

    3. hi, can you please give me referrals where I can apply for an on-line teaching job? I am looking for a part time job, preferable teaching english on-line. i hope you can help me out. my mobile number is 09177242376. thanks

      1. Hi Ms. Giselle,
        I know a site where you can teach online English. Just email me and I will give you details about it. By the way, I am currently working for that company. I just want to help.

        1. Hi Michelle! i’m very much interested to teach English online..if you could also help me..thanks in advance!

        2. Hi Michelle! I’m interested in teaching English online as well but on a part-time status only. Can you still refer me to the site? I’m a licensed secondary school teacher though I don’t really get to practice the profession. Would appreciate assistance. Thanks!

          1. Hi ma’am. I’m looking for a job preferably Korean English tutor. I’d been teaching Korean regular students for almost 2 years. I’m looking for an online job..I’m willing to be interviewed at your convenient time. Hope for your positive response. Attach herewith is my mobile number:639486089927 I can be reach anytime. Thank you.

          2. Hi Ms. Michelle,
            Do they still have openings for Online English teacher? I am interested may I know how do I go about it?

        3. Hello Ms. Michelle,
          May i know what site where you can teach online? I hope to hear more details from you. Thanks.

          1. I m a MA student, I have a research about websites which are teaching English, that if teaching English through Internet dose work well or not.so, I prepare a questionnaire, could u fill it for me please?

        4. HI,Michelle can you please give me some refferrals for online English teaching. I am very interested in that even I am trying it from many days but not getting proper link. So please would you like to help me out.

        5. Hello Ms. Michelle,
          May I know what company you are working with? Do they do homebased online teaching? I am currently in the states and bored of doing nothing and staying home 24/7… I am thinking of working online. I experienced teaching English online when I was still in the Philippines..

        6. Hi ms. michelle may I know where and how I may teach online??What is the website?Please help me.Kindly email me….

        7. hi michelle can you pm me also those sites…I hope it is legal. I am working as an online teacher to but I want to have a home based one..Thanks a lot God bless

        8. hi ms michelle, i am interested too on tutoring koreans in english language. since i am a new graduate and currently hunting for online jobs, i graduated BS Nursing and not yet employed in a hospital. could you please help me? thanks a lot. you can contact me at this email address, emilie_0430@yahoo.com

        9. Hi Ms. Michelle,
          I am also interested to teach english oline. Can you also share to me the site you mentioned? I am currently looking for a part time job. Thank you!

        10. hi miss michelle..i saw ur post here kya nag try aq to send u a msg..im now living here in busan with my fiancee..im really bored so im trying to look for a job..i want t try sana teaching online..can u give me the details about it?
          thanks..have a nice day

        11. hi michelle,
          am currently looking for online part time job.just saw your message in dis site.cn you pls send me the details of the company ur working wid.tnx so much…more blessings to you

        12. HI po 🙂
          I have been teaching online for 3 years now. But I decided to quit the company I was working for because of the location, so I decided to work at home. Can you help me with the clients? I can teach English to Japanese, Russian, Chinese and Koreans.
          this is my email: miserychick25@gmail.com
          skype id: karen.aizon

        13. Hello, Ms. Michelle! I’m desperately in need of a job. Can you please email me details about the company where you currently work for? Thank you so much, Ms. Michelle!

        14. hi can you also help to find a part time job like teaching English online i am 20 year old nursing student but i am in ireg. schedule will you please help. pls contact me at this num 091666680467 tnx po

        15. hi michelle, can I also have a copy of the details for the online teaching job. Im interested as well. Thank You!

        16. Mich. Can you forward the website so that i can start online English.
          Thank you.
          Rolly Boctir

        17. hi, im interested in teaching english online.. i recently got married and i need extra income.. thank you.. 09274830905

        18. Hi Michelle,
          I’ve spent a lot of time looking for an online tutorial job.
          I am a mom so I want to work at home. I’ve been a tutor for grade school students for a year and I had quite good remarks. Can you help me too? I will really appreciate it if you email me for instructions. jhingkhay18@yahoo.com. This is my email add. Please contact me soon. Thank you so much!

        19. Hi Ma’am,
          I’m Anna, a licensed teacher and currently working as a proofreader. I’m interested to work as a part time online english tutor to koreans during my vacant hours in the morning. Pls. help me. My contact number is 09084777867. thank you very much in advance.

        20. Hi there, I am very much interested to find a good company for an online tutorial.I hope you can help me out.
          thank you and more power.

        21. hi michelle i am looking online teaching. i am willing to teach english because i need an extra income..really need your help

        22. Hi,
          I would like to teach English online to Koreans. Do you know how can i apply for that? Thanks a lot.

        23. i want know also your job.. i want to have my profit in teaching english to koreans. please tell me.. i want to have it so that i can continue my study 🙁

        24. Hello..I’m maria..please I am also desperate to find a job.. I heard about this fro my friends..But I don’t know where to start and how to apply..

        25. Hello Michelle! I am also interested about the site where you are currently teaching. Can you Please give me details/point me the website?
          Thanks in advance!

        26. Hi Michelle!
          I am also interested to join in your present company..Kindly give me some details how to apply?
          thank you so much..

        27. I’m a U.S. Citizen, and I’m interested in teaching English on-line to Korean Students. Can you give me a site to apply to be on-line Englisw instructor.
          Thank You,
          Robert Fabian

        28. Hello, I am so thankful you were able to reach out to help. I am trying to find a teaching position and its ok if its a few days a week. My son actually went to Korea to teach, now he is looking into law school. I have a masters in Health care management. Undergraduate B.S. also a minor in history, Sociology major. I certainly would like to earn a income that would also be rewarding in helping others. Please assist me in finding a opportunity thanks again. Sheryl D. Armstrong

        29. hi Michelle,I’m interested also of teaching English to Koreans online as part timer since i have lots of vacant hours as of now , can you help me too regarding this matter on where i can apply???tnx.here’s my email add – baby_cel143@yahoo.com

    4. hi.. i am a college student and i am looking for a part time job. can you please send me any contact info of the company you are working for?

      1. Hi! I am very much interested to teach English on-line to Korean students. How do I do about this? Please help. I am 32 years old, female, I graduated from Miriam College with the degree of Bachelor of Arts Business Administration. I am currently working in ortigas as a Credit and Collection analyst but I would really love to teach and of course earn extra income. My number is 09236346579

    5. hi anne, are u still teaching online? let me know or anyone you know who is interested. we have an online english school and we urgently need an online english teacher, 120pesos/hour to start on Monday. please add us on skype so we can talk about it 🙂
      Skype ID: johnsoneslinstitute
      thanks, Karen

      1. hi ms karen! how do i apply? i am interested.. and where is your office located? i’ve been working as an online english teacher for koreans for 2 years now.. hope to hear from you

      2. Hi,,I want to apply as an online English tutor for Koreans. I’m a call center agent. I’ve been with this industry for almost a year now. For more information here is my mobile #: 09075576766 and my e-mail address is cutiez_reyj@yahoo.com. I’m looking forward for your positive response. GOD speed..
        Thank you very much.

        1. thank you for your interest, but position is now closed. add johnsonesl.teacher-applicants on Skype for future job opportunities

      3. Salamat po sa mga inquiries, sangayon po wala pang bakanteng slots para sa mga new teachers, pero add us up on skype at: johnsonesl.teacher-applicants and
        Email your resume to johnsoneslinstitute@gmail.com
        PS. We are offering a promotional advertisement for Student Recruitment!!
        For every successful referral, you will receive $10.
        Contact us for more information. 🙂

      4. hi there, I was able to teach korean camp for 2 years now. I’m interested in teaching english online. Let me know if there are opportunities, salamat po. 🙂

      5. Position is ALREADY CLOSED but add us up on Skype at ID: johnsonesl.teacher-applicants for future teaching opportunities. thanks!

    6. Hi there,
      Anyone wishing to teach English online feel free to contact me via email, phone, or preferably skype anytime.
      Skyp ID: nathan79301

      1. Hi Nathan,
        I am very interested in teaching English online. Although I’ve been teaching homestay students for 9 years, I wish to broaden the experience. I have TEFL experience, and looking to complete a second course to enhance my own education and, learning is interesting and never ending. I’ll be happy to provide a CV and a letter of reference should it be required. I look forward to hearing from you.
        Thanks & regards.
        ps…I hope to create a website in the near future

      2. Hi Nathan!
        I am very pleased that I found this site. I am interested to teach online, but this will be my first time. Am a registered nurse with MA degree and been teaching in College of Nursing. What are the requirements?

        1. Hello Ms. Jane, I have read in your post that you’re a registered nurse with MA degree and teaching in College of Nursing. I just want to ask if you have taken an IELTS exam? We are currently looking for IELTS online instructors. If you’re interested, kindly contact me in this mobile number +639278281724

      3. hi nathan,
        i would like to apply english online tutoring as part time job. i have my skype id, beverlypedrosa12689.
        thank you and God bless

      4. Hi! Nathan
        I would like to know more about your English online Jobs
        i have 4 years experience….
        My contact add..for skype…pierrelouis.alain..Mauritius
        Thank you

      5. I would love the chance to teach online. I am not a teacher, but I do teach in a way at my job. I train knew employees all the time. Please show me how I can do this on line.

      6. Hi Nathan,
        I’m very interested to teach English online. I have one year of experience being an online English teacher to Japanese.
        You can contact me in my skype id teacher.zen or email me at zeni_mrnt@yahoo.com

      7. hi sir I am looking for online tutorial in English subject I am a fresh graduate.
        Can you please help me to find students who are willing to leraned english language.
        thank you sir.

      8. Hi there Mr. Nathan Wright I am Arnel I am interested to apply as an English tutor can you help me for it?

        1. hi sir, i’m very interested to be an online English teacher, I had experienced to train as an online English teacher for only 10 days. teaching is my passion. please help me to find a job.

    7. Hi Anne,
      I am really interested in teaching english to koreans online, i would really appreciate it if you could let me know the website . I really wanted to do other stuffs rather than confine myself in the stressful corporate world…
      Looking forward to receiving a reply from you =)
      Thanks & Godbless.

    8. Hi there, just wondering if you could help. Which website are you teaching online at? And what is the pay like?

    9. Hi ms. Anne! I want to take part of the online english teahers job for koreans. Indeed I’m equipped as my experiences in my teaching from different schools. Finding it a challenge for me to teach koreans since I’ve once a teacher before of Korean kids.Thanks.

    10. hello! college graduate ako at wala akong trabaho hanggang ngayon. gusto ko sana mag apply na online English tutor ng mga Koryano, may experience naman ako sa pag tuturo ng English sa mga koryano kasi yung kapatid ko’ng bunso nag-aral sa isang korean school nung highschool pa siya, tumatanggap kasi sila ng mg Pilipino na estudyante, naghahanap din kasi sila noon ng English tutor para sa mga estudyante nila na koryano, kaya lang nagkaroon ng problema ang may-ari ng school at yung administrator kaya nagsara na yung school. saan at anong website ang pwede ko’ng puntahan para mag-apply na online english tutor para sa mga koreans?

    11. website address is PeelEnglish.com and it is being made right now so you will start work after two weeks at the lastest.I am looking for a Philipines teachers who could teach English in Philippines. you will teach through skype. Skype is unlimited so you don’t need to worry. Most of the student wants to speak English instead of the grammar. so you need to speak english spontaneously.
      if you major is in education , it is much better for us. The hours are monday through friday usually it is five through twelve . You could choose your own time in the hours. You need to be on time with the students. You can not be absent monday to friday.it means you can not choose the days. The payment is 1700 Peso per month. If you do well, it will be increased. When you apply, you should write
      1.the reason why you want this job
      2. Have you experienced with korean students
      Give me the resume through my email.
      if you be elected I will ask your skype id and interview you through it.
      send me your application at my email.
      it is eunmij42@gmail.com

    12. Hi Ms. Anne, can you give me the email address, so i can send my resume….my email add,,,jasper_medez@yahoo.com…thanks

    13. Hi Sir/Maam I would like to apply online teaching,hope you’ll consider my application,,Looking forward to hear from you soon..

  2. hello ms. betchay…kagagaling ko lng po ng korea last january 24 i stayed at seoul in itaewon for 3 months and i fell in love with korea…i was able to work as a musician..but unfortunately didnt get any sponsors…pero ok lng po kasi masaya..ang experience ko dun..by the way ininvite po ako ng mom ko ang amo nya po kasi is from peru embassy..my question is how many months po ang palalampasin bago ako mag appy uli ng C3 tourist visa…? salamat po

    1. hi athley… i don’t have an idea kung ilang months ang dapat palampasin bago mag-apply uli ng C3 visa… siguro depende sa kalagayan mo ngayon… yung aunt ng friend ko, one month lang pinapalampas niya tapos apply uli siya ng C3 hanggang dumating ang panahon na labas pasok na siya ng korea kahit walang visa…

    2. Hi Athley,I’m Ryan and I am a musician too and i just want to ask if you know a web sites of hotels or resto bar in korea that we could apply to. thanks

  3. Hi Betchay… I know Filipinos don’t qualify for an E2 teaching visa but how about a C4 visa if someone will apply to a private school? As far as I know, many Filipinos work as English instructors/teachers in private institutions in South Korea who are not married to Koreans.

    1. hi Aj! C4 visa is a short term visa… AFAIK, it’s only good for 3 months… i’m aware that there are Filipinos (Philippine passport holders) working at private schools as English teachers but I’m 100% sure they don’t have the appropriate E2 visa which is the required visa for teaching English in Korea

  4. Hi betch! Interesting post you got there. I was curious so I checked the site you mentioned. It was entertaining to watch the videos. Some of the teachers are really good (and pretty too ^^), with impressive credentials to boot. But there are those who obviously have issues with pronunciation and accent. And I’m aware how Koreans can sometimes be discriminatory regarding this. Sometimes, being a teacher is not all about passion and ‘calling’, but skills and more skills. I just wish they could do better… Have a good day!

    1. hi Emma! so hindi ka nakapunta di ba? usapan naman noon pag wala eh pinag-uusapan… LOL
      kidding aside… i agree with everything you said 🙂

  5. Online teaching is very convenient but then they lack the true teaching intention. To begin with a true evaluation of the learner is not accurately possible. Although technology has developed to curb most of the issues, it still lacks the authenticity

    1. hi im eileen,i am a fresh graduate and interested in teaching english language.
      here is my mobile no. 09287737652.
      can you please help me to find a part time online job. thank you po..

    2. Yes i agree to your opinion that there was no evaluation ,Im an onnline teacher for 2 years and most of my client is Japanese professionals that are Intellectuals they can write and analyze a grammaticcaly correct sentences and paragraphs but their deficiencies is they cant talk and speak automatically and confidently well because in japan locals are not encourage by the goverment to speak foreign language . Thats why they are finding ways to enroll themself to onnline Home base or office base ESL schools.so we only need to do is to guide them to keep the accent and pronounciation in balance condition. and the bottomline is that they can pay well too

  6. Hi Ms. Bechay,
    I’m teaching English Koreans here in our country, Philippines, and most tutors here charge them for P150 to P200. and yet Koreans still ask for a discount. i’m just curious. Is is too much to charge them 200 per hour? I think that’s low already. What could be the reasonable rate?

  7. Hi Ms. Bechay,
    I’m teaching English Koreans here in our country, Philippines, and most tutors here charge them for P150 to P200 per hour. and yet Koreans still ask for a discount. i’m just curious. Is is too much to charge them 200 per hour? I think that’s low already. What could be the reasonable rate?

    1. Hi Louie, i think okay lang yun na magcharge ka ng 200 per hour… basta satisfied sila sa class mo…Goodluck!

    2. hi louie, i am on line english tutor now paid for only $1.87/hour. Can you help me where I can find this P200/hour rate on english tutoring to koreans? my # is 09078287018. Thank you.

    3. We also taught foreign students from Taiwan and our standard rate per hour in 2001 was 250 pesos. FYI!

      1. Hi Joe, I used to teach Japanese students online before. May I ask the details of your company? I would like to apply too 🙂 Hope to hear from you soon. My number is 09159104800. Thanks

  8. Hi Betchay…can I ask for your opinion regarding the question I posted at 1:54 pm (Feb. 6)? I really would appreciate it. Thanks.

  9. Hi Betchay! I’m aware too that there are a lot of Filipino English teachers in South Korea working in private schools that hold Philippine passports. My question is: Do they get paid the same as the native speakers and is housing or a housing allowance also provided to them?

    1. @Rachel >> Anne replied to your question… when i worked at a hagwon last month, i got paid the same as the native speaker i replaced but i didn’t have a housing allowance…


  11. Hi Ms. Betchay!
    @ Aj- I agree with Ms. Betchay that an E2 visa is the required visa for teaching English in South Korea; and, a C4 visa is only a temporary working visa and I’m not sure if one can legally teach English with this visa BUT I read from reliable sources and from a Korean recruiting company that according to the South Korean visa rules, any qualified individual(whatever passport he/she holds) may apply for a C3 working visa(btw, this is also a temporary working visa good for 3 months but it can be renewed in Japan when it expires) for summer or winter camps as long as he/she shows the Korean embassy the contract from the Korean employer who is hiring him/her. He/she then could TEACH ENGLISH LEGALLY in South Korea.
    @ Ms. Betchay- Your thoughts?

  12. To rachel:
    I usually attended teachers training ang conferences here in Korea, and i had a chance to meet a lot of Filipino teachers here
    Q:”Do they get paid the same as the native speakers and is housing or a housing allowance also provided to them?”
    A. Not actually. most Filipino English teachers here hold F2-1 visa w/c is a spouse visa, so basically we have our own house with our own family so the school or academy doensn’t need to provide our housing allowance.
    Do we get paid the same as native speakers” Generally speaking, abosulutely not, but if you could prove that you are good enough, they could make it closer as the salary of most native speaker.

  13. Hi Ms. Bechay,
    In the village where i teach Koreans, most tutors here charge them for P150 to P200 per hour. and yet Koreans still ask for a discount. i’m just curious. Is is too much to charge them 200 per hour? I think that’s low already. What could be the reasonable rate?

    1. Hi Louie! Anne replied to your queries. I never had an experience teaching Koreans in the Philippines, but my husband mentioned that when he was there seven years ago his teachers used to charge him 40 pesos an hour.

  14. I used to teach koreans when I was in BAguio and I was only paid for P100/hr 6hrs/day. for me that was good enough. I know someone who is a native speaker teaching koreans in Baguio, and he got paid for P250.00/hr. I heard that Koreans in MAnila pay higher than in Baguio, well I think it has something to do with the working place(cost of living) the length of teaching hours.If you teach longer hours, korean usually ask for a discount.
    ACtually some get only P80/hr. you are lucky if you have student who pays 200/hr.

    1. Hello anne. This is gina. I am an online english tutor to koreans now paid at $1.87/hour. I am interested where I can apply for the same job with a rate of P250/hour. Please refer me to this website. My # is 09078287018. thank you.

      1. Hi Gina, i am also getting the same pay. I think we are working for the same company. I am really looking for a new company who can give more.

        1. hi gina,
          I’m really interested in applying as an online English tutor. any website i can send my resume?? thanks

  15. To Anne:
    Do you agree with what Alice said about the C3 working visa for Filipinos? I mean, are her facts right?

  16. To Ms. Betchay:
    Do you also agree with what Alice said about the C3 working visa for Filipinos? What I mean is, are her facts right?

  17. Aj.
    yes, she was right.I know a lot of Filipinos here who have C3 visa and they are working for winter or summer camps as long as there is invitation from their employer here.Most of them actually are working for the programs of their churches here in Korea.(teaching English to the members of the church)

  18. Hi Ms. Bechay,
    Musta na po ba dyan sa Korea? how are they affected by global economic problem?when will they get Filipino teachers?

  19. To Anne:
    So from what I understnd, a C3 working visa can be renewed every 3 months as long as there is a Korean employer who is willing to sponsor you? Am I right?
    And thank you so much for answering my question posted at Feb.10, 11:50 pm. 🙂

    1. there is no C3 working visa… C3 visa is the temporary visit visa or tourist visa…
      the short term working visa is the C4 visa… and extension is not every three months but up to 90 days only… in short, if a 30-day C4 visa was granted, it could be extended up to 90 days (similar with the C3 visa)
      these are the requirements for the foreign teacher of English camp (you can find more about it at http://www.hikorea.go.kr)
      Foreign teacher of English camp
      – A certificate of degree(Applicants may choose one of the following)
      · Original copy of the diploma (will be returned to the applicant after making a copy and having it sealed as a legitimate copy)
      · Copy of the diploma (verified by the Korean consulate or attached with documents verifying highest education, issued by ‘Korean Council for University Education’)
      · Certificate of academic degree issued by the relevant university. (Affixed with an apostille or attached with documents verifying highest education, issued by domestic verification agency)
      · Certificate of graduation that lists acquisition of diploma (Affixed with apostille or attached with documents verifying highest education, issued by domestic verification agency)
      ※ Nationals of countries that have not signed the apostille treaty must get verification from the local Korean consulate or attach documents verifying highest education, issued by domestic verification agency
      – Issuance of proof of (lack of) criminal records
      ·(the records must be affixed with the relevant nation’s Apostille)
      ※ Nationals of countries that have not signed the Apostille treaty, (Canada, China, etc) must get their records verified by their local Korean consulate, and those already in Korea who were issued their criminal records from their consulates in Korea have no need for an Apostille
      – A certificate of employment
      – Business Registration of the organization that opened the camp, Corporate Registration or Document of establishing educational organizations
      – lifetime education facility registration, Pointed Document of lifetime education facility reporting repairs
      – The schedule of the English camp(mark the part that are relevant to the applicant)

  20. @ Ms. Betchay- I checked the site again and I stand corrected. A C3 visa is a visitor’s visa and not a working visa. This visa allows you to teach English legally at a summer or winter camp for a short term. I was really sure that C4 and C3 visas can be renewed every 3 months because I read it from what seemed a reliable source on the internet. I guess it wasn’t so reliable after all.
    Question: so when can C4 and C3 visas be renewed?

  21. Online teaching is another way for Koreans to fool their countrymen who wanna study English by saying that the teachers are native speakers while in fact they are pure Filipinos not even half- American or half-whatsoever!
    I hope someday,they will discover that the good teachers they are talking to everyday by phone are Filipino

    1. I had no idea… and I agree with you completely.
      I hope that when that day comes, the same respect and compensation benefits being given to native English speakers shall also be awarded to our Filipino teachers and tutors mistaken for native speakers whether on-site or online.

      1. I’m an online English teacher for almost 2 years now. In the two companies that i’ve worked and still working for, the Korean students know that we, teachers are Filipinos. We don’t have to pretend that we are Americans or other native speakers. They know and they love us. ^^

  22. talagang napapadpad ako sa site mo sa tuwing may ginu.google ako, kkk. kk, anyway, i am interested to chat with you for some questions I have in mind. is it ok if I ask for your YM id? or hotmail? or skype? whichever… i hope it would be fine.. kk, thanks. ^^
    sendzkis last blog post..Best Bud/Best Bro

    1. Oh my! Sesi you’re here. I’m the same way. I have been a follower of buhaykorea for a few years na. Ate Betchay tells it as it is about her life and current events in Korea. She’s so friendly too and responds to queries. 🙂

    1. Hello creza. This is gina. I am an online english tutor to koreans now paid at $1.87/hour. I am interested where I can apply for the same job with a rate of P250/hour. Please refer me to this website. My # is 09078287018. thank you.

  23. Hi ate! I’m here din po now sa Korea.Nabasa ko po ang site nyo and through this site ay marami na po siguro kayong natulungan.Saan po ba kayo dito?
    God bless po!!

  24. Well, it was good reading along here though I admit it was really an eyesore at times. I have started teaching Koreans here in the Philippines 16 years ago and the pay was Php150 per hour then. It was lower then the starting pay of 180 per hour to teach in a college as an instructor. Lower since in a college we taught greater number of students compared to a 1 on 1 instruction or SM for an ohakwon. That time, there were not so many Pinoy teaching English to Koreans or less than 10 ohakwon in Quezon City. The requirement then was not only that you could speak English very well but also you could teach well. I stopped for two years in 1997 (Korean economic depression) and when I came back, I was so surprised that teachers are being paid Php 70 per hour at the most in the academy (mostly Php 50 per hour). When I took a look at it, I saw the differences. Before, we were competing with those ESL teachers from the Vietnamese refugee camp and we do have a distinctive difference and most of the teachers were A1 English teachers that were either been frustrated in schools or were looking for more challenging teaching elsewhere. We were not thinking of the economic side of thing but more on the passion to improve the students to satisfy our profession. It was the problem of our office managers to check on the how much and we trust them. Now, so many teachers but the quality of instruction deteriorated so much (sorry for saying so). During our time, students were thinking that it was better to study here than the US, AUS, Can and Britain because Pinoy English teachers got the ESL acquistion experiences plus competence to teach. They would go back speaking English after less than 5 months of staying here.
    Now, the fashion is teaching English online. I was teaching online since 2003 and I am getting $100 for 10 sessions of 50 mins each. But recently I found out that some Pinoy teachers online get $1 for 20 minutes of teaching privately.
    I was a curriculum developer of English institutes and phone English services in Ortigas and I know that the Korean businessmen will not invest into the business if they would just get a penny. Unfortunately, we Pinoy keep on pulling it down. Instead of English getting our good resource, without thinking, dried up the dough. I really cannot really point figure but only to sigh that instead of making it better, we deteriorated it.
    There is money in English. But, we should be wise on how to deal with it.

  25. I started teaching online almost a year ago and i was recieving 50 pesos/30 min.Some Koreans are considerate and appreciative enough to give a rate increase,Well of course,it all depends on the quality of Education that you are giving and on how you establish good relationship with them.I am now recieving 350 pesos an hour and i feel so lucky that im given this opportunity to share my skill as a passion and as a source of income.
    melanies last blog post..My new Angels

  26. hi. i’m really interested in teaching english to koreans. i live in san juan area and i’ve noticed that there are alot of koreans here. i am planning to go back to school and i need extra money for school. Can you please give me an advise where i could get the curriculum/modules to teach english? can i do it alone or do i have to go to a tutor school to help me with it? is it much better to teach online or to teach at home? please please please…

  27. hello, i’m interested in teaching englishto koreans especially with young childrens. I live in Cebu City, Philippines. How can i apply? I’m a fresh graduate in bachelor of science in nursing and i want to have a part-time job right now. Can you help me pls.?

  28. To those who would like to teach in Korea, please back off! You’ll just feel humiliated and discriminated. The only English which is being recognized here is “American: Accent.”

  29. hello…i am very much willing to teach english to koreans on line…saan po ba pwede pumunta at mag apply?

  30. Hello.I’m a 45 year old britisher living and working in the philippines.I am currently a social study and ESL teacher at an international school here in the philippines.I am interested to teach english to korean or japanese students via the online teaching method that has become popular.I want to teach from my home.I hope that you can give me such a job to do from my house?The school i work at is all korean students.Please get in touch with me .Thank you.Craig.

  31. I’ve been tutoring Koreans even when i was a fourth year student. Most of them were universities. Well, since we are not allowed to teach in their country still we use on line as our way of having sideline or means of teaching. As far i’m concerned to all education gradutes just pursue your passion into teaching. However, let honesty remains in your heart.Why? because Koreans prefer an honest teacher all the time. Why? if they really like or love you as their teacher they may invite you in their country or they will be the one to come and have study to you here since COLA is quite cheap for them.Believe me, it happened to me and still going on. Rememebr Koreans friendly. They have many friends and they may recommend you. Just be honets!


    1. You are so right in telling someone to back off. Having read most of the comments from people wanting to teach, I would say that they go back to school and learn proper grammar, and check their spelling at the same time, as Freddie also demonstrates/illustrates. I am a Native speaker in the UK and TEFL qualified so I know what I’m talking about.

  33. Hi there,
    I have been teaching in Souel, Korea for four years and I am now living in Canada and interested in teaching online.
    Can you please let me know how I can teach from Canada?
    Your help would be much appreciated.
    Sean Goudie

  34. Hi there,
    I have been teaching in Seoul, Korea for four years and I am now living in Canada and wanting to teach online.
    Can you please tell me how I can teach english from Canada?
    Your help would be much appreciated.
    Sean Goudie

  35. Hi there. I’m teaching English to Koreans on-line and I must say the pay is not that high but if you’re into teaching at the same time intent on developing teaching skills I’d say why not? The company I am working for is known in Korea and we have a lot of students but I wouldn’t say that we are overworked.

  36. July 17, 2009
    7:56AM MLA
    Hello everyone. I’m new to this site. However, I have learned, from a co-worker in the call center industry who happens to be engaged in this one Korean girl, that a site such as this exists. I would appreciate anyone’s assistance on how I can land a job as an online english teacher for them Koreans (and perhaps some tips would also help) not that I am inconfident but I thought it would be a lot easier for a novice such as myself to learn the ropes in this field especially with Koreans whose culture I really do not have an idea about. You may contact me through my email, which is atlanticmelon@yahoo.com. I am looking forward to reading from you guys soon. Thanks in advance for your quick correspondence. God bless us all. Cheers!

  37. Hello, can you give some advices on how we can teach English Language online in Korea. Thanks

  38. annyeong!
    i’m studying korean language since last year..
    although i’m still not that good but i could already understand a little, like words and phrase and i could also read and write..
    i’m already a senior now and i need/want a part-time job for college expenses and i’m interested about teaching online (especially to koreans) can ask where i can apply or something and some infos too and some advices too on how to teach and all..

  39. annyeong!
    i’m studying korean language since last year..
    although i’m still not that good but i could already understand a little, like words and phrase and i could also read and write..
    i’m already a senior now and i need/want a part-time job for college expenses and i’m interested about teaching online (especially to koreans) can i ask where i can apply or something and some infos too and some advices too on how to teach and all..

  40. an nyeong
    na duh! i can speak basic korean and read and write thru personal study and i believe knowing han gul is important in teaching english so you can communicate more easier email me on how to apply i want to teach korean online im a graduating student so i need a part time job…
    kamsa hamnida

  41. i am Kenneth, if you would like to be my student for online teaching, i will teach you english, just add me on my YAHOO MESSENGER, just leave me a message there
    kenneth_18_2001@yahoo.com is my email account just try to add me and we will talk about it
    Thank you

  42. Ma’am pls. advise me of some websites that I can visit to be able to teach english language to koreans. I am currently looking for a part time job

  43. hello! i have been wanting to teach English to Korean students. I am filipino but currently living in Edmonton, Canada. Is there anyone who can help me to find any website for this matter.thanks!

  44. Hi, My name is Villy, I have been teaching English on line to Japanese for quite a while now. If you want to improve your English communication skills, I can assist you in doing so. I can conduct one on one English tutoring to beginner, intermediate and advance type of students.My Skype Id is villy.vilano and YM Id is also villy.vilano. You can choose what time you want to study, I will teach depending on your schedule.

  45. Hi, My name is Villy, I have been teaching English on line to Japanese students for quite a while now. If you want to improve your English communication skills, I can assist you in doing so. I conduct one on one English lessons to beginner, intermediate and advance type of students. My Skype Id is villy.vilano and YM ID is villy.vilano. You are free to choose your own schedule to learn on line. I will be waiting for yur chat!

  46. Hello betchay… you are really doing a great job for our dear “kababayans”. In my experience of on-line teaching, it is not easy to get korean students if they do not know the teacher well.

  47. Good Day! Maam,Im carlo of quezon city.At the present I am workin as an on-line english tutor for koreans here in ortigas.Im planning to resign from this company because of some reasons.I just wanna ask you if where can i apply in q.c?same job.
    Thank you so much.

  48. Hello,
    I,d like to have online students. I have been taught koreans last year in their camps here in the Philippines. Please send me some information about finding students online, thank you….

  49. to all korean you are all sucks go home!!!!!!…we dont need you here and we dont need your money !!!!!!!you all smell PUTOK hahahaha …………..so leave now!!!!!you did not pay tax here so i will report you all to b.i.r for you to band in our country….and for you all of you go to jail….

  50. I am a student of Phd program ( Majoring in English Language) at Chonnam national University. I want to teach English to the students online…
    Would you mind syggesting how can I get this chance..

  51. I have been teaching for many years, and in that time frame have wworked for Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese managers. I have had dealings with many students from each of these respective countries and have found the Korean students and managers to be the worst. The Koreans have this superiority complex which seems to hinder any honest effort to build a good rapport with them. The Korean managers will tell you what you want or need to hear, and then deny or fail to follow through with their promises. They would rather replace you with someone else as opposed to giving you that raise they promised. I am not here to “bash” the Koreans as a whole, but please keep in mind when dealing with them, their business ethics are somewhat unethical. Pleae be cautious. I have found the Japanese to be the most polite and understanding when teaching English. Their word can be taken at face value. No I am not Japanese, I am an American and I try to assist Pinoy teachers secure a well paying job abroad.

    1. RE: hello
      Wed, January 13, 2010 5:39:26 PMFrom: Serena E. H. Jee View Contact

      To: geraldine herrera

      Dear Geraldine,
      First of all, Koreans are NOT RACISTS.
      Some old people might act with a sense of racism, however that is not out of bad intentions;
      they’re just unfamiliar with foreigners. I have also experienced rude attitudes or starings
      when I was in US, Europe, etc., so I believe that is something the young people must endure.
      Secondly, it is just unbelievable that Korean students are considered to be the worst among many other Asian countries! As a Korean student myself, I have met a lot of teachers from overseas,
      and all of them were like ” wow, Korean students are so passionate, enthusiastic, and do their bests on studying.”
      Maybe some students might be rather unpassionate about their work,
      but every country has such students. I’m positive that Korea has the least amount of such students.
      About the managers, I cannot deny that some are rude and unrespectful of foreign workers,
      however, more and more people are trying to adjust themselves to the global standards.
      Well.. I’m not even sure what ‘complex’ you’re talking about,
      but I guess people all have their complexes and that might interfere in making good relationships with others.
      I don’t get why these questions are only referred to Koreans.
      Again with the manager thing. I’m not really sure of what’s happening in the business world in depth, but I am quite confident that Koreans aren’t that bad bosses…
      No our business ethics are somewhat exceeding all standards in good ways.
      About the Japanese people being the most polite and Koreans the worst,
      I guess that depends on which person from each country you’ve met.
      I can’t believe that someone’s trying to set Koreans up this way.
      Also, it is hard to believe that the person who wrote the article is even American
      since I’ve never seen such words or phrases used in America when I was living there.
      Anyway, I hope this answers all your questions,
      and have a good day.
      .-= MAESTRA VIAJES- http://www.untvweb.com´s last blog ..Who is she? Who…MAESTRA VIAJES? =-.

      I asked some koreans to air their views about JJ’s NEGATIVE commentaries about KOREANS.
      And this is one of the response from Serena E.H. Jee
      I feel sad when I read such generalizations to all KOREANS. In every country there are rude and kind people. Bad spirits are all over the world. So, why JJ are seems generalizing? iT’S unfair…
      .-= MAESTRA VIAJES- http://www.untvweb.com´s last blog ..KOREANS ARE RACIST AND WORST PART II =-.

  52. Good day i am lanie from manila. I am a graduate of Education and currently teaching i want to have a part time job. I wanted to teach Koreans on line. I have been teaching koreans for two years thru private tuturial but they are now back in Korea thats why im looking for other part time.Please email me for some possible website. thank you..

  53. hi im renee looking for online job please allow me to teach online.. i really need this job for my family please allow me…please tell me how can i get this job..Thanks and God Bless!!!

  54. Sir/Madam:
    I would like to apply for an english teacher for the koreans. I am a fresh graduate with the degree Bachelor in Journalism and has the exprienced to teach English for quite sometimes. I am looking forward that you would contact me for some details regarding this matter..Thank you very much.

  55. Hi, please email me as soon as possible on how to apply for this online teaching for Koreans.. I am fluent in english communications skills. I also worked in a call center industry.
    Thank you very much.;

  56. hello, any koreans who wants to learn english? You can hire me, pls. send me ur massage at my emall adrress. thanks!!!

  57. hi! Im Jenny from the Philippines..I can do oral and written english. I also have my IELTS certification.

  58. Ma’am, I have been teaching Korean students before on a one-on-one basis for one year. I have been trying to register on the ontue.com but couldn’t get through because maybe I don’t have a Skype ID or whatsoever. Do I need to have my own webcam to be able to register there? And how does the payment works? Thanks a lot. God bless.

  59. hi everyone! I’m a communication graduate and i am looking for a korean student who like to learn English Communication or English accent training. I worked with a tv station after i graduated last 2008 and after that i tried to work in an international call center, i stayed there for quite some time. If you are intereseted to learn english fast & easy please send me your message at vhann_rances14@yahoo.com.


  61. Good day!
    Im teacher Kiarra, currently residing at Baguio City, Philippines.
    I’ve been teaching English for 4 years. I’ve worked with Koreans, Japanese, Chinese and Russians. I handled TOEIC, IELTS and ESL classes as an online teacher,private tutor and academy teacher.
    I hope you’d consider my application.
    Looking forward to meet you.
    You can reach me at +639179491369/+639287339214
    Here is my Skype id: teacher-kaye

  62. I am a University instructor in Cebu, Philippines. I taught ESL to Koreans when I was teaching in Centre for International Education.If you need to learn better English, I can be of help.call me at +639204787301.

  63. hello! i am very much interested in teaching english!
    i hope to start the tutorials soon,i am very inetrested in this..furthermore id also like to earn money on my own for my expenses it would really be of great help.. thank you!
    hope to hear from you s0on! my mobile is 09204945378,thanks again!

  64. hello! i am very much interested in teaching english!
    i hope to start the tutorials i am very inetrested in this..furthermore id also like to earn money on my own for my expenses it would really be of great help.. thank you! hope to hear from you s0on! my mobile is 09204945378, (038) 2355214 thanks again!

  65. I would like to english language to koreans online. How do I go about it? I am very much interested. my co number is 09296415600.


      1. haha common sense please you’re correct indeed the author said ONTUE.COM but people didn’t mind lol

  67. Hi! My name is cristy love legaspi from the phils. i will be glad in serving korean people regarding english language in the best i can. Im 28 years old. Im honest and trustworthy person. You can contact me at 09185286230.
    I hope I can be at help in teaching soon.
    Thank you and God Speed.

  68. i am so interested to be an online teacher for koreans who wants to know more about english…please help me.send me and email about the companies to accept me as a teachar online

  69. Hi there.I have been teaching English to Koreans for almost three years but since I needed to search for a permanent job, I became a public school teacher. Now, I would like to work online as an English tutor and that would be at night time if possible. I hope you can help me. Thank you.

  70. hi i am Teacher Rey. I’ve been teaching English subjects for 7 years now. i want to teach Koreans the English language. Text me at 09285209041. i am currently residing at dagupan city. i’ll wait for your text.

  71. HELLO,

  72. hello: i’m irene and i would like to teach english online to koreans,japanese, taiwanese, chinese. please email me. thanks.

  73. Hi, I am Larisa from China. I am looking for Phillipines English teachers to help me with my language. If you can manage it, please inform me of your teaching fee and detail information on teaching.

      1. Hi, I’m Richie…I’m a License English Teacher here in Cebu…Im’ use to work in an ESL Academy and currently teaching as Home-based Online Teacher.
        I believe I can help and teach you learning Englisg easily, fastly,and cheaply…
        Please send me in these following addresses:
        email address: eichir_ojabal@yahoo.com
        skype ID: eichir_ojabal
        Mobile number: 09291908658 and 09324778069

    1. Hi Larisa…I’m glad that I have read your message today…My name is Richie L. Labajo..I’m a License English Teacher and use to work in an ESL Academy for two years. I also have my Online Class every night. On November 19, 2009, I’m free from 7:00am-7:00pm…If yiou want ot see and read my resume please leave me a messgae to this email: eichir_ojabal@yahoo.com…If you have Skype user, please add me: eichir_ojabal
      I hope you response to this message and hope to have conversation with you.
      Thank you!.

    2. Hi! Larize I’m teacher Amy, I’m willing to help you. If you want to enhance your English just e-mail me I will give you big discount…

    3. Hi Larisa,
      My name is Virgie and I am an ESL instructor. I would like to help you enhance your English skills. I would like to be of great help to you. We can discuss things in detail. My email address is lareza22@yahoo.com. My skype id is lareza22. I look forward to having a conversation with you. Thanks.

  74. hi! im rizza…im willing to teach english online to koreans, japanese, chinese, and taiwanese…please inform me online if you are interested…thanks

  75. Hi I am Marlon and i would like to teach english online. I have a lot of free time after work. I am working as a Call center supervisor. And our company calls the United States of America everyday. And i have been working in the call center industry for 8 years now. So if you want to learn american English just email me @ lonskiko@yahoo.com

  76. Hello there! I am Itel, 23 years old. I am offering tutorial services for Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Filipino students who want to improve their English. I can also teach other subjects and help you to develop Filipino and Nursing-related skills. I am a practicing registered nurse. I had a call center experience. I am fun to be with, accomodating and I have passion in teaching.
    I am currently living in Villamor Airbase (Nichols), Pasay City, Philippines. For your convenience, I can go to your place as long as it is near Villamor Airbase (Nichols) or I can just teach you online.
    If you have inquiries, just text or call me at +639287058693 or send me an email at itel_013@yahoo.com.
    Prices are reasonable and negotiable! Thanks! We will make our English sessions a fun learning experience. 🙂

  77. I’m Basty.I had been Teaching English online to both Japanese and Chinese students for 5 months.I’m a teacher by profession.IF YOU WANT TO LEARN ENGLISH….JUST CONTACT ME IN MY EMAIL ADDRESS OR IN SKYPE.
    Skype ID: chris.morales6
    Thank You.

  78. I’m Basty.I had been Teaching English online to both Japanese and Chinese students for 5 months.I’m a teacher by profession.IF YOU WANT TO LEARN ENGLISH….JUST CONTACT ME IN MY EMAIL ADDRESS OR IN SKYPE.
    E- mail address:spepito_basty_actor@yahoo.com
    Skype ID: chris.morales6
    Thank You.

  79. Hello! I like to teach English Online to Koreans and other asian nationalities. I am a Teacher Board Passer. I can also teach psychology and subjects related to development communication.
    You can reach me through my email add. jorolag@yahoo.com.
    Many thanks

  80. Hi! A very patient and professional English teacher is here!! I’m willing to teach Korean students through skype, ym, or msn everyday.
    BRIEF INTRO OF MYSELF: I’m a working mom from the Philippines. I’m a certified TOEFL passer and is currently teaching Koreans online in Ortigas. I also do home based online teaching right now. If you’re busy on weekdays, I can teach on weekends.
    You can reach me by sending an email at venganza1720@yahoo.com or you can add me at skype: jane_1720.
    *a copy of my CV will be sent to students who are interested.
    See you soon!^_^

  81. hello. My name is Michelle. I’d like to teach English on-line. I’m an English trainer since Jan 2008. I graduated from UP and is currently enrolled in Master’s degree (TEACHING ENGLISH TO NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS). Do contact me in my email should u be interested to learn English with me or for any inquiry about me.
    email: em_bayona@yahoo.com

  82. hey fellow ESL teachers …just a piece of advise….if you wanna post something here and want to get a good prospect…kindly check your grammar structure please or else you will really lose your credibility as an ESL/EFL teacher…Break a leg!!!

  83. Hello there ! Allow me introduce myself. I am Sam native of Bangaldesh have been teaching esl for about 4 years here in China. I have lots of spare time and love to teach English online. Interested are welcome to feel free to conact me via email.
    All the best

    I’ve been teaching Korean students here in my place. If you want to learn about ENGLISH LANGUAGE & ENGLISH AMERICAN ACCENT, please send me an email at yanialessandra@yahoo.com. I have all the qualifications you need as a teacher. Thank you!

  85. Hi! I’m Xyryll Amar, I’m offering an English tutorials for Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. I used to be an online teacher for 5yrs now. If interested please do get back to me asap.
    My email address: xyryll84@yahoo.com.
    See you….

  86. Hi there! Anyong! Bonjour! My name is Alyssa. I used to teach English to Koreans on a one-on-one basis which I truly enjoyed. Unfortunately I had to resign because I have to focus my preparation for the bar exam. Now I am just waiting for the result and I have all the free time for an online English teaching for anyone who’s eager to have a fun learning experience. I’m more than willing to help you and I’ll make learning English which best suits your lifestyle and personality. You can drop a message on my e-mail alybabe_5@yahoo.com for further inquiries and arrangements.

  87. hi.. i would like teach english language to korean students.For more informaton about me, kindly send me an email.
    thank you

  88. hi.. my name is jaira… I’m a BSED-ENGLISH MAJOR student. I need a part-time job. I can teach the basic english language and structure to koreans, japanese, and chinese who wants to learn English Language. Just e-mail me for further information about me. thank you..
    here’s my e-add: jai_rances@yahoo.com

  89. JOB OPENING: High school English and Social Studies teacher in an international school. Click on my name for details.
    Ms. Betch I hope you won’t mind my advertising here.

  90. Good day! I am karen Mae R. Miclat, a nurse. I am willing to teach any koreans online. You can reach me through my ym messenger (karen53085) and facebook. thank you very much.
    karen mae r. miclat, bsn,rn

  91. I am an English teacher based in the Uk.I teach Business,General and specialized English Online.please contact me via skype alfrederut for a 20mins demo class to decide how the classes can improve your English.

  92. Hello, My name is MaryDawn Jenkins. I am a certified teacher in the United States. I am currently staying home with my children. I previously spent three years in Korea and I taught english in a Haegwon in Ueigongbu. I also taught in a Christian School in Seoul and tutored english in my home. I am new to teaching english online. I would love some advice from anyone who has been doing this for awhile. Please advise me on times and fees. I would also like to give an invitation to anyone who is looking for an english, online teacher. I have a bachelor’s degree in education and experience.
    Thanks, MaryDawn Jenkins

  93. To all my kababayan:
    Just to let you know if you really want to apply as ON LINE English teacher for Koreans to any company who is offering that position… prepare your heart to accept low income while the Korean Manager earning millions because of you! Because, Koreans are paying so high in Korea and yet they are not receiving the real amount intended for your service. That is why there is a Korean academy that I know in the Phils, they strictly telling their Filipino teachers not to discuss salary to their Korean students. Because, if happened they found out… “Shock to death and mga Korean student sa baba ng sweldo ng teacher nila”; while they are paying so much more or less… P60, 000 (sixty thousand pesos per month) according to one Korean student! And yet, their teachers are just receiving 6thousand to 8 thousand or more per month if teacher is handling group class and with overtime.
    I already offered by some companies but I refuse their offer. And I talked to few ON LINE English teachers who are at present working in there. So, I know some info.
    ON LINE… P35. 00 (Thirty five pesos) per 10 minutes or P 50.00 to 70.00 pesos per hour (depends on credentials and # of students requesting you) so, as I was told kumikita sila ng 4 thousand – 8 thousand per month. With a schedule of 6am-8am then 4pm- 11pm. “carry nyo”? Besides, your conversation or teaching with the Koreans are recorded so if you are not really good in teaching strategies to apply to variety of students with diverse studying styles and likings… well, “ baboo”, kick out ka, decline, or if you are really good… they will just get your technique, syllabus or whatever you created with sweat and blood then you have no guarantee if you will work for them for long. And yet they already have your hard work teaching tools. Or if you have your own method and approaches and didn’t match to their method/ways then you don’t have any choice but to follow the manager. If you have the guts, argue and depends your method. Get it?
    And in addition… having an American accent or worked in call center, teaching experience is not sufficient for you to become an effective ON LINE tutor to any nationality and level.
    Do a lot of research about language acquisition.
    Learn other languages too, so you can understand how your student feelings and needs. (“Putting yourself in their shoes.”)
    Take masters course in Language Education. Become well verse in different teaching strategies vs. student style.
    Learn how to become a voice artist/voice modulation/character, poetry reading, dramatic reading etc.
    Read a lot of English newspapers, books and good articles.
    Watch and listen to hundreds and hundreds of English film/series, music.
    And know thousand questions in English to ask your students. kkkkk
    Learn how to type past and internet browsing. Avail a good internet connection, headset with volume control. Webcam is optional if only clients required.
    Learn their culture, likes and dislikes. (Do you know that they don’t like red color for their names? …means death or bad omen)
    Terminate them if they will not follow your rules. Therefore, contract signing and details of each concern are well specified.
    Kababayan… don’t let them feel that you will accept or follow whatever they ask or offer to you because you need money badly. ‘like Filipino … 10 pera, mamera lang) Let them feel that Filipino deserve to receive high fee. “ kainis meron.. pumapayag sa P50. Per hour lang since nursing graduate sila na nag aantay ng board result or – teachers non board passers.
    And don’t expect them to refer you to other Koreans if you are very good and they really learn from you .Because career competition is so high/stiff in Korea. “Gusto nila, sila lang ang magaling at natuto magsalita ng English.” So, if you will call in their cell phone and they are with their friends they will not answer your call because they don’t want to be heard and known to speak very well. “Ayaw nilang matanong sino teacher nila.kkkk” They will recommend you to their family, relatives or non competitor friends. Ok?
    .-= MAESTRA VIAJES- http://www.untvweb.com´s last blog ..What a Lovely English !!! =-.

  94. Hi! My name is Nina. I am very much willing to teach English online. I assure you that you’ll learn alot from me. I do have American accent for I have been working in a call center for 5 years. I can provide feedbacks that would surely improve your speaking and understanding of the language. If you’re interested, please feel free to send an email to:
    I’m looking forward to share this experience with you. Have a nice day! 😀

  95. Hi! I’m Pie Quintas from Philippines. I would like to offer English language tutorial services to my fellow Asians who want their English be improved. This would be my first offer so I will be most accommodating to all of you.
    If you would be interested please contact me at my email add: mjquintas@yahoo.com.ph
    Hope to hear from you soon!! Godbless!

  96. Greetings! I am Mesheil Wu and I’m very much willing to offer English tutorial online for beginners and to all ages who would want to improve their daily conversation. We will make our learning fun and easy!
    Please email me @ iteachenglish4koreans@gmail.com
    Thank you…hear form you soon… God bless!

  97. Greetings! I am Mesheil Wu and I’m very much willing to offer English tutorial online for beginners and to all ages who would want to improve their daily conversation. We will make our learning fun and easy!
    Please email me @ iteachenglish4koreans@gmail.com
    Thank you…hear from you soon… God bless!

  98. ..i don’t have a job yet… fresh grad
    ..i graduated a 4 year degree course
    ..i am willing to teach english to our foreign students.. online
    ..just e-mail me at bhi_blue@yahoo.com
    ..i will be very much available

  99. Hi everyone, I am teacher Hilde, currently teaching here in Thailand. I offer teaching English online to those who are interested in learning how to speak English. I have been an english teacher for 8 years. I had been a teacher in the Philippines for 4 years and now a teacher in Thailand for Mini-English Program.
    If you interested to learn, please email me at hildefernan14@yahoo.com.ph.
    Thank you and God bless.

  100. hi i am florlita millerick, 30 years old, married to american guy in california who is presently teaching in Cleverlearn. I have some teaching job for a year for private tutoring here in Lapu Lapu City where we lived.
    if interested to be tutored online or voice chatting..please ring me at this mobile number 639107679103..or send me message on ym at fm_arcenal@yahoo.com
    i would love to tutor again and since i am an accounting graduate i can include from my teaching about basic accounting principle.
    hope to hear from any of you who are interested..thanks!

    1. hi ma`am i a fresh graduate,i need extra income please help me to find students,that are willing to have a English lesson i am willing to teach English,
      thank you and god bless…

  101. rate per hour is negotiable…coz its my interest to help and teach english..i love that somebody who came up to me and ask for a certain english word…i feel happy to do it. and since i am married to an american guy, i been speaking english all the time with a correct pronunciation.
    i want to teach preferable koreans who are living in lapu lapu area…you are all welcome…
    if interested please contact me with mobile : 63910 767 9103 or ym : fm_arcenal@yahoo.com
    thanks for choosing me to be your english tutor…

  102. Hi All,
    My name is Nisha and I’m from Canada. I now live in the Middle East with my family. I am a native English speaker and I have taught English as a foreign language before. I will charge you the same as a Phillipino would! I am just here to help others with their English skills and make some extra cash and make a few friends!!
    Please contact me at precious_2005@hotmail.com or nikisha702@yahoo.com. Prices are negotiable as I have said before. We will have lots of fun classes together. 🙂

    1. hi m`am i already read your blog please help me to have more students i am willing to teach English lesson i am a fresh graduate.
      thank you and god bless..

  103. Hi I’m teacher Becca, I’m teaching Korean students for a long period of time both Man-to-man and online teaching. If you are interested to study online with me email this add: rebecca_filipina@yahoo.com so that I could make a schedule for you or you can choose a comfortable time for you to study online. Let’s study English in an easy way!

  104. Hi I’m teacher Becca, I’m teaching Korean students for a long period of time both Man-to-man and online teaching. If you are interested to study online with me email this add: rebecca_filipina@yahoo.com so that I could make a schedule for you or you can choose a comfortable time for you to study online.
    About the price it’s negotiable so don’t worry about it, It depends on how many minutes or if you want to have 1 hour class every week then I can give you a package deal for a month.
    you can reach me in Skype: becky2829
    Let’s study English in an easy way!

  105. hi! is this online english teaching still open to until now?
    i would like to teach online too. im a filipina and english teacher here in thailand, just wonder if you could reffer me to some koreans who would like to learn english online. thanks! hope to hear from you…

  106. hi im eric…i want to teach conversational english to interested students…as of now im working in a call center handling calls from us…i lived in the us before for about 5 years…if your interested contact me on my email..thank you

  107. hi im eric …i would like to teach online conversational american english to interested students…as of now im working in a call center handling calls from the us…i lived in the us for almost 5 years..interested students may email me at eric3espino@yahoo.com..thank you

  108. Hello I’m Miriam and I graduated bachelors degree in English.I had an experience teaching English online. I’m available to teach so if you’re interested you can send me an email > miriam_capillanes@yahoo.com.ph. Hope to hear fro you…:)

  109. Hi! My name is David from the Philippines. i have been working with an American company for years. I would like very much to teach online American English to Koreans (Children and Adults). I am available anytime just send me an email: dvdavid15@yahoo.com
    So we can arrange the time and fees.
    Hope to hear from you, soon 🙂

  110. hi,
    this is rhea,I’m interested to teach English tutorial for Koreans. this is not all about money because it is my pleasure to help people from Korea and other Asian countries in English conversation. I’m a christian and as a teacher it is my duty to impart knowledge to everyone. if your interested you can send me an email > rhea_mail@yahoo.com.ph
    thank you so much.

  111. hi ,
    I’m Sandi rose Imperial I’m Interested to teach english Tutorial.Im a Sunday school Teacher .My pleasure to work with koreans.I Would like to hearing from
    you Thank you for consideration.my email address is sandi.imperial@yahoo.com
    Thank you!
    Sandi rose imperial

  112. Hi I am Dina Sproul, a Filipino, i live in Canada. i love to teach english online. pls email me if u are interested. heres my email address jdj_ngooylei@yahoo.com.. i am willing to arrange our time schedule no matter how difference our time is. i want to hear from anybody soon.

  113. Hi guday this is louie im a full time customer service representative working in a call center for a US based account im so interested to get a job, to have a part time job in particular. i want to know how and where should i pass an application form for me to be english instructor for koreans im so interested just col me or txt me at 09197072155 or emil me at Loriebynes18@yahoo.com…ill waait for the reply thanks

  114. I’m Interested in teaching the English language to Koreans. I’m currently working as a Call Center Agent and we handle all accounts in U.S.A.
    looking forward in working with you…
    thanks, Godbless

  115. Hi! This is Aira from the Philippines. I’m 22 years old, a college graduate. I am very much willing to teach English to our brother and sister Koreans out there who may need my help. You may email me at airasalonga@yahoo.com or contact me: 09152937968. It’s my pleasure to work with you guys! Hope to hear from you soon! 🙂

  116. Hy I’m neil. I’m very much interested and willing to impart and teach Koreans the ” Art Of Communication Using the English Language ” . I’m from Cebu and if you like to have a one on one, by group tutoring just email me: neil_asa99@yahoo.com and we will discuss about certain matters and arrange things in order. I am a classroom teacher, well experienced and I know what to do when it comes to difficulties and weaknesses. We will get to know words that are familiar and unfamiliar to you. Easy and fun…………..Please email me so we can plan ahead and start right away.———- Thanks and God Bless…..

  117. Hi there,
    My name is Farisha. I’m a language trainer from one of the biggest BPO here in the Philippines. I’m not the typical English teacher that you encounter everyday. You’ll be amazed how learning could be so much fun. Willing to work anytime according to my students convenience. May it be at home or online. You’ll not just learn the English language you’ll also learn to speak our local language as a bonus (Tagalog and Visayan) depending on your needs. NO Enrollment fee. No Advance payment. NO hidden charges. Just an hourly rate and that’s it. Compare the price and you’ll be surprised. Special rate if you’ll enroll as a group. Kids below 12 will have 50% discount.
    if interested please email me farishajane@yahoo.com or you can also contact my mobile 09282348889.

  118. hi, my name is Aries and i would like to have a job teaching in english. Im have experience in a call center here in the philippines. I would like very much to teach online American English to Koreans (Children and Adults). I am available anytime just send me an email: aries_j8@yahoo.com

  119. hi,im lily
    looking forward to meet korean students who are interested to learn and study the english language with me online,I have been teaching english for 3 years in the philippines and another 3 years in Korea.Now im residing in florida USA and im still available as an online english tutor.
    I will be very willing to adjust at your time convenience,its either korean time if you are in korea,or philippine time if you are korean living in the philippined. The focus on my online program is to encourage koreans to speak the english language with boldness and confidence in their ability to do so. if you are interested you can reach me by email,-unicorn_queen2002@yahoo.com and my skype is lilibeth dejesus,or give me a call at +13054913832.send me your contact number too so i can give you a call. More informations will be provided when i get a hold of you. thank you and good luck.

  120. Hi,
    I have been a call center agent for almost two years and a third year student studying Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English,
    Hope I can teach English as part time job online.

  121. hi!i am also looking forward to teach koreans,both young and adults..’coz i’ve once a teacher for koreans..so how can i apply as a part time ESL teacher???cud u send me ways on how to do it???tnx

  122. Hello everyone,
    My name is aldine. I am an online english instructor for Koreans and Russian nationals. I teach English language through skype. I’ve been teaching english for more than four years now and I am very much confident based on my many satisfied students that I can give you quality education in English. I can give you a very reasonable cost with a high quality education. I can provide you with teaching materials that you need while studying.
    Those who are interested in studying english at the comfort of your home, kindly add my skype ID: aldine_usares and my email is a_usares@yahoo.com. You can also send me a message through my cellphone 09283188635
    Your english teacher,

  123. Hi..
    I’m currently teaching english to korean students here in
    philippines’ language school. However, I’m planning to quit and just become a home service tutor.
    Is there anyone interested? I’ve been teaching them for 7 yrs.
    I can understand some korean language already.
    If anyone is interested u can send me email at sinfuegom@yahoo.com or call me thru 632-5021490, 63908-2214306.

  124. anyonghaseyo..
    hello students..
    my name is teacher cindy, im 27 years old and ive been teaching English to korean students for 2 years now..I really love english and i can make my students love it too..just email me and i will be very glad to teach you online through skype.
    skype id: ilove.english
    email add: cindy_mae020283@yahoo.com
    kamsahamnida .
    teacher cindy

  125. Good day.
    It is the best of my interests to post my eagerness to apply for a part time yet fulfilling career here. It has always been my regard to share the best of what I learned and the strategies and techniques necessary for teaching English to people with English as secondary language.
    I had been into Korean one-on-one private tutorial sessions for a year, been a friend to some Koreans 3 years now. I’m a licensed teacher since 2006 (Preschool to Secondary degree)and earned units in Masters in Language (Linguistics). I also attended some trainings in teaching English. I also worked as a Senior Customer Service Specialist (Inbound)for an American-based telecommunication company for two years. Recently, I am a teacher in Grade School Department in one of the international schools in the Philippines, teaching English, Science and Moral Education.
    Should you need to inform me about further updates about my proposal, please send it through my email add. Thank you so much for your gerenousity and helping hands. God shall bless your heart.

  126. Good day.
    It is the best of my interests to post my eagerness to apply for a part time yet fulfilling career here. It has always been my regard to share the best of what I learned and the strategies and techniques necessary for teaching English to people with English as secondary language.
    I had been into Korean one-on-one private tutorial sessions for a year, been a friend to some Koreans 3 years now. I’m a licensed teacher since 2006 (Preschool to Secondary degree)and earned units in Masters in Language (Linguistics). I also attended some trainings in teaching English. I also worked as a Senior Customer Service Specialist (Inbound)for an American-based telecommunication company for two years. Recently, I am a teacher in Grade School Department in one of the international schools in the Philippines, teaching English, Science and Moral Education.
    With the experiences i had with people of all walks in life, I can assure excellency in management as well in varying degrees depending on the student I may have.
    Should you need to inform me about further updates about my proposal, please send it through my email add. Thank you so much for your gerenousity and helping hands. God shall bless your heart.
    P.S. You may contact me, anytime at 09108583326 or email me at shemba_dclaimer@yahoo.com. My skype name is sheryl.baring.

  127. Hi! My name is Evan, and I would like to teach English to Koreans online, children and adults alike. If interested, you may send me a message at riche115@yahoo.com or you may contact me at 09155327568. Thank you and good day.

  128. hi im brian.. working in tourism… i would like to teach english here in different nationalities all over the world.. if interested you can call me on this number +639089741495 or +639167222465 or email me at leisuan@yahoo.com

  129. hi fellow Koreans! I am cielo, 19 years old, currently residing at cavite and is currently studying at the de la salle university. I am offering online english tutorial and I am available every evening like after the usual class schedule of students. I could be your better partner in english tutorial while providing you an easy way of learning.
    I’ve met a lot of Koreans there and i’ve been comfortable communicating with them. Knowing their culture helped me to make them comfortable with me.
    If you are interested, i am free to contact at my e-mail c.jamaquio@yahoo.com

  130. Hi, my name is Daphne, a Filipina, based in Canada and i am interested to teach English to Koreans, kindly email me the info at ddaphne83@yahoo.ca.
    Hope to hear from your soon. thanks…

  131. hi, I am Maiko, I used to be a trainer in an industrial firm here in Laguna. During my tenure , I had an awesome opportunity to improve my teaching skills. Also, I have been working as a Call Center agent for about 3years now but I’d love to get an online based job since I am a mom. I want to utilize my time being a mom and a career woman as well. I’m pretty much sure that I can help Koreans love and understand the English language the fun and easy way.
    Thank you!
    For more information, you can send me an email at maiko.sarmiento@yahoo.com or
    call/text me at 09091142359

  132. Hi
    I live in India and welcome enquiries from prospective Koreans who want to learn English online.My timings will be very convinient for Koreans as there is only twoand half hours time difference between in Chennai in India where I live and South Korea.I have taught English to South Koreans who come to India to learn.
    Best Wishes

  133. hello everyone im lina vallente an english teacher live in phillipines i’m willing to teach from those students who are willing to learn in english…if your interested to learn just e-meal me in my e-meal add: linavallente@yahoo.com……..i will teach you until you learn a lot……..promise guys.

  134. hello everyone im lina vallente an english teacher live in phillipines i’m willing to teach from those students who are willing to learn…if your interested to learn just e-meal me in my e-meal add: linavallente@yahoo.com or contact me in my number: 09158681314…….see you there……..i will teach you until you learn a lot……..promise guys.

  135. Hi,
    I’m Myra Johnson from the Philippines and presently staying here at Dangjin, South Korea. I had been teaching English in Beijing for almost two years and did some summer teaching at Qingdao, China for a Korean Academy. Now, I’m here in Korea with my husband who is a German national working in a German company who has a project with Hyundai and Steel company here in Dangjin. It’s a little bit boring to be staying at home so I decided to post a comment in this site. Maybe there are some Koreans who are willing to undergo online tutoring. I’m free from 8:30 Am onwards. Just send me an e-mail to my e-mail acct.(mbjohnson_1374@yahoo.com).

  136. Hi,
    I’m Kevin Bonafe from Pasig City, Philippines. I’m currently working for a call center in Makati and have been working in one for more than two years. I’m more than interested in teaching English to Korean children and adults. I can very well read, speak and write English correctly. I also had the experience of teaching English to Koreans while I was in the University of the Philippines in Los Baños.
    Please contact me @ kevinb_3410@yahoo.com

  137. hello, I’m anne. I have worked with the Dept of Education for 20 years, now i am working as a call center agent. I would like to teach koreans english on line, Just send me an email so we can arrange the time and the fees.

  138. Hi everyone! Have you spent many years studying English and yet can’t speak it well. Do you wanna have fun learning the global language. What are you waiting for… All you need is to contact me and I assure you that you can learn the language naturally. I have been teaching English to Koreans and Japanese for almost 3 years. Email me at miyan19@yahoo.com so we can arrange everything.

  139. Hi. I am interested to teach English to Koreans online. I am a BS. Chemistry graduate. I used to be a Sunday School teacher. I have an 8 year old daughter and tutor her on her subjects especially Language and Reading. I hope you could help me what website should I visit to be able to tutor English online to Koreans. Thank you

  140. Dear Students,
    I want to teach english to Korean nationals, I’m a high school teacher here in the philippines. We can arrange schedule. Please contact me at j_ozaraga@yahoo.com. Hope to hear from you.

  141. Hi! I’m Elmer. Please e-mail me more about teaching english to koreans on line and how to apply. I’m very interested. Please, Please Please! Thanks and gold bless!

  142. I’m Elmer. Please e-mail mo more about teaching koreans on line and how to apply. I’m very much interested. Please, Please! Thanks and God Bless!

  143. hello, this is Bing. i am interested to teach Conversational English to Koreans. just give me a message in my e-mail. thank you.

  144. Dear prospective students,
    I am a Singaporean residing permanently in the Philippines. Have been an elementary / high school teacher/ university professor, author of 2 English books and have taught English to foreign students and English to Korean students in Brent International School in Baguio City. I was educated in the US.
    Inquiries are welcome regarding fees and time.
    Thank you and have a pleasant day!
    Valentine Anthony
    Baguio City, Philipines

  145. Hi There!
    I love to teach grammatically-correct Conversational English to Koreans. I used to do the same with Koreans in Alabang, Muntinlupa Philippines. I am now residing here in California, USA and would love to have a part time job tutoring.I really appreciate the value of learning the English Language now that I am here in the US. I would be glad to impart my knowledge and experience to you, Guys!
    Pls email me at norvelynhappel@yahoo.com so we can arrange the schedule that is convenient for both of us.

  146. hi! I am darby and presetly a student at one of a maritime school in the Philippines. Taking up BSMT ( Bacheor of Science of Marine Transportation).I’m already 20. Its summer time here and i dont have to do something, so i decided to be online everyday and have a teaching sessions for those interested foreign friends there to learn more in english language. just mail me at my account if you are intersted.

  147. hi nandz notarte and am a communication specialist. i have been working for a very prestigious network here in the Philippines as a production assistant in one of their programs. I’m here to teach you what i have learned in the past four years of my stay at the academe,especially english language. if you want to arrange or for further information, you can reach me at my ym account: ferdz2ding@yahoo.com or at my skype account: ferdzabmc@yahoo.com..thank you!

  148. I am currently working as an ESL online teacher here in the Philippines.I used to teach in Hagwon for a year when I was there in South Korea.Natakot lang ako kasi illegal nga kc I had an F-1 visa(family visitation),d pwede mgwork,no choice ako kundi umuwi.Mas maganda pg homebased teaching kaysa s office.Mas compensated ska flexible s time…
    Goodluck s mga teachers!!

    1. Hi!I’m actually seeking for an online tutorial job..i just want to ask if where iI can apply..or how will I do it to apply?

    2. hi! panu ba magregister at humanap ng students na pwede turuan during my free hours,,, part time lang… can you help me? thanks

  149. Hello! It is my dream to teach English to all children. Please consider me for a position teaching Englih online.
    Craig Parker

  150. Hi guday this is Sydney im a full time customer service representative working in a call center for a US based account and i also have a small scale customer service support for a US based account im so interested to get a job, to have a part time job in particular. i want to know how and where should i pass an application form for me to be an english instructor for koreans. i also have colleagues with me who are intrested to put up a small office for the said online teaching for koreans if it is also possible that u can also provide us a bulk of students whome we can teach english we have the right materials and e books and we had been a part of the call center industry for a long time now . ill waait for the reply thanks
    you can reach me at sy_j123@yahoo.com or sydneyroque@gmail.com

  151. Aniong haseyo!!! I’m looking for korean students. I’ve been teaching koreans for a year already. Feel free to call me at +63909278624 or email me at wendzki021@yahoo.com. Pay rate is negotiable. Thanks!

  152. please contact me +63 09995192013
    I have been working as an English Instructor for almost three years.

  153. Hi, I have been teaching english online for almost 3 years( home based). If you’re interested to consider me as on of those teacher. I would love to hear from you.You can contact with these numbers 09083793021 and 09234369117. Or you can write to me at my e-mail add, buddywise14@yahoo.com. The payment is negotiable. Thanks

  154. I’m a freelance writer and columnist and has worked for an American company for several months as a phone service employee. I’m based in Baguio and would like to teach English part-time. 🙂
    You can reach me at 0915-325-9710, or e-mail me at rc_rocks@live.com.

  155. Hi. I am currently looking for a part time job and I like home based job as well. I am qualified for this position. Please get in touch with me. I would like to work as an online tutor. Thanks a lot.
    My Email add: tina.olmedillo@yahoo.com

  156. Hi, I’m Beth, a licensed teacher living in Seoul, Korea, I am interested to teach either online or a part time tutorial in your house.Payment is negotiable.Pls email me at lovebeth_1958@yahoo.com.ph or call me
    with this #01028923336.Thank you so much…

  157. Hey…fellow filipinos..i need help…. what website can i go teach english to koreans who are in need for english teachers…badly need it..thanks so much

  158. Hi, Im Teacher Kassey and is now doing tutorials among Koreans. I am an education graduate and proud to say have produced batch who became fluent in English. Should you be interested to kindly email me at ramoskasseyleanne@yahoo.com.. Payment is negotiable and would love to make some online tutorials. Thank You

  159. I would like to teach online to korean students since I have a nanny in the house already. I have experienced teaching ESL to Koreans for 2 years and am a Licensed English Teacher. Please contact me if you have time: jadeflowerjan@yahoo.com and 09067276998. Thank you for reading this and God bless you!

  160. Hi! I’m Irish an English teacher here in the Philippines. I would like to teach Koreans online

  161. Hi everyone, I am T. Lovely. I’ve been teaching koreans for almost six years. I am currently teaching in the famous language school in Quezon City. I enjoy teaching koreans adults and juniors. I handle conversation class, speech class and writing class. I would like to teach as a part-time on-line English Instructor. If you are interested just kindly send me a message by e-mail, loviedavz@yahoo.com and you can also leave a message through SKype, my skype i.d is lovely198225. Thank you so much.

  162. hi everyone, im ebeth margaret, i am a call center agent for almost 3 years, i am a hotel restaurant management graduate. I am available to teach english online at your most convenient time. If you are interested feel free to send me an emal. Here’s my e-mail address: ebethmargaretparcon@yahoo.com

  163. To whom it may concern;
    I would like to bring forth my interest in applying for this job, and take on the privileges of working online as a tutor and/or mentor as an English Teacher online.
    Please send in details as to how can I get the job for a work online. Also I have attached here my recent picture and my resume for you to review.
    Thank you for your kind consideration.
    Michael Francis

  164. I am Laden Genilo from Iloilo city. I’m a graduate of Education from West Visayas State University. How can i apply as a korean tutor? my number is 09076434226

  165. hi, im nicole catherine fuentebella, a political science student from university of the philippines, i am an online english teacher for japanese and would really like to try teaching koreans. pls do tell me about it. email me 🙂

    1. by the way, pls contact me ASAP, i may start clases again and not be able to put this on my schedule. my number is 09217747465..thanks

  166. Hi,
    I’m en English teacher. Do contact me on my email if you are interested.

    1. Hi Maam,
      I am Estrella Reyes. I am currently working as Marketing Officer in one of the companies here in Cebu. I want to earn extra income to work part time after my office. My work starts at 8am until 5pm maybe you can help me do a part time job.

  167. Hi! My name is Alfred Quijano. I’d like to teach english online. I used to teach koreans students here in the Philippines.

  168. Good day!
    I am a Master of Arts in English Education student of Bicol University Graduate School. At present, I am working with my study entitled, “The Extent of On-Line Teaching of English to Koreans by Filipinos” in our subject International Relations. Please do help me by providing me information how it is done, what outcomes are achieved and many more about it. Further,I want to ask Koreans taught of English on-line regarding my study.
    Thank you so much and I am anticipating that you can help me.

  169. Hello,
    I am a qualified English teacher from England, I have just returned from Mexico where I was working both in a school and privately, I am now back home in Spain and i am looking to teach Korean students ONLINE, if you are interested please contact my via email, i can send a picture and my qualifications.

  170. hi, i am a fresh college graduate. i want to know more about this to earn an income. thank you. my email add is chx_ninoel2yahoo.com I am from iloilo.

  171. Hi, i would like to teach English to koreans online, where can i apply. My email address is grace,morales2007@gmail.com. Thabk you.

  172. gud day! i’m an english teacher for 2 years…and a school publication adviser/writer. I am looking for an online teaching particularly korean online teaching for additional income and for career growth. How i wish u can help me find some job out there. I would appreciate your big help. Please consider me as an applicant. If in case, there is contact me with this number: 09213686361 or you can e-mail me at blast_phemous@yahoo.com. thank you1

  173. hi..i’ve been teaching for four years but its one on one basis.I would love to teach Koreans online..here’s my number +639309397188.tnx

  174. I am a mother of 5 who would love to work at home and be able to support my children and myself. I am proficient in the English language, a voracious reader and I love to write too. Teaching English to Koreans would be a welcome challenge for me, one that Ilook forward to.

  175. hi im ellen. im from the philippines.im a pre-school teacher and i love to teach children ages between 3-12, if you are interested to study english online pls.contact me with this number 09067007387. price is negotiable..

    1. I own an English language school in Zagreb Croatia and have taught adults here 15 years. I am now looking toward the future, which will be more on-line teaching.
      Contact me if you are interested: JoeSalluzzo@yahoo.com

  176. hi!good day!i wanted to apply for online english teaching for koreans but i dont know how…i hope you could help me…i badly needed a job…thanks…u can email me at zamine143@yahoo.com.ph…thanks again

  177. Hello! My name is Lego. I am an English teacher who lives in the Philippines. I have had an experience of teaching Koreans for three years now. Recently i wanted to try online teaching. I would like to teach Koreans who are interested to learn English. If you are interested my email address is legessed@yahoo.com. Thank you!

  178. Hello! I would love to teach Koreans! I am currently working as an online english tutor for Japanese students and would also like to experience teaching Koreans as well. Please email me thru gothika0712@yahoo.com if I am qualified. Thanks!

  179. hi..i am interested in online english teaching..is it necessary that one is an educ grad or english major to teach english to koreans? my profession if way far fatched from education.i am working as a nurse right now..

  180. Hi there! I am quite interested in teaching English language-online to Koreans. I had worked before as a tutor to some Korean nationals. I am now a secondary school teacher but I would like to have a part time job as an online-tutor. Thanks.

  181. hi there! i love korean dramas, and now, i love to teach them. i work at a call center. i live at Cainta Rizal. if you are interested you can contact me thru my email or just call/text me at my number +639063796434. thankyou and Godbless,,

    1. hi,
      im interested to teach english to koreans online, im also working in a call center right now. how can i start? my num is 09395308812. tnx.

  182. im 20 of age.. love kpop and kdramas.. love korea!!! even i’m a filipina.. want to have a korean friends.. and the same time i wanna teach koreans to speak english or tagalog (if they want).. just feel free to contact me [rexiiealim@yahoo.com/ 09084187001].. ^^-
    oh.. thanks for this site.. for the one who own this.. God Bless…

  183. hmmm.
    do you know someone looking for an english tutor?
    ‘coz i’m looking for a part time online jobs.
    thanks for your reply 😉

  184. Hi. I’m Olele,47 yrs. old and a secretary of a seminary,a priest formation schoo. I’m very mcuh willing and eager to experience teaching English language to Korean nationals.I hope that you give me a tyr. God bless you.


  186. Hello! I’m looking for a client/s who employ/s English online-teacher. I’m willing to teach Koreans with their English grammar. I had call center experiences that brought me to learn a lot of English skills and proficiency.
    I hope somebody will attend to this message and help me have a work at home with regards to this.
    Send me your info @ happyfool_nicca19@yahoo.com

  187. hello my name is Happy, I love to teach english and tagalog to korean buddy. I am currently working, looking for a part time job. If you are interested you can reach me thru my cp number +639218458883 and my email address…. imelda_22mu@yahoo.com

  188. anyo , i’m interested to teach korean’s english online. i am kristeen i’m not a teacher in my profession but i am willing to teach to the fullest that i can be. i believe that nurses can also good in teaching hehe right now im hopefull to find one. thank you. just email me if nterested @ kcolasito@yahoo.com. thank you.

  189. hi,im lea i’m a teacher.i am willing to teach english and tagalog in korean buddy,if you interested just txt me 09125462296 and you can contact me thru my email also..

  190. Hi there! Im interested to teach koreans for tutorial.. low rate.. just give me a beep. here is my cell phone # : 09192988108. Thanks guys.

  191. hi, judith here. Im interested to teach koreans on how to speak english c: if you may help me find a part time job that would mean a lot-very much appreaciated.c: you may call or txt me at 09173394981 hope to hear from you soon.
    god speed c:

  192. hi there.. mu name is lance.. 22 yrs old.. i am really fond of teaching especially English language to koreans.. if u happened to know someone who is in need of an instructor, just text or call me at number 09333154828.. or e mail me at lanceadayon@yahoo.com.. gud day!

  193. anyong haseyo!
    Im Marites, Im teaching koreans now for almost 2 years…
    If you are interested in hiring me as your tutor just contact me..

    Hi!!! Are you looking for a friendly English teacher?! Well… I’m definitely all YOU NEED!!! I’m teacher Edlyn and I’ve been teaching English for almost 4 years now. I’m also a licensed teacher. I prepared a very enjoyable class for you. With teacher Edlyn, you can learn English in FUN and Easy way!
    I’ll wait for your email,ok? edlyn_050607@yahoo.com
    or your call.. 09192485012
    By the way…I’ll teach english using my skype account! See yah!!!!

  195. I’ve worked as an Online tutor for 3 and a half years. I’ve worked with Duzon EnH and Edubox..
    I’m currently looking for a part time or fulltime job so if you need me
    just gve me a call 09174039999 or email me at lemsguitar@yahoo.com
    thank you

  196. hi, if you are looking for a teacher to teach English for Koreans, Definitely i have to take this opportunity, i already tried in teaching Koreans before so i have the idea on how i will deal my teachings to them. I am an Education student and 19 years old. Feel free to e-mail your message at torekgwapo@yahoo.com.
    or you can contact me at 09273387707.
    thank you.

  197. ..hi there…
    I am an ESL Teacher..and i want to have an online student..especially koreans…i have been teaching for 2 years..please send me an e-mail in this address “pherz_rm106@yahoo.com” if you are interested.. i assure you to learn something in my tutoring skill..thankss

  198. Good Evening! My korean students used to call me love2. I started teaching koreans when I was 21 and my first school was Moohan in Iloilo, City Philippines. Aside from being connected from the school, I also have independent classes from the outsiders. After which I also became the head tutor of Boram Academy in the same place last 2007. I am now 30 yet, I don’t think I look like one. ^^ Well fortunately i’m married and would like to teach again but this time in an online tutorial. I have my own pc at home and my specialize in teaching is speech… I can assure you that I am good at it. I’ll be very glad if you’ll connect to me at 09232521423. Thank you and God Bless!

  199. Hello there, I’m Russel, a journalism student and a partime radio anchor, i’m interested in teaching koreans on-line. Ifyou would please be kind to send more information regarding this to my e-mail ad. Thank you so much.

  200. Hi there. my name is ysa. i am currently an English online teacher for almost 6 months. I love korean students. I want to try face to face tutorial now. is that possible?

  201. Greeetings of peace and love!..I am donna, a registered nurse by profession,willing to share some important English communication lessons to our friendly koreans..It would be as easy as ABC..I am an IELTS (International English language Testing System) passer..i can mingle and be flexible with anyone.If I happen to be your choice kindly send me a text message at 09234471957(sun) OR )09179655970.or send me an e-mail thru djsa32@yahoo.com.Many thanks.

  202. hi, i’m aileen, I just came home fr Korea after 5 years og working there. I just want to ask how can i teach english to koreans? Where do I start? Kindly text me at 0916-7775946 if someone is interested. Kamsahamnida

  203. anyong haseyo!!!i’m a home-based englisah tutor for koreans…im looking for students who want to study english in their own home..willing to teach in ortigas, greenhills and libis..just text me 09266612237

  204. hi i am carissa and i am also interested in teaching koreans online. im 23 and i was a call center agent. im a mom now so as much as possible i want to work at home since i want to take care of my baby full time. how do we teach them? do we have to learn korean as a requirement? this is my email address. rissa_cm2@yahoo.com thanks!

  205. hi, can you tell me what are the requirements of an online English teacher? im interested, and want to have sideline, you can reach me at this number 09391309956

  206. hi there. i want to teach english for koreans online. i do have a dsl connection at home. this is my number. you may contact me if you still need teachers. 09152110522 or through my skype account: leknaat25

  207. Hi Koreans here in Baguio. Welcome to Baguio. Feel free to contact me if you are in need of a Private Tutor for English and Computer Applications.
    I have been working for at least 4 years in a Call Center Industry in Manila and here in Baguio. And I had a minimal experience in English Tutorial for Koreans here in the city before.
    I will be happy to hear from you so we can talk about business and share best practices.
    Contact me at this Number: 09994988166
    Thank you for the serious takers.

  208. hi!! i also want to teach english language and grammar to korean people.i’m very interested to help them to speak english…please let me know how?.this is my number 09392726690 pls contact me…tanx

  209. I have rich experience of teaching english. I have gone through lot of communication pro grammes I have just completed online tesol course I really love to teach so my contact no is 09325298760

  210. I want to teach English language to the Koreans as I love the Korean drama series..
    Pls let me know how to start..

  211. Hi, I’m interested to teach English on-line… please help me how to apply.. Thanks

  212. Good Afternoon! Im a student in Western Institute of Technology taking up Bachelor of Arts major in English. Im on my 3rd year now and Im very pleased to be of service with the koreans to help them enhance their english skills. I’m married but have no kids at the moment. I would love to share my teaching skills with koreans but only online because Im schooling. I would like to pay my tuition fee with my own salary that’s why I’ve decided to teach koreans through online because I have my own laptop at home. Im also good at speech and anything about english phrases. I’ll be glad of service if you will connect me at 09176162505. Thank you & God Bless!

  213. Hi! I’m an education graduate and I used to work in a Korean company wherein we teach Koreans online. I’m interested about working at home and continue my passion to teach. What are the requirements? You can reach me at 0915-8991708. Kamsahamnida! 🙂

  214. hi! i’m interested in teaching english online because i badly need the it.
    may i know what the requirements are? i used to work in a call center.
    hope you can help me ^_^+
    my email is maica72589@gmail.com
    Thank you!!

  215. hi im jen,im willing to teach english for koreans that they willing to learn,just email me.thank you

  216. i’ve experienced teaching koreans who i’ve known personaly,,im interested in this kind of job. if you need me,im willing to work with your company.just contact me at 09233760041

  217. hi there im khai, im a 21 yr old nursing graduate from saint mary’s college of sanjuan,please contact me if ever you have available position in online teaching, i have an experience in teaching koreans thru video,,please.please.please,,thanks alot

  218. this is sumit.
    M.A. English literature
    2 years of working with american based company
    6 months working as a teacher for IELTS AND TOFEL.
    many of my students are now in australia canada and other countries. my email is sumit84sethi@yahoo.co.in

  219. Hi!
    I work in a call center , i’m not an english teacher but had 2yrs teaching koreans at Marikina , they’re fun to be with actually i’ved learned a little of their language, i want some extra income , i need it coz i’m renovating our house, how can i join you? you can contact me at cel no 09279459136 or 3832272.

  220. Hello there.. I’m Dhay. I am interested to apply for this position. Ive been teaching English to Koreans also in Manila a couple of years ago. It was a man-to-man kind of tutorial. I’d love to teach Koreans online this time. Please send email to this address: dhay_mflor@yahoo.com

  221. hi i am interested in teaching koreans online. please contact me at this number: 09286827958 for more info. thanks!

  222. this is me again..
    please i need to have more income..
    i assure you not to regret on choosing me as your tutor..
    i’m 20 years old, fluent in english, but i can’t graduate a bachelor’s degree due to poverty..
    hope you can help me to save more income through this online tutorials..
    thank you..
    God bless you more! 🙂

  223. hello there!
    i love english and i do love to teach english to koreans online.please consider me to teach you english. If you are interested in my service, please contact me at 09195950750 or (046)8611209 or you can email me at laladimaranan@yahoo.com
    hoping for your sooner response.God bless and thank you.

  224. hello there!
    I’m Anne…as of now i’m currently working as an english tutorial teacher at VIVI English tutorial center at kalayaan ave. please i still need this online job.. Please email me at mmrances@yahoo.com Thanks i hope you can help me…

  225. Currently, I’m teaching English language to Korean students in Cebu. But I also like the online teaching or tutorial. Please include me i need this online job. This is my email bernadettesaraga@yahoo.com thanks its a help for me.

  226. I have worked as an English teacher for Koreans. I have also experienced working on an online teaching. I am an English Associate and im teaching koreans through phone. So, i think i have enough experience. Just email me castro_airajade@yahoo.com. tnx

  227. Hello there! I have been teaching English for two years. And I am currently employed as an Online English Teacher to Korean students. Please do e-mail me diane_0328@hotmail.com. Thank you! 🙂

  228. I have experience teaching English to students under 20 for one year and I actually did well on the job.Right now am looking to find a job teaching Koreans who are willing to learn from a friendly teacher with lots of patience.just e-mail me on joseph_shima@yahoo.com

  229. Hi there,
    Thank you for posting this blog. I am very much interested to teach English. I was an English communications specialist however I gave up my job because of more pressing matters which needed much attention. I hope you would see me fit as one of your teachers. =)

  230. We are currently operating a 12 seat online english teaching facility in Makati City, Philippines and currently working on several Korean accounts thru our agent in Korea. Should you be interested, you can e-mail us and we can discuss the possibility of doing business together by sending us Korean clients. We can discuss the rates, our terms and conditions, please let us know and we will call you. Thanks!

  231. Thank you for posting this blog. I am very much interested to teach English. ..i am a 3rd year education student, major in english…i want to have an xtra income..tnx!!

  232. LUCILE, August 20, 2010
    Hi! It’s been a pleasure to have found this blog to be able to work while I tinker my keyboard at home. I am an AB English graduate and up to now, my heart still yearns to be able to apply my literary knowledge and extend it to people through teaching. Should anybody be interested to try my skills, please contact me through my email ad…Yeevah!

  233. hi..i’m currently working as an English teacher @ secondary schools for 8 years. I also had an experienced in teaching Koreans before..I want to have part time job as an ESL instructor on line..Heres my email. rebie_29@yahoo.com

  234. Hello, I am currently a HR officer in an institutions here in Cavite at the same time I am teaching English subjects to College students. I am interested to be an online teacher. Here’s my e-mail address dollypascualserrano@yahoo.com
    GOD Bless~

  235. i have visited the website you posted and i did a lot of readings online too about this field. there are so many companies here about online of face-to-face english teaching and it’s hard to choose which is good. please email me any reliable website or company you know please. i would like to give it a try. thank you.
    here is my email address: ghee101@gmail.com

  236. Dear All!
    I am teaching english language online by using skype to korean, japanese and english students. If you have question please email me. You can visit our website for futher details

  237. Hello there friends. I am also looking forward to teach english to my friends, Koreans, and Japanise. I was member of English Society when I was college in University of the Assumption. I will be happy to teach and at the same time your helping me too. Please don’t hesitate to send me email. Here’s my email purple_ian12@yahoo.com. Hope to hear from you soon! Have a good day!

  238. Hi! I am a Mass Communication graduate and I would like to teach tutorial english for koreans… If you are interester please send me a message in my e-mail..

  239. Hi! Would there be still an available position in teaching koreans online? I used to teach Koreans in a well known center in Paranaque which is Duzon Han Eol for a year, and other centers within that area as well, both online and offline. I am currently working in BPO industry. Pls send me an email at cathy_leynes@yahoo.com.
    Thanks! =D

    1. Hi Catherine! I’ll post job ads when they are available. Sorry but I really don’t have time to send emails.

  240. I’m Ven-Mar and I’m here in Korea as an exchange student. I am in need of a part-time job to help me with my expenses. I am from Far Eastern University taking up AB in English Language. Though I may not have my diploma yet because I have to finish this program, I am confident that I can be a good help in this tutorial since I am done with all of my major subjects and undergraduate thesis as well. I would be very glad to receive a response from you. E-mail me at venmarcudog@yahoo.com

  241. hi .. I’m jhen i am a 4th year college student of BS-education Major in English,I am very much willing to work with you’re company as an online teacher. I really need a job to support my needs I will be very thankful if you will hired me. you can contact me at this # 09061499546 thanks!

  242. hello, I am Pinky Lauren, I am a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in English at the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos, Bacolod City Philippines. I am 24 years old, I also passed the licensure examination for teachers last 2008.I really need this online job to teach koreans the english language, since it is one of my expertise.

  243. hi those who are former online tutor here we were looking for those who wants to teach home based.. we pay 120 per hour.. if you are interested please send your resume to jhazon11@yahoo.com included your SHORT AUDIO VIDEO (self introduction)
    NOTE: this is not a BIG COMPANY we are only a GROUP and looking forward to expand

  244. Hi, I’m Roma De Luna, but I used Nana as my Teacher name from my previous job as an Online English Instructor for Koreans. I could read and write Korean letters. I could speak and understand basic Korean language. I learned from watching Korean movies and dramas. Commitment and passion to teach and share my knowledge is what I could serve. I look forward for your response.
    Please mail me at mima_jhette@yahoo.com or contact me to 09324267032/09232321315.
    Thank you very much!

  245. Hello!
    I’m part of an online English site administered by a Filipino. We are constantly hiring part-time professional Filipino English tutors. Our English learners are all from Korea and most of them have been studying with us for almost 2 years now.
    I’ve noticed that there are some online teachers here looking for part time job…Well, those who are interested you can send us your resume, audiofile and professional photo or you can directly apply online @ http://www.onlineenglish4u.com/forms/view.php?id=4
    By the way, thanks, Betchay for letting me write this info.
    Best regards!~

  246. HI! Thanks for posting this blog. I hope you can also help me. I’ve been teaching English to Koreans since 2007. Currently, I’m handling Japanese students, although, I still need to have another Home based Online Teaching job. You can email at michieortiz18@yahoo.com. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks and Good luck!!!

  247. hello this is cathy currently living in uk looking for students i can teach english.. i have experience in teaching koreans before.. i was a teacher in the philippines. im looking for online teaching job.
    contact me. cathyseye_04@yahoo.com

  248. Hi! I am glad i found this site. I used to teach english language to koreans and i am now looking forward to teach online as well. Kindly please email me at azumi10@yahoo.com. Hope to hear from you very soon. Thank you!

  249. i am college graduate, i am an english tutor for 16 years now…i was working in an office many years but i stopped lately because i am studying again taking up Diploma Professional Education. Because i really love to teach english to everyone it would be fun hope u hire me on line just email me at my add. i am planning to pursue to special education education for special people..thats why i am now accepting jobs on line to teach english to korens chinese japanese thai or any asian nationality ..i promise it would be fun learning english..

  250. Hello there, I am a Computer Science Associate graduate. However i am really seeking and my frustrations to be a teacher. Since i am fond of kids. I would like to teach them English and interested doing it online.

  251. Hi there, let me introduce myself to you, I’m Ana Zimmermann 18 years old, a second year student in La Consolacion College taking up Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management here in Bacolod City, Philippines. I know I’m not a professional English teacher but I know how to speak English and I can teach you it’s basics so that other people will not misunderstand you.
    if your interested, you can contact me at my e-mail add:
    I really need this job right now…

  252. hi im mae..i want to know how to speak korean please help me..please call me or email me if you want this is my number..urgent!!!!09278640875..ung pdeng sa bahay lang aq turuan

  253. Hi, I’m Evangeline Pingol,currently working as nurse volunteer. I honestly do not have any background in teaching but I do know how to speak english. So, if you would give me the chance to be part of this teaching english online and earn for a living,please do so. Here’s my email-ad evangeline_pingol@yahoo.com
    Thanks and God Bless!

  254. Hi!
    I have read most of your post and glad to see that there are lots who are interested in teaching English online. I have a contact in Japan and we are launching the company next month. We will be hiring tutors with good command of English, and with of course
    american accent. You can send your CV at my email address for initial screening, or you can wait for the Official Website of our company.
    but please attach you best shot in your CV because pictures will be included on the website.(if you will be hired)
    I just hope that our company will soon help Filipinos who are unemployed.

  255. I am presently connected in a private school as Instructor for almost six (6) years. I am looking for online job and i love being a teacher….. please considered me.

  256. I am presently connected in a private school as Instructor for almost six (6) years. I am looking for online job and i love being a teacher….. please considered me. this is my email add meraflor_limin526@hotmail.com and this is my skype id meraflor1124
    thnx a lot and God bless us

  257. I am also looking for Korean students who would like learn how to speak basic english online.
    If you are interested, please call me through 09394046322, or send me an email at jyd_2681@yahoo.com.
    For just US $ 10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through money bank transfer.

  258. I’m looking for koreanstudents who would like to learn how to speak basic english online.
    If you are interested, please call me through 09154007043, send me an e-mail at gina_rebulanan@yahoo.com.
    for just $10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through western union or money bank transfer.

  259. I am looking for a Korean who students who would like learn how to speak basic english online.
    If you are interested, please call me through 09334718414, send me an e-mail at marilou_razo@yahoo.com
    for just $10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through western union or money bank transfer.

  260. Hi , I am Miss Cheryle Vidal Baviera, A college graduate with a degree in Psychology. I am willing to teach Korean students the English grammar. Preferably developing their communication skills through vocabulary and comprehension and writing skills.
    As far as my qualifications are concerned, at present I am working as a writer for an online magazine, GABLIFESTYLE. Likewise, I am a contributor for a Horoscope Magazine
    My rate would be 5 dollars per hour.
    Interested students can send me an email via cheryandratsky@yahoo.com or call me at +09204539423, +639272137138 Hope to be of help to you

  261. Hi My name Is Kaye . I am an online English teacher to Japanese and Koreans. LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN and EASY. . I teach English from Beginners to Intermediate to High level students. The courses range from Basic English grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary lessons to Discussion courses to help enhance writing and communication skills of our students…
    Pls send me email at englishsez@gmail.com. You can text me at 09239990950. You can add me to ur skype : englishsez. My rate is 10 USD per hour

  262. Hi my name is Azenith but my students call me Ace
    I am an online teacher for korean and japanese students i’ve been teaching English online for 3 years now. i started my teaching career in a language school where i taught English to Koreans on a one to one basis and also group classes. with various learning levels and ages. i also teach TOEIC. I am a freelance online English teacher now. I can teach basic to advance English also business English and TOEIC review.
    I have a korean internet phone you can study English with me thru phone or skype
    for Phone English its a 15 minutes duration per class 5 days a week cost is 60,000 won a month thats 20 sessions a month
    for skype 50 minutes class 5 days a week its 150,000 won 20 days session
    Books are available free of charge
    payment is thru paypal account
    for inquiries please contact me
    email : aze_young2007@yahoo.com
    internet phone: 07078971113
    mobile number:00639219930750

  263. Hi my name is Teacher Anne. I have been teaching students around the world for couple of years now. If you want to know how to be efficient and effective in English, I can definitely help you out for that. My rate is $9 and it is still negotiable. I can provide you the materials you needed and even give you one free class as soon as you enroll. Feel free to send me a message via skype. My Skype ID is annevilareal…

    1. anneong haseo…hi, i can help you..I’ve been in Korea for 3 years..You can cantact me in this #09291246972..i’ll wait for you..kamsa hamnida…

  264. Pleasant day through God’s grace.
    My name is grace and I am a high school science and math teacher for 10 yrs in an international school and working also as a call center trainer in voice and accent. To those Japanese and Koreans who wanted to learn basic English, you may inform me on my email alies289@aol.com and i will give you my contact nos. Im sorry i dont like to display my nos to prevent or stop people from calling me up without any business. My rate is $10 per hour. Thanks and God bless!

  265. Hi! My name is Heidee. I am an elementary teacher and I have been teaching Korean students for 2 years. If you want to know how to be efficient and effective in English, I can help you out for that.
    If you are interested please call me through 09228205187, sent me an e-mail at hicamen@yahoo.com.
    For just $10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through western Union or money bank transfer.

  266. Hi! i’m currently studying here in London,my time is flexible.
    I’m interested to teach basic English to Korean students or any nationality who wishes to learn english online. You can reach me thru my mobile no. +447553806629 or keep in touch thru my YM Id sheelalu79. Everyone is welcome! Hope to hear from you very soon.

  267. I’m looking for korean students who would like to learn how to speak basic English online.
    If you are interested, send me an e-mail at im_ur_teacher@yahoo.com.
    for just $10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through western union or money bank transfer.

  268. I’m looking for korean students who would like to learn how to speak basic English online.
    If you are interested, , send me an e-mail at im_ur_teacher@yahoo.com.
    for just $10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through western union or money bank transfer.

  269. Hi , I am Miss Sheila Rayo, A college graduate with a degree in Education major in English. I am willing to teach Korean students the English grammar. Preferably developing their communication skills through vocabulary and comprehension and writing skills.
    I am an elementary teacher . If you want to know how to be efficient and effective in English, I can help you out for that.
    If you are interested please call me through 09305469097, sent me an e-mail at aliehs_019@yahoo.com.
    For just $10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through western Union or money bank transfer.

  270. Good Day!
    I’m Ana Zimmermann. I’m 18 years old. A second year college student and currently studying at La Consolacion College here in Bacolod City, Philippines. I know I’m not a professional English teacher nor taking major in English but the kind of course I’m taking is how to communicate well to our customers and it includes us to express ourselves in the English Language.
    For an interview you can contact me in my e.mail or through my mobile no. 09079393877.
    Thank you…

  271. Hi! My name is Jhenny Castillo.I am a college graduate.I’m looking for a korean students who would like to learn how to speak in English.I’m approachable,kind and cheerful.I love reading books.I love kids so i am pretty sure that it will be fun while learning.
    If your interested please e-mail me at bunsong_panganay@yahoo.com
    And you can see me at my facebook at espositoubheng@yahoo.com
    See you online!

  272. HI! Im Ms kristine
    Ive been teaching koreans every peak season here in Phil.
    I do have my TESOL cert. and currently an IELTS passer total band of 7.
    Pls contact me thru my skype at coolmelon975
    or my msn messenger ging_yobo75@hotmail.com
    I am more than qualified to perform the job
    My rate is 12 US $ per hour
    I have my materials or you may want to use a book of your choice
    Good day! and looking forward to meet and teach you.

  273. Anyong….This is Mariecor. Ive been teaching English to Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese and etc. for 3 years in one the most famous Language schools here in Cebu. Recently Im teaching IELTS to Korean students who want to get good band scores. Particularly, Im teaching IELTS speaking, writing task 1 and writing task 2.
    m an English major and currently pursuing my masters degree.
    English can`t be found inside the classrooms, and in books. But English can be experienced well through communicating people in a real life situation.
    You can count me in, if you want to study English online. Who knows, right after having my class, you would know that you are improving your skills.
    Feel free to contact me through skype:
    Here is my skype ID: strawboory.hyacinth.
    Thank you very much!

  274. Hello, my name is Frances. I’d be happy to teach spoken or written English. I’m English (with an English degree) and I’m a communications manager for a large, well reputed British Bank, so I have business experience too. You can contact me through andyandfran@tiscali.co.uk. I will accept payment in £, American $ or Euros to the equivalent of £8 per hour. You can contact me on anyandfran@tiscali.co.uk. I’ll look forward to hearing from you!

  275. I am presently teaching several Korean students using an IPPHone. Normally, Koreans call this kind of on-line education as “Phone English”. For Koreans who want to have a try ( a sample class for that matter) may dial this number 07078843867. Rate per session is very affordable.

  276. Hello Dear Korean Friends,
    I am Cristina, a recruitment officer in a reputable company here in the Philippines. I do have koreans friends also in my tagged and facebook accounts. I can help you with regards to your English Communications skills. I can teach you well. If you’re interested, feel free to Email me at xtinah89@yahoo.com

  277. my rate is $10 per hour and i can also give you some refferences in enhancing your English vocabulary.
    Thank you :))

  278. hi! i’m looking for students who are willing to learn English online.I’m a nursing graduate and willing to teach you english anytime of the day. If you’re interested just add me alodia.mae @ skype. My charge every hour is negotiable.

  279. Hi, l am a Romanian teacher of English. l can help you with English grammar, vocabulary, writing and phonectics. l like to teach, mostly kids, but adults are welcome too, as l have experience in this field, too. l like playing games, telling stories and poems, all while learning English at all levels. l can also teachy ou Italian beginner level and, of course, my language Romanian. Give you the first glance of a beautiful language and a culture full of legends, myths and wonderful traditions. After all, is Dracula’s language, try speaking it! Hope to hear from you soon! skype: margapusa; id msg: marga_pusa

  280. Good Day! I’m Ana Zimmermann, I’m 18 years old, a second year college student at La Consolacion College here in Bacolod City, Philippines taking up Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management… I’m not a professional English teacher but the kind of course that I’m taking is how well we communicate to our customers and it includes us to express ourselves in the English language… I can teach you the basic English grammar because everything starts in basic… If your interested you can contact me in my e-mail at zimmermannana@ymail.com
    Thank you…♥

  281. Learn English Via Skype. All you need is a computer with headset. I provide free trial class up to 30 minutes to discuss about learning in Skype and your learning goals. Free learning materials provided prior to the lesson.
    I teach all levels of students. I can help you to get higher score in IELTS and TOEIC tests.
    About me : My name is Kristen. I am a TESOL certified with master’s degree in Educational management. I graduated from the University of California.I have been teaching English to non-native English Speakers since 1995. I am accustomed to design personalized learning materials for the students’ necessity.
    Rate per hour $12-$30
    You can inquire anytime. My Skype ID is : kristensylla
    See you Online. Thank you so much.

  282. hello there!!My name is Pearl and I’m looking for Koreans who are interested to study the English language.I’m taking up Bachelor of Arts in English here in Iloilo City.I’m not professionally trained but i had experiences on tutor jobs.If you’re interested , just contact me.My number is 09993340361 or send me an email at LVearl1793@yahoo.com.My charge per hour is 200pesos.you can study online.Payments ca be made through bank transfer,thank you.

  283. I’m looking for koreans who wants to learn basic and intermediate English. I have my own domain that I use for teaching. https://na2.connectnow.acrobat.com/shianjamessambrano
    just click on the link and add your name as a guest. by clicking this domain you will be inside my meeting room where you can chat and see me personally. you can also talk to me via headset. my fee is for $10 per hour. via western union or you can send money transfer to my bank account. if your interested please send me an email or call me 09064855112/shianjames_sambrano@hotmail.com

  284. my name is Myrna U, Claro Filipina graduated at University of Santo Tomas Phil. yr. 1976 AB econamics experinces teachings for 15 yrs.in elementary, high sch. and college. Im looking for students who would like to learn how speak english well, i can develop your communication skill. etc. pls. contact my email myrna,umila @ yahoo.com

  285. Hi, My name is Ryan M. Pajares,a 20 year old data encoder and a former Customer Service Associate of the Leading Contact Center in the whole Philippines,I already posses American Accent and I have an excellent English Communication Skills both oral and written.For those who are interested to be my student,just send me an email.at criticyankee09@rocketmail.com or you just add me on your SKYPE account.and you can contact me through phone # +639206942893.I will teach you everything about English,from Basic to intermediate.I will also teach you how to write say the words in American Accent.
    just try to send me message.It only cost $7.00USD per hour…

  286. i can teach you anytime you want..just tell me your desired schedule….again send me aan email if you are interested.
    criticyankee09@rocketmail.com or call me through ph#+639206942893..
    for only $7 US dollars an hour you will learn 3 topics about english…

  287. Hi everyone! Good Day!
    My name is Erwin C. Gagam. I am 23 years old. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education. I am currently working as a Customer Service Representative. I am here to look for Korean student(s) who is/are eager to learn on how to enhance his/her communication skills both in oral and in written. I had experiences in teaching primary and intermediate pupils.
    I am also eager to teach online for my future Korean students using the best hierarchy and strategies i have learned in teaching that will really help my students improve their communication skills.
    For those who are interested, just contact me through my email address:
    (you can inquire everything on me, just send me an email)
    $9 per hour.
    thank you so much.
    see you around!

  288. Hello everyone! My name is Manny. I worked as a Customer Service Representative in a reputable and leading call center company. I do teach english language to koreans. If you are interested, please dont hesitate to contact me at 0915-618-3779 or email me at mawe_gacuma@yahoo.com. Basically my approach of teaching is fun, easy and its worth your money. My affordable rate is at $5.00 only. Im available Mondays to Sundays.

  289. Hi everyone. My name is Manny. Learn english language in a fun, easy and dynamic ways? I worked as a Customer Service Representative in a leading and reputable call center company in the Philippines. If you are interested, please dont hesitate to contact me at 915-618-3779 or email me at mawe_gacuma@yahoo.com. My hourly rate is $5.00. Im available Monday to Sunday. Hope to teach you english soon!

  290. hi there everyone…
    I am Rennell-VIer F. Broqueza. I have been working as a Customer Service Representative. And has excellent english communication skills. I have work during weekdays, however, I am still willing to teach english to koreans online via Skype. I can offer $4.00/hour. I am available during Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00pm – 5:00pm. I can have a session for as long as 1hour per session.
    If you’re interested you can contact me at my email rennellvier.broqueza@gmail.com or call me at my number +639266904580/+639186917135
    payments can be via Bank Transfer, Money Transfer or Through Paypal.

  291. hi there everyone…
    I am Rennell-VIer F. Broqueza. I have been working as a Customer Service Representative. And has excellent english communication skills. I have work during weekdays, however, I am still willing to teach english to koreans online via Skype. I can offer $4.00/hour. I am available during Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00pm – 5:00pm. I can have a session for as long as 1hour per session.
    If you’re interested you can contact me at my email rennellvier.broqueza@gmail.com or call me at my number +639266904580/+639186917135
    payments can be via Bank Transfer, Money Transfer or Through Paypal.

  292. Hi! My name is Jhen. I’m an online English teacher. If you want to study English just feel free to contact me at this number 09053320851 or email me at omniceo@yahoo.com. The payment will made through a money transfer of western union or directly on my account. payment will only be $10 for a 1 hour session. I teach all kinds of level from beginner to advance. Hoping to hear from you soon. By the way I have been teaching online for almost two years now and I enjoy teaching..^^

  293. Hi! My name is Jhen. I’m an online English teacher. If you want to study English just feel free to contact me at this number 09053320851 or email me at omniceo@yahoo.com. The payment will made through a money transfer of western union or directly on my account. payment will only be $10 for a 1 hour session. I teach all kinds of level from beginner to advance. Hoping to hear from you soon. By the way I have been teaching online for almost two years now and I enjoy teaching..^^
    the payment will range from $8 -10 dollars an hour.

  294. Hi everyone! Good Day!
    My name is Erwin C. Gagam. I am 23 years old. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education. I am currently working as a Customer Service Representative. I am here to look for Korean student(s) who is/are eager to learn on how to enhance his/her communication skills both in oral and in written. I had experiences in teaching primary and intermediate pupils.
    I am also eager to teach online for my future Korean students using the best hierarchy and strategies i have learned in teaching that will really help my students improve their communication skills.
    For those who are interested, just contact me through my email address:
    (you can inquire everything on me, just send me an email)
    You can even send your email to me inquiring with regard to the rate per hour, schedule for the teaching and etc.
    Thank you

  295. Hi , I am Miss Celine Marie Buno, a college student. I am willing to teach Korean students the English grammar. Preferably developing their communication skills through vocabulary and comprehension and writing skills.
    If you want to know how to be efficient and effective in English, I can help you out for that.
    If you are interested please call me through 09302865052, sent me an e-mail at celine@bohol-philippines.com.

  296. Last year i attended your seminar/workshop how to teach via online to some koreans who are looking for a tutor/ teacher to teach them in english.. but sad to say only now I have my own gadget to used for teaching online, by the way I am about to graduate in college this coming year 2011. Is there anychance for me to each online? Please help thanks

  297. I am looking for Korean students who would like to learn how to speak basic English online.
    If you are interested please call me through 09166687164, send me an e-mail at richelle_aquino10@yahoo.com.
    For just $10.00 per hour, payment shall be made through Western Union or money bank transfer.

  298. GoodDay!! Im Kamille Roldan a Newly board passer Of BSE English.I would like to help Koreans in their basic English enhanced their grammar, comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills. I’m wiling to have a one on one tutorial to the Koreans who were living herein Manila area. The payment is based on how we settle it just message me at kamile_roldan@yahoo.com

  299. Hi, my name is Adele and I’m looking for Korean students who wants to have a personal English coach. I’ve English teaching experience in Seoul for 2 years both children and professional adult. My schedule is flexible except monday and friday, but free on nights, time difference between Montreal and Korea is 13 hrs. Anyone interested send me email at eteletalk@yahoo.ca. Thanks

    1. To Justine, your grammar is wrong too. I would like to have AN ENGLISH TUTORIAL LESSON. Should not be I want to have A ENGLISH….

      1. Hi, there! I am looking for anyone who would like to have personal English lessons anytime on Fridays and Saturdays (Philippine Time). I am located in Cebu City, Philippines. To those students who are interested, please feel free to send email to ycellove@yahoo.com. I would be glad to teach you the language.

      2. write lu.. i don’t know if it was just a typographical error committed by Justine… Remember “if the word is preceeded by a vowel we use “an” and if it is preceded by a consonant we use “a”. Kamsa hamnida 🙂

  300. hey there…. I’m Arjay and I’m looking for Korean student who wants to learned English Language…
    I can help you to be a competitive individual to face the global competition…. anyone interested, just send the message to my email. inspect21_arjay@yahoo.com. thanks.. manse!!!

    1. I am wondering arjay because your grammar is wrong. WHO WANTS TO LEARNED. Should be Who wants to learn, right?

          1. Hi Nina, I’m not being rude or anything but your grammar is wrong. It should be “Their” not “They’re”.

      1. For sally, i think Lu is just concern about arjay, you should study more and concentrate on grammar to lessen mistakes. 🙂 annyeong ha sae yo…

  301. good day! my name is kevin, and Iam looking for a student, who wants to learn English language, in an efficient, effective and enjoying way., this could be the way for us to explore and have fun. thank you!

  302. hello! My name is Carl, everybody is welcome regardless of age to learn English language or tutoring on line. thank you.

  303. Hi! My name is jinks. I’m an english teacher. Somebody who wants to learn english just contact me. This is my email address hello_jinks@yahoo.com.sg. I’m available on weekends.. Who wants to learn conversation online….Have a nice day to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  304. Hi there. Im looking for Korian students who would be willing to have online English tutorial lesson. Thank you. Godbless.
    Ms. Bernal

  305. HI,
    My names is Joel and I am in the middle of searching for Korean Students who would be willing to acquire an English online tutorial lesson. I am currently working on a Call Center Company and seriously looking for a part time job as an Online English Teacher! I am available on weekends. Email me through this address – heizen.data@gmail.com. Thank you and God Bless to us!!!
    Mr. Joel

  306. An nyong ha se yo. I’m very much interested in helping Koreans who want to learn English and fit into this highly competetive world of communication. For the past 12 years up to present, I’ve been working as a translator from English to two Filipino dialects. This nature of work has lead me to take different language courses to enhance my command of the English language and my ability to teach this language to those who want to make English as their second language, namely: English Comprehension Course, Translation Technique Course, and English as a Second Language. If interested, just let me know through my e-mail: smadram@hotmail.com……I will teach you, not so much on the in-depth technicalities of English, but on how to communicate in English more correctly. I’ll do my best to help you learn the English language the easiest way possible.

  307. Hi. I’m Jaybe A. Lungalung. 16 years old. 1st year college student who’s taking up Bachelor of Arts in English. I am looking for Korean students who would like to learn English language. Please contact me, jaybee_1994@yahoo.com

  308. Hi! I’m Kayla… I’m taking Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English and I can teach any English for specific purposes. I’m free every evening from 9p.m.-11:00 p.m. with only 10$ rate/2 hours. If you’re interested just email me at KaylaSarte@yahoo.com or text me at this number 09494195125.

  309. Am happy opening this blog hoping for a positive outcome. I am interested working as part time tutorial. Am currently connected to one of the private school the St. Jude Thaddeus Institute of Technology here in surigao city as a college instructor in computer fields for almost six (6) years. I also worked as one on one tutorial in grade school for a year. this is my email add: meraflor_limin526@hotmail.com and this is my skype id meraflor 1124

  310. Hi, I’m Wendy. I live in Malaysia and I’m specialized in TESL (Teaching English as Second Langauge). I’m interested in teaching English online to korean students because I’m hoping that I can learn some Korean in return. Feel free to reach me at wjchoong86@hotmail.co.uk

  311. Good Day! I want also to have a Korean student to teach English subject..pls let me know if you have student who wants to learn English. I need extra income aside from my full time job. This is my cellphone number 09302104899..thanks.Good Times.

  312. Hello there!
    I am Teacher Linda . I am looking for interested Korean students of all ages who want to learn English on-line via skype. I have been in the teaching field for more than 15 years and have taught international students.
    You can reach me at lvfranco2001@yahoo.com or skype ID phillippi0619. You can call (011632) 703 3849. For rate of $8-10 per hour you can pay thru bank transfer or PayPal.
    Lets have fun learning and be blessed!

  313. Hello there!
    I am looking for more Korean students who want to learn Engilsh online. I’m currently teaching Koreans man-to-man but still free to teach online.
    I can be reached thru email: melizinc@gmail.com.

  314. HI there I’m Ysrael from the Philippines i am interested to be come an English teacher to anyone whose looking for a private lesson online in English I’m available Monday to Saturday 10 am onwards Philippine time, here’s my email a_ey69@yahoo.com if you’re interested… Have a great day..

  315. Hello everyone!
    In all honesty, I’m not an expert of the English language, and not even close to very good. However, I believe that I am far better than average. I am conversationally good in this language. I may not be an American but I sound and for some reason look like one. I’d been in the Sales industry for a long time, and I developed a very high tolerance for irritating situation. I can assure you that I am very patient, also I’m not going to pretend that I know everything. I’ll research about it and we’ll learn together. I wish I could start my online teaching classes in January, as I’m still preparing for this kind of set up. I was once an online teacher but this will be first time I’m gonna do it on my own. It’s gonna be an experimental kind of class, so please don’t expect a lot from me as I don’t expect any payment from you. Yes, you read it right. Of course, no one would want to pay for an experimental class. I’m not sure how much student I can accommodate, so good luck. For those Koreans who would want to be experimented, drop me a line. My e-mail address should be under this comment. See you guys!

  316. Hi! I am Jae from the Philippines. I am looking for Korean students who want to learn English. I can assure you, you will be getting a good service and lessons from me. Thank you. My email is gossiper02@gmail.com

  317. Hi:
    My name is Travis and I would love to teach English to Korean student’s. I live in the USA and have a flawless American accent, and am TESOL certified. I get along great with kids, teens young adults and every age. Give me a shout in my e-mail gracelenore2002@yahoo.co.uk, and I’ll send you my TESOL certificate and we can even set up a sample lesson.
    P.S. I use skype, yahoo messenger and Live messenger.

  318. hello my name is maria stella esguerra but you can address me by my nickname, maite. i have been connected with the government service for 20 years, where i served as a research analyst. For a change, i want to teach online english to koreans who are willing to learn the language and maybe to teach them our local dialect which is the Pilipino or tagalog. Anyway, i charge a minimal fee which is very affordable to the pocket. you can get in touch with me at my email address stellaesguerra@yahoo.com hope to hear from you very soon!

  319. Greetings to you all for the New Year 2011. My name is Erana, I am a tertiary qualified college teacher in New Zealand. I am looking for people who wish to learn, improve, and build their confidence in speaking & written english online. The areas of learning are, business, law, anthropolgy, social sciences, engineering, social, interpersonl, office, high school or college subjects eg: science, english, maths, physics, biolgy, technology. So if you are interested, and need to expand your knowledge, by all means, email me at erana.kawiti@yahoo.com. Lessons are taught via Skype. If you are a an absolute begginner, intermediate, or advanced, or unsure altogether, no worries, I can help you find your feet understanding the english language. Warmest regards. Erana.

  320. I am offering a free trial lesson for those who are interested. The lesson is 10 minutes in length. This is to allow you to gain a feel of my teaching. Warm regards Erana.

    1. Hi,
      Do you want to be part of our home-base teachers? we will provide some students for you, duration time 10-25 minutes..
      mail us if your interested or if you have any questions… (thruthesky@gmail.com)
      Thank you^6

  321. hi there,
    i am willing to teach english language to our children..i hope you give a chance to teach to them..i love kids..thanks

  322. hi everyone! You may email me if you want to learn basic and conversational English. It’s really simple, let me help you. ^_^

  323. hello just message me if interested teach u a better english! Im a good english teacher and proffesional.

  324. Hi there, whoever wants to apply in our company you can do so.
    , just send your resume in our e-mail(thruthesky@gmail.com) and we’ll call you. we are in need of teachers…
    Thank you…^^,

  325. Our company is ONTUE (clark branch),
    I hope to see you there, if you are interested in home base tutoring, we also provide it,. It’s very easy and convenient. ^^,

  326. I’m Jelai from the Philippines. I’m looking for Koreans who want to learn English on-line.
    Please feel free to contact me at this address :

  327. Hello! I am Sheryll from Philippines. If you are looking for an on-line English tutor, feel free to contact me through my e-mail address (rockstar1600@yahoo.com). I can do the teaching anytime at your convenience. 🙂

  328. I am a Licensed teacher who’s much willing to help korean students to learn English in the best way I can I believe I am not that perfect but i hope i can help. I’ll do my best to help you… 🙂 e mail me at m2m_marrvin16@yahoo.com …. Kamsa hamnida:)
    나는 많은 한국 학생들이 내가하지만 완벽한 희망 ë‚´ê°€ 도울 수있다는 아니라고 믿을 수있는 최선의 방법으로 영어를 배울 수 있도록 기꺼이 교사 자격증입니다. ë‚´ê°€ 당신을 도와 최선을 다하겠습니다 … 🙂 전자 메일 나를 m2m_marrvin16@yahoo.com에 …. Kamsa의 hamnida 🙂

  329. Hi there, I am Beverly Domingo from the philippines and looking for korean students who wants to learn how to speak and write english,,i may not be a teacher but i know i can be a good teacher,,so if you are one of those students who are eager to speaker english,feel free to contact me,my email add is beverlydomingo@rocketmail.com….

  330. hello! English as your second language? mmy name is kevin from the university of the philippines, iam willing to impart my knowledge that iam acquiring at the university in an enjoying and effective way.

  331. hi.i’m philip, 23 years old and a graduate of BS Civil Engineering. A friend told me about this Online English tutorial few weeks ago and I must say such is undoubtedly interesting. I may not be the best person to be fluent in the English language but I am confident enough to say that my English skills whether in writing or in speaking would help me in acquiring the job.
    How will i be able to apply author?can you please help me about the important details.I really need this so badly.
    Thanks in advance for your positive response.
    God bless you.

  332. I may not be a teacher by profession but I have the heart of a teacher in this kind of endeavor.
    I’m very much interested to help Koreans in enhancing their understanding towards the English Language.
    alphabarbs_17@yahoo.com is my e-add if ever there is an opportunity for me to handle tutorials.

  333. Hi, This is Blessil, I am looking for students who want to learn English online. I have been teaching English for quite a long time, so I can assure you that I can help you improve your English skills.
    If your interested, e-mail me at (katkat192000@yahoo.com).

  334. I am a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education graduate working as a public school teacher in the Philippines. I have been teaching English (my major) for ten years now. I don’t have any experience teaching Koreans online but I am eager to do it. I love my job and I want to expand my teaching horizon. I am excited to work with Koreans, gain new teaching experiences, and earn extra income as well.

  335. Hi! For those Koreans who wants to learn English and develop their English skills, well, I’m at your service! I’m a Hotel and Restaurant Management student who is very much willing to help you guys. You can’t only get knowledge from me but also a freind.=) So for those who are interested please do e-mail me and I can assure you that you will really learn a lot from me. Thank you!=)

  336. Hi! For those Koreans who wants to learn English and develop their English skills, well, I’m at your service! I’m a Hotel and Restaurant Management student who is very much willing to help you guys. You can’t only get knowledge from me but also a freind.=) So for those who are interested please do e-mail me and I can assure you that you will really learn a lot from me. Thank you!=)

  337. Hi! For those Koreans who wants to learn English and develop their English skills, well, I’m at your service! I’m a Hotel and Restaurant Management student who is very much willing to help you guys. You can’t only get knowledge from me but also a freind.=) So for those who are interested please do e-mail me and I can assure you that you will really learn a lot from me. Thank you!=)

  338. hi i’m tin from the Philippines.looking for students who wants to improve their English. send me an email!

  339. Hi, if anyone is interested for a Special Education, Math, English tutoring, please email me @ wilbekimentors@gmail.com. Tutorials start from $10.00/hour. We can work with your schedule at any time zones.
    Thank you!

  340. Hi!Im looking for students whom i can render my service as a english teacher online.. any nationality can do…thanks…if your interested, you can contact me or can catch me in this email add. larrysario200@yahoo.com

  341. Hi! I’m Bimel and hope to be of service to foreign students by teaching English. I am dedicated and hope to upgrade your knowledge in the English language, compensation is not my priority but to enhance your learning skills though your interest would mean extra income for me. You can email me thru bimel2000@yahoo.com or you can call me thru 09206148390. Thank you very much.

  342. I am an experienced English language teacher and trainer from West Malaysia. I have vast experience in teaching English to non-native speakers of English. I teach accurate English the easy way, with great success. If you would like to learn English effectively, then do email me. I would love to teach you.

  343. hi! I’m ms apple from Iloilo City, Philippines..i am willing to teach English to any interested Koreans students or professionals who are willing to learn or develop their communication skills..feel free to e-mail me.. zenandrayasin@yahoo.com

  344. Hello! My name is Edelyn, I come from Balubad 2, Silang Cavite, Phillippines. I have been teaching English Language to Koreans for 4 years in Samyoek SDA Institute, Philippine Branch. To those Koreans you want to improve their English skills with me, please feel free to email me at cuadraedelyn@gmail.com or leerysine82@yahoo.com for more information…thank you and have a wonderful day!

  345. for now im teachiung english grammar to any korean students who want to learn about english grammar,although im not good in english.but hoping your cooperation stiil good,im fluent to speak and listening english grammar,

  346. Hi
    My name is Dino and I am a professional teacher from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I posses a BA diploma in English Language and Literature and an MA diploma in Teacher Training, which means that I train teachers how to teach English to students. So if you want a high quality English lesson that guarantees success contact me. I wish you all the best and I hope that you will accomplish your goals in English language learning.

  347. Hi
    My name is Dino and I am a professional teacher from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I posses a BA diploma in English Language and Literature and an MA diploma in Teacher Training, which means that I train teachers how to teach English to students. So if you want a high quality English lesson that guarantees success contact me. I wish you all the best and I hope that you will accomplish your goals in English language learning.

  348. A warm hello to all those students out there who dream of mastering English Language.
    I am a professionally qualified teacher from Bali, Indonesia. If you are interested to improve your English with me, please e-mail me at the given e-mail ID.
    Thanks and God Bless.
    Remember, it only hurts for a moment when you make the effort, it hurts forever, when you don’t!

  349. hello, i’m pie… i’m looking for students who wants to learn english lessons whether online or not… please feel free to contact me (09059216725). you can also e-mail me (roselle_aguilar06@yahoo.com)
    thank you very much..

  350. for those who wants to learn english just email or ring cel #09083023220, can also process student permit.

  351. for those who wants to learn english dial this number 090983023220, can also process student permit.

  352. Anyong haseyo!to all koreans who wants to learn english ,well i am here i can speak korean hangul too ,ive been working in seoul korea for 6 years and teach korean kids in sukyukwan ,chun-chundong prugio apt.,pls do email me Kamsamnida!
    here is my email joycehernandez04@yahoo.com

  353. Good Day everyone. I am Rowen, male, 22 years of age from Cebu City and currently working as a call center agent and I am looking a part time job as a tutor. To everyone who are interested to learn and improve their communication skills in English via online or in person don’t hesitate to contact me. I can be your great tutor and at the same time a wonderful friend. If you are interested to learn from me just email me at zhammann(at)yahoo(dot)com. Cya!!

  354. hi! I am very much interested with this job,please e-mail me more details on how it work , thanks a lot!!!

  355. hello guys!! I am mave, 23 years of age,female , from bacolod City . Looking for an online tutor to improve your communication skills in English? Reach me through my email: limegirl_17@yahoo.com

  356. Hi!
    I am Isabel Reyes and I am looking for Koreans whose willing to learn better English. I am 22 years old and had a year experience job in BPO industry. If I catches your attention, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 09289062785 as well as you can send me an email to isabel.reyes30@yahoo.com.
    Thank you!

  357. Hi there. Please consider my application. Im in the states right now. I’m looking for a part time job online. If you are interested, please do email me. Thank you and have a great day!

  358. i teach english online to japanese, chinese, and korean students. Add me in skype if interested.. julypearl07. see you!

  359. Hi! I’m looking for a part time job. I work as an HR assistant of a private company and I’m free after my office hours. I am willing to teach english online. You can contact me with my number 09178899095,here’s my email account:bukoalily@yahoo.com.ph and skype account: happyalily
    Thank you.

  360. Hi ! good day everyone ! I am Arlene Capoquian just call me Chin ! For those who interested to learn and interested on how to speak in English, just email me at arlene_aoc@yahoo.com and contact me at this number 0910.473.4843. Everyone is open and welcome to ask me about teaching English words. So Why don’t you try and start it now ! I am very much happy and it’s my pleasure to serve and share my knowledge !

  361. Hello there.. I am Joe Pete G. Tiu 21 years of age. Have been teaching as a part time ESL instructor for Koreans from July-September 2010. And now I am looking for students who wants to learn English through online. Just send me an email joepete_tiu@yahoo.com or call me with my mobile number +639291714809..

  362. Hi my names avimar I’m looking for students who wants to learning English badly ..I’m a graduate of Bachelor of Arts major in English ….for more information you can e-mail me by in my email address->livendufuentes@yahoo.com

  363. Hi…. I’m Thess……looking for online Koreans students. I’ve been teaching Koreans for 7 years. Just send an e-mail or call me .

  364. hi, i would like to teach english online to koreans, can you help me?i am in the academe for 7 years now, teaching college students. thank you and hope for an immediate reply, Godbless

  365. Hello guys… I’m John, do you want to learn conversational English the fastest way. It’s my method of teaching that you need.
    Here’s my e-mail — wantoytaganas@gmail.com or you can call me @ my mobile phone number:

  366. Hello, im Ann..a Teacher tries to find on-line Korean students who wish to learn English. Hope you will consider me,just email me. Domo Arigato!

  367. Hello guys…I’m looking for Korean students who wish to learn the ENGLISH LANGUAGE excellently.I would be of great help to you. I graduated Bachelor in Secondary Education major in English.I have been teaching English for 24 yrs. to Filipino students. If you’re interested here’s my email ad……merlaflorita01@yahoo.com. GOD BLESS US ALL.

  368. Hello guys….I am MAE looking for Koreans who wish to learn the ENGLISH LANGUAGE excellently.I would be of great help to you.I graduated Bachelor in Secondary Education major in ENGLISH.I have been teaching English to Filipino students for 24 yrs.If you’re interested here’s my e mail ad…..merlaflorita01@yahoo.com

  369. Hi!. I’m Norris Cruz from the Philippines, anyone out there who wants to learn English the cheapest and fastest way? I would surely love to teach you all. It would not be in the old school way, I guarantee that it would be very interactive and fun also. Just email me at owyezz_28@yahoo.com or call me +639299784418. Thanks.

  370. hi I’m Oyis and I’m looking for Korean students who wants to learn English online. I dont have any plans of making you just my students but also my friends. Looking forward to hear from you all thanks.
    Email me at owyezz_28@yahoo.com or just call me at +639299784418

  371. i am grace, if you would like to be my student for online teaching, i will teach you english, just add me on my skype id mgef2234, just add me and ill call u as soon as i get ur skype id…
    gbrmda@yahoo.com.au/grace22276@yahoo.com is my email account just try to add me and we will talk about it
    Thank you


  373. Anyonghasayeo
    I am looking for experience to teach English online. I was born in England and have lived here my whole life. I studied English from an early age, and even graduated with a degree that was Psychology with English.
    I would like to teach English online and I WILL NOT CHARGE FOR THIS!!
    I just want experience and want to help people improve their English.
    If you’re interested in improving your English and learning the correct pronunciation of words, then email me on bengali_angel@hotmail.com
    Again, this is a FREE SERVICE! I am not charging for this.
    This will be very INFORMAL teaching. You will tell me what help you need and where you would like to improve, and I will help you. We will work on your terms and as there is no payment involved, we can both be flexible with our time.
    In return you can teach me some korean words 🙂
    If you’re interested, email me and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
    Remember, that this won’t be structured teaching… it’s just me offering to help where you may be struggling.
    Take care all.
    Kamsahamnida for your time.

  374. Good Day! I’m Sherryll; and I’m looking for any Korean or Japanese student either in elementary or high school who’s of interest in knowing English speaking/writing. Please don’t hesitate to send me email at: sherryllalipio@yahoo.com.ph
    God bless 😉

  375. good evening..
    my alam po ba kayong company na still hiring for online english tutor dito sa south sa may alabang, muntinlupa area??
    kung sinong may alam. send naman sa mail ko.
    thank u

  376. hi, i am happy to know the opportunities to teach English. i love that. thanks a lot for giving me the information regarding that…..
    alonso sami

  377. hello im rose .. i would like to apply as an online English teacher for Koreans. if there’s an available, its my pleasure to teach..
    thanks and more power!!

  378. Hi my name is Vicente Pajaro. I am graduate of Bachelor of Science major in Retailing from Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,New Hampshire,U.S.A. I am interested in teaching English to Koreans. Pls kindly send me information on where to send my resume thanks!
    Sincerely yours,
    Vicente Pajaro +639279833356(unavailable until Mar.25)
    +639052295334(available until Mar.25)

  379. Hi my name is Vicente Pajaro. I am graduate of Bachelor of Science major in Retailing from Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,New Hampshire,U.S.A. I am interested in teaching English to Koreans. Pls kindly send me information on where to send my resume thanks!
    Sincerely yours,
    Vicente Pajaro +639279833356(unavailable until Mar.25)
    +639052295334(available until Mar.25)

  380. Hi my name is Vicente Pajaro. I am graduate of Bachelor of Science major in Retailing from Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,New Hampshire,U.S.A. I am interested in teaching English to Koreans. Pls kindly send me information on where to send my resume thanks!
    Sincerely yours,
    Vicente Pajaro +639279833356(unavailable until Mar.25)
    +639052295334(available until Mar.25)

  381. Hi my name is Vicente Pajaro. I am graduate of Bachelor of Science major in Retailing from Southern New Hampshire University,Manchester,New Hampshire,U.S.A. I am interested in teaching English to Koreans. Pls kindly send me information on where to send my resume thanks!
    Sincerely yours,
    Vicente Pajaro +639279833356(unavailable until Mar.25)
    +639052295334(available until Mar.25)

  382. Hi my name is Edchel Ligones. I just want to ask if you can give me some sites or company name that hires male teacher. I’ve been working as an ESL teacher in Cebu City, CELLA. That is Cebu English Language Learning Academy. I worked for three months now and will about to end this month. I hope that you can help me so that I could find one before I will end my contract.

  383. hello po… tanong ko lang po sana f u know any sponsor or scholarship programs pra mkapag-aral ng korean language sa korea. i am not a beginner… i can read and write hangul and can do basic korean conversation. gusto ko lng po sanang mkaconverse talaga in korean… thanks po… God bless

  384. Hello! I would like to reply to Louie’s query regarding the rate. I totally agree that Korean students really insist to get discounts even if the price is really really low. I used to teach Koreans in the past 3 years and I can say that I’ve had enough of their “tawad”. I would like to tell you guys who are teaching or planning to teach English to language learners to please have your base pay at P250. That’s not too much contrary to what Korean students think. If you think you can actually give a good lesson, then don’t underrate yourself. We Filipinos deserve something better. Hangga’t may pumapayag sa ganyan, tlgang they’ll take advantage. And tulong na din po sa ating mga sarili at sa iba pang mga guro ng wikang Ingles sa mga ibang lahi!Bangon Filipino!

  385. Hi, i would like to apply as an online English teacher for Koreans. if there’s an available,pleas help me.

  386. Hi! I’m looking for Korean students who are willing to learn English on line.I can teach you anytime you want.Just tell me your desired schedule.If you’re interested just add me irene.clemente8 @ skype
    just email me froirene_18@yahoo.com. The price is negotiable.
    Glory to God

  387. Good Day.
    I am teacher John, I am looking for a student, who wants to learn English language, in an efficient, effective and enjoying way., this could be the way for us to explore and have fun. thank you!

  388. Mam,
    I would like to teach english to korean online.,can you give
    me information on how….i am presently working as an
    volunter instructional manager(teacher) of ALS (Alernative
    Learning System)Buhangin District,Davao City.my mobile number is 09283439234. thank you and God Bless.

  389. Annyeong haseyo! My name is Ruby F. Maja. I am a Licensed English Teacher. I’m currently working as a full-time English Academy Teacher (korean). I’m looking for students who want to improve their English skill through on-line. you can contact me at my e-mail address: toby122407@yahoo.com

  390. Hi, aside from OnTue.com, do you know other websites that we can find prospect students who want to learn English? Thank you and GOD BLESS..

  391. good day, im interested on this online teaching koreans english.. i really need a part time job to sustain the study of my brother. i am a fresh graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. just send me email for the confirmation. thank you

  392. i want to teach english lungauge to koreans so that they will increase thier knowledge on how to talk to other nations.i have a skype account its…hearthxpert also have a cellphone its +639152544886 and +639054217288

  393. i want to teach english langauge to koreans so that they will increase their knowledge on how to talk to other nations.i have a skype account its…hearthxpert also have a cellphone its +639152544886 and +639054217288

  394. hello…i am now an on-line english tutor to koreans paid at $1.87/hour as my part time job for a month now with no benefits, no sss or any for that matter. At present I have 10 korean students and each student for 30mins tutoring. but i am still looking for the same job with a higher rate per hour. can you please help me on this? My number is # 09292803933.

    1. that’s really low… and to think that they usually charge students 25-50 USD per hour for tutoring here

      1. hi ms betchay..i want to teach online.. how and where can i apply? thank you so much.. your reply will be greatly appreciated

  395. Looking for students willing to learn English.. You can email me want to teach english langauge to koreans katherine_peralta2003

  396. hi everyone im mr. aj paez a online teacher……im finding a new students right now just for a $3/hour if you like to enroll just call me here is my number +639301619391/+639331220001 or just email me @ ajp_branzuela@yahoo.com thank you…..kamsahamnida

  397. hi everyone im jossel im 22 years old and i want to teach english for koreans and even other nationalities please contact me @ jossel1102@yahoo.com. or call and text me @ cellphone # 09152186272 .Presently I am working as a company secretary, I am willing to be your teacher guys so please contact me I would be very happy to receive your emails , text or calls.

  398. Hi… I am very interested to teach online English to Koreans. I live in Clark, Pampanga… I have taught Koreans for 2yrs. and they were satisfied at my strategies in teaching them. Hope this yr. I could have students in online english tutorial…tnx

  399. I am an american citizen now retired in the Philippines. I used to work at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, Korea for almost 5 years, then I got a job at the Yongsan U.S. Base until I retired. I stayed in Seoul for almost 20 years. I used to teach English to Koreans which they paid $30 per hour that’s the lowest pay, Americans were paid $50 per hour. I would like to teach Koreans on line or much better one on one or conversational English, how can I get a job?

  400. I also took some Korean classes while in Seoul, Korea, I haven’t speak or write Hangol for awhile but can catch up easily. I now reside in Bacolod City, Philippines, if thier are Koreans that would like to learn American accent by conversational or face to face teaching it would be nice. They can send me message by email or call me 63-34 476-2821. I can aslo give them a place to stay.
    Thank you.

  401. good day, im Dar-dar 20 and im interested on teaching koreans some english.. i am a fresh graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I’m from Davao city . and as well.i like also to learn from you regarding korean style. Well. education is changing of ideas inorder to progress. 09198138963 / 09325950062. for online darel_starfire@yahoo.com thats my e-mail.. thanks =)

  402. good day,
    i am very much interested in teaching English to our friend Koreans,here is my number 09217232755/johnkiwowl@yahoo.com…thanx…

  403. Hi im jeliza and i’m very interested in this kind of job.. especially teaching korean nationals.. here is my no. 09223814805
    tnx and god bless

  404. Hi,
    I’d love to apply as an online teacher as well…anyone can recommend me…just email me…

  405. hi,im a grad of English major,im a freelance tutor in English.I am glad you consider myself teaching to koreans learning english has been a lot of fun.Reach out for my no.09183185155,.i will be glad to converse it soon.thanks

  406. i am gjoy, if you would like to be my student for online teaching, i will teach you english, just add me on my skype id april.joy.pe just add me and ill call u as soon as i get ur skype id… please contact me anytime
    thank you and more power

  407. I wanted to apply as a part-time online english teacher for koreans. How can I apply? Thank you.

  408. good day!!!
    i am really interested to be an oline engish teacher home base..i am a medical technologist…i would like to teach koreans. hope to hear from you soon.thank you!

  409. Hi! I’m teacher Mariel, I am looking for interested Korean students of all ages who want to learn English on-line via skype. I have been in the teaching field since 2009.
    You can reach me at leiram_d621@yahoo.com or skype ID Leiram_d621. You can call/text me at +639129466001. For rate of $2-3 per hour you can pay thru bank transfer.
    Lets have fun learning and be blessed!

  410. hi… im pauline… may i ask, how can i apply for this job online?… im very interested… i am a third year education student major in physical science but i am fluent in english… i know how to speak english well and i know how to teach english subject.

  411. hi kabayan betchay, sana mapansin mo ito. gusto ko po sana magturo online. actually wala pa akong experience pero i am a fast learner po. ang hirap po ng buhay dito sa pinas at tingin ko magandang way ito to earn a living at desente pa. madam paki email nyo naman po ako if you have an extra time lang naman po. or you can tex me 09204165173. email add…melanio_tersoii@yahoo.com.
    kahit sa anung terms payag po ako para matuto ako and start woking. i may sound stupid pero ito po ang totoo eh. hope to hear from you po or any one na may spare time to help me out. just for the record po i need to learn and get the job kasi wala na po akong pagkuhanan ng pambili ng medicines ng father in law ko nastroke po kasi siya. thank you po sa tutulong sa akin and my family. God bless you all.

  412. hi how can i apply on this job?i am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Accounting,i am very interested in applying as an online teacher for koreans..here’s my contact number 09156263148 and my skype id is mauify or you can email me at mau_berryknotz@yahoo.com hope to hear from you soon thanks and god bless us all!

  413. hi there,how can i apply on this job?i am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Accounting,i am very interested in applying as an online teacher for koreans..here’s my contact number 09156263148 and my skype id is mauify or you can email me at mau_berryknotz@yahoo.com hope to hear from you soon thanks and god bless us all!

  414. hi justine cayanan,
    Is ONTUE still accepting online part time English tutor for Koreans? I’ve been teaching English for 20 years both secondary and college students. In fact I have written books on English including grammar for high school students. I do hold also a doctoral degree.
    please email me at henznavarro@yahoo.com.
    thank your very much

  415. Hi,,I want to apply as an online English tutor for Koreans. I’m a call center agents. I’ve been with this industry for almost a year now. For more information here is my mobile #: 09075576766 and my e-mail address is cutiez_reyj@yahoo.com. I’m looking forward for your positive response. GOD speed..
    Thank you very much.

  416. Hi im chein . I’ve been from Manila last year. I stayed at Caloocan for five months . I have my cousin working online english teaching.She convinced me to teach too.I’m very much interested to teach English to the Koreans .I would really love to teach and of course earn extra money .I want to apply as an Online English Tutor for Koreans .I’ve checked the site .The salaries are quiet low compared to other Online English Teaching.For more information here is my mobile number 09224846815.Can you give me some company websites so i could apply or maybe you could hire me too and help me as well.I’m looking forward for your positive response .

  417. Hi ,
    Good day!!
    I would like to apply on the said online english teacher to Korea .
    KIndly send the required docs for filing the application.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  418. Hi ,
    KIndly email the requirements.I am willing to apply as an online english teacher…How much per hour…Pls. advise …I was graduate a four year course…I have an experience in teaching.

  419. Hi! I’m looking for a part time job. I work as an export documentation in private forwarding company and I’m free after my office hours about 8pm-11pm. I am willing to teach english online. You can contact me with my number 09234544322, here’s my email account: ulysis_21@yahoo.com & you can also reach me thru skype: ulysis_sti / YM: ulysis_21 / MSN: ulysis_sti
    I’m always online everyday during office hours 9:30am to 6pm but since i’m still engage with my current job. I will be online again once I reach home (stated above time) but can online only my YM: ulysis_21

  420. Hi there,
    Anyone wishing to teach English online feel free to contact me via email, phone, or preferably skype anytime.
    My center is starting this initiative in the next few weeks an we are seeking passionate teachers to teach online.
    Skyp ID: nathan79301
    E-mail: nathan.wright@anzinboundoutbound.com
    Mob: +64211606157

  421. Good Day!
    I’m Ana Zimmermann, I am a Hospitality Management student in West Negros University in Bacolod City, Philippines. I’m willing to help you in improving your english language, for those who are interested you can contact me in my e-mail add. zimmermannana@ymail.com if you are staying here in Bacolod City you can also contact me in my cellphone no. 09494651140…
    Thank You!!!!

  422. I am Mirza, a college lecturer, and interested to offer my services at very low rate (You decide /hour). Those who want to learn english Language online may contact me on my e-mail royal_n_loyal@yahoo.com. Also, you may call me at 00923217185660.

  423. hi everyone,
    Im Mardz..and im willing to teach english online or offline, homebase or etc..im currenctly residing at kuchon gimpo south korea.anyone interested please email me mardzmae@gmail.com.
    have fun in learning english..:)

  424. hi ms betchay..i want to teach online.. how and where can i apply? thank you so much.. your reply will be greatly appreciated.

  425. I am currently teaching ESL to Japanese online, from 7pm to 12am everyday. I’ve been working with this company for a year now and the salary is pretty good. Lessons are held through skype. Right now, I am earning 14k per month.

    1. hi Sims,
      i am i licensed certified teacher from canada elementary & secondary high school students in canada. plus, i spent 6 years in korea doing ESL , business English, company classes, trained TESOL teachers, specialty classes too. i speak korean very well. i have done phone & on line teaching to koreans also. but, i would like to try japanese students, so please contact me as i have some time in my schedule to do that. actually, i have been wanting to locate a japanese company that i can work for both part-time and full-time. my teacher qualifications and experienes are vast my highest degree is a master of education TESOL specialist, so i am actually a professor.
      yes, so do please contact me, so that, i can get connected to the japanese company to instruct japanese students,
      and thank you so very much for your helpS unto me.
      email: skype-teaching@hotmail.com
      skype : skype-teaching

  426. I am truly astonished that so many people in this site, seeking to teach English, have such bad spelling mistakes and grammar. Punctuation is another bone of contention mine. Surely a professional attidude should be displayed and written. Having an American accent does not make you a better teacher. Having worked in a call centre does not qualify you. I am British and have nothing against Americans; I’ve dealt with very many over the past nine years. That applies to French, Germans, Spanish and Italians. I’ve mainly taught on a one to one basis, and found immense pleasure from it, as they did. I am also looking to assist anyone, online, wanting to improve their English speaking skills because I love the English language, and can’t abide hearing it spoken badly, even by our ‘nationals’. I also proof read assignments. If anyone is intending to improve their English speaking skils, please email murray.englishspeakingsills.1@gmail.com
    I look forward to having news from you
    Best wishes

  427. Hello, I am Mae, 26 years of age, I am sorry but I don’t know, if to whom should I address this comment. I would like to inquire for this part time job, which is teaching english to koreans. I am interested to apply for it, well I don’t know if I am qualified, beacause I’m not a college graduate but I am used to speak english, because I’m speaking english to my 6 years old daugher most of the time at home. I would say english is the language we mostly used at home. I am looking for a part time job that I will enjoy while I am enjoying being a house mom, and as well to earn extra money. Ok until then, I hope i will receive some reply about this. If anyone could see this comment and can help me out please send an email, here it is, maeyanrhyme@ymail.com

  428. Hello everyone,
    My name is Leny. I am a graduate of Computer Science at Saint Louis University in 1997. I have worked as Secretary at different companies and currently works as a Medical Transcriptionist, doing transcriptions for doctors at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania now for more than four years. I have no teaching experience but have been exposed to the English language ever since my first job. I have my personal computer, internet service, webcam, and Skype account available. Should there be any available work for me as online English tutor for Koreans, please do contact me. My contact details are as follows:
    CP: 0920-674-6465
    Phone: (074)444-3183
    Skype: Eleanor_Jacildo
    Email: lenyvj@yahoo.com
    My Location: Baguio City
    Charge per hour: Negotiable.

  429. hi ma’am…!I’m a college student and I’m interested to have a part time job to help me in my studies and i”m very interested to teach English…

  430. good evening everyone !
    im karen kim.
    17 years old.
    im finding any part time job.
    i live in busan. if u want to i can go to your house or i can teach you in skype.
    it would be great if i will go to your house near at busan only
    i will teach you more english ! ..
    im best in public speaking in our school last highschool years.and i was the salutatorian.
    i can teach english because i studied one semester in english.my course is education, having the major of english.im studying up to now.
    if you want to approach me ..just call me at 010-8964-2404
    or just email me at karenkim30@yahoo.com
    thank you so much hope to find a part time job:)

  431. Hello Everyone,
    Good Day!!!
    Again, Im Maryelli Cabahug, 33 years of age, From Cebu City Philippines, I am very much willing, to Teach ENGLISH, to those interested Student, who wanted to Speak Fluently in English. You can contact me at Cellphone Number 09487037000 or 09331649234, Or email me at maryellic@yahoo.com. I will be waiting for you, Feel free to contact me. Take care and have a nice day ahead.

  432. Hello! I am planning to start online english tutoring for koreans, but I don’t know how and when to get their payment. I prefer to be paid through direct deposit in my bank account. Please help me. Thanks & God bless you! =)

  433. Hello! I am planning to start online english tutoring for koreans, but I don’t know how and when to get their payment. I prefer to be paid through direct deposit in my bank account. Please send me an email here: leannamay_07@yahoo.com.ph. Thanks & God bless you! =)

  434. hi maam:
    I would like to ask if how can i get the process to apply online English teaching.I’m working in manpower agency, I would love to send you applicants more intelligent and fast learner. I hope You can cooperate us.
    EMAIL ME AT : cdlbvisor@yahoo.com
    thank you so much!
    Sincerely Yours :
    Criz Dela Vega Benolirao

  435. good day! I’m willing to teach English language for the Korean people because I know how Korean need it.

  436. hi everyone. I really need extra income to sustain my family’s needs especially my kids’ and schooling needs. I would like to apply for a job of offering online english tutorial for foreigners. I am also a singer (won many titles already). Maybe I should also offer some vocal coaching for those aspiring to improve their singing capabilities/talent. For those who needs online english tutorial and vocal coaching, kindly contact me @ +639066837916 or e-mail me @ sheryl.camacho@ymail.com You may also visit my facebook account and add me. see yah there! GOD BLESS!:)

  437. Hello everyone, am looking for a part time/full time job as english teacher for korean students. Please let me know!Thank you

  438. Hi…Just call me lhey.I’m a Korean English teacher.I love teaching Korean people on how to learn on English accents and writing.I’m 33 year old mom,willing to be your mother too.I promise you that you’ll learn a lot from me.So in case you need me,here’s my contact number,09268410029.Just call me up and I’l never dissapoint you.Thank you.

  439. Hi..Just call me lhey.I’m an English Korean teacher.I love teaching Korean people about my knowledge and skills n English.I’m a 33 year old mom and cud be your mom too.I enjoy teaching Korean people about on how to have a fluent English.You can rely on me and I’m sure you will learn a lot from me.In case you wish to contact me her’s my email address..lheydavid15@yahoo.com or call me at 09268410029.Thank You.

  440. Hi miss betchay. can you please give me some advice on where i should start in tutoring English? cos it’s my first time to tutor and i don’t know what topics should i start to. thanks in advance. God bless 😀

  441. —looking for students—
    English online tutorial through Skype
    just add me..
    skype id: alfae29
    let’s have fun in learning english

  442. Some of you people need to brush up on your English if you actually expect to be called an “English Teacher.” If you have no idea what I mean by “brush up” then please save yourself and your poor students by quitting before you even begin. And, for those posting on this person’s site looking for a job, why don’t you actually try and get a job by going out, making contacts, making a resume, and actually performing a job hunt. You’ll never ever forever find a good job by posting an email address and your cellphone number on a site like this (especially in your horrible English). Get it? Got it? Good.

    1. Review your post on this site. You’re pathetic. I don’t see myself being really good with the language but I can detect grammar lapses with your post.
      By the way, thanks for the advise. Don’t be a wise guy/gal. Mind your own business. People are just trying to earn a living and manage their time. If you have a perfect life and you don’t feel the need to do these things, be thankful!
      I pity you!

  443. Warm greetings from the cool City of Baguio
    Can you please help me to get an extra income. I want to teach Koreans on line. I am a government employee, can u e-mail some posibilities on the above stated e-mail address, Thank you.

  444. Hi there! I’m interested to be an English tutor for Koreans.
    I am 24 years old, a registered nurse from Iloilo city. I have my experience teaching Koreans for a year in man to man basis, and now I want to broaden my experience teaching English to Koreans.
    Can you please help me where to apply for this job. Thank you.
    Email ad.:Myrogeneinthehome@yahoo.com

  445. Hi Ms. Karen,
    Good day!
    Im Melanie and Im interested to be an English teacher for Koreans.
    Hope you can help me. Even just for a part time job Im still willing to grab that opportunity. In case, you required training, I can also allot time for that.
    here is my email address & contact number:
    melai_rc@yahoo.com / 09273177443
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you very much!
    God bless and more power!

  446. Hi,
    I am an online English teacher but I am looking forward to work for a new company. Is there any available post now?
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you.

  447. Hi good day! I am a fresh nursing graduate and currently passed the PNLE. I am interested to apply. Here is my email address (azelabarba@yahoo.com) and my cellphone number (09382337139) in case you want to contact me.. thank you.

  448. Hello everyone, my name is jonny I am interested in teaching English online or were ever to make good money. I currently live in manila and only know English, if someone can email me at jonny_marcelino@yahoo.com I like some details on how i can start teaching online and the requirements. I am american, know a little tagolog kinda.

  449. I am interested in applying as an online English tutor for koreans, i am currently taking my bachelor’s degree in Ateneo de Manila. I would appreciate a positive feedback. Please contact me via my email. Thanks and God bless.

  450. Annyeonghaseyo! Jal Jinesseoyo?I am interested in applying as an online English tutor for koreans, Jeoneun ieyo Femar imnida, jeoneun 27 ssalieyo,female Han-gukeo jokeum halso isseoyo., presently residing at Las Pinas City its near in manila. I graduated Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in Pre-school 4 years course, it was 6 years ago. Present im working as a Operations Manager in Korean Travel Agency.. My email ad femar.yeson@yahoo.com , my mobile number is 09292274228/ 02-8467550 02-8467550. I hope that you give me a chance to work. Waiting for the immediate reply.. God Bless
    Go ma sseum ni da.

  451. Hi Ms. Karen,
    Good day!
    Im Genesis and Im interested to be an English teacher for Koreans.
    Hope you can help me. Even just for a part time job Im still willing to grab that opportunity. In case, you required training, I can also allot time for that.
    here is my email address & contact number:
    king_genz@yahoo.com / 09339424655
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you very much!
    God bless and more power!

  452. Hi Everyone
    Good day!
    Im Genesis and Im interested to be an English teacher for Koreans.
    Hope you can help me. Even just for a part time job Im still willing to grab that opportunity. In case, you required training, I can also allot time for that.
    here is my email address & contact number:
    king_genz@yahoo.com / 09339424655
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you very much!
    God bless and more power!

  453. Greetings,
    Ms. Karen may please have your contact number? I’m interested in applying as an online English tutor. As of now I’m working as a Technical Support Representative in NCO Clark Pampanga. I’m still thinking of getting a part time job since I do have direct internet access at home. Looking forward for your reply. Thank you.

  454. Hello! I am interested to teach english to koreans online. Please help. I have no idea what to do or where to begin. Thanks a lot. God bless.

  455. We have the perfect opportunity to those wanting to teach english!
    We’re looking for teachers to teach english conversation online via skype. Work from home and earn extra income!
    If you’re interested, please apply at:
    password: talktown

  456. Hi! I am very much interested to teach English to all you Korean Kids…I am a Nursing Supervisor and would like to impart my knowledge and also can teach you First Aids at Home…

  457. hi Ms. Anne im a high school student and i really want a part time job,so that at least as im studying i can also earn money even though not much, then i just wondered if i could ask a help from you, i am interested about this online job., it is not that so difficult as i see cause its just like sitting and teaching and i liked it.. if you dont mind in helping me just please email me at my email add. tnxx and have a nice day.!!

  458. good day! I’m willing to teach English language for the Korean people because I know how Korean need it.

  459. Hello guys!
    For those who would like to try online English teaching, u can visit unit 2301A West Tower, PSE Bldg., Exchange Rd., Ortigas Ctr., Pasig City. They offer kinda low basic salary, but they are generous enough to give incentives plus, the Korean boss is very kind compared to most Korean company. I have worked with… I was able to stay with them for a year already. Hope to see you there!

  460. I’m willing to teach Korean student with low pay. I’m a Missionary English teacher in DongSung Middle School and Pyeongchang Adong Center, South Korea.

  461. 안녕하세요 everyone.
    I hope you’re all well ^^
    I am an English Teacher from England. I teach English to women from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Spain. I help them to learn how to understand native English, and how to pronounce words correctly. If you would like help from a native English speaker, then feel free to contact me.
    I have very cheap rates which are ideal for people who are serious about learning the correct way of speaking English. I live in England so all lessons will be through SKYPE and email. I will teach you English through hourly SKYPE lessons, and you can email me whenever you like.
    Please contact me if you’re interested. I’m currently learning Korean (after discovering K-Dramas) so we will have many things to talk about I’m sure…
    Take care all!

  462. Hey JJ,
    I’ve been trying to register in the tumblr account that you posted, but everytime I click on the submit button, the page keeps on saying that an error has occurred. What should I do about it?

  463. hello! I am Krisna Cortes. I am currently a senior student from Philippine Normal University. I am taking up Education as my undergraduate course. Those who are interested to have me as their tutor here’s my email add. (umi_ryuzuki14@yahoo.com).
    Thank you in advance!

  464. Hello, i’m Juliet from philipiines ,graduated of Bachelor in community Health services.Would like to be an Online teachers in English…To those interested clients (pre-schooler,high school, non- formal education) contact at my jachingpis@gmail.com.I willingly rendered my service in good way….Thank you

  465. Hi my name is Sweden. Do you want to learn how to speak English? I can be your teacher. I am 25 years old from Philippines. By the way, this is my first time to teach but believe me I can be a good teacher. here’s my e-mail noboundaries_14@yahoo.com my contact no.09302903770.. =)

  466. I think coukld be a good idea for people who like teaching and travelling to live and work in Korea for a while! That’s a nice place and with very interetsting culture!

  467. hi mam betch, can you help me to have a job in teaching english online?i am willing to teach English because i need extra income for my daughter..i am a single mom from Davao..i hope you can help me..thanks..you can contact me on this #09182850952

  468. hi mam betch, can you still help me to have a job online by teaching English?i am a single mom from Davao and i really need an extra income right now..praying that you could still help me..thanks..you can contact me to this #09182850952

  469. Hi`students. My name is Jay from England, if there are any Korean students in Metro Manila Philippines now who would require to learn in British accents or if even you require just English Mentoring for a second Language. Just contact to me I can do one to one mentoring or groups small numbers.
    Contact Jay email nisnsa@hotmail.com
    My skype, hiyaki

  470. Hi. I am looking for a part time job as an ESL teacher to Koreans. I have personally taught several Koreans before (Elementary and College Students). I am a Development Communication graduate and I believe I can be a good teacher to my students. My skype is daisy-delos-reyes. thanks

  471. Hi! I am very much willing to teach for Koreans! It would be a great deal and experience as well if this application push through.
    Please contact me thru’ my email if interested.

  472. hi !im florenda ybanez retired english tacher …from philippines,cebu. how do i apply? i am interested.. and where is your office located?,i am very interested in applying as an online teacher for koreans.., I’m teacher florenda and I’ve been teaching English for almost 28 years now. I’m also a licensed teacher. I prepared a very enjoyable class for you. With teacher florenda, you can learn English in FUN and Easy way!
    here is my email address & contact number:
    florendaybanez@yahoo.com / 09297223378
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Thank you very much!
    God bless and more power

  473. Hi mis betchay,,
    I’m interested to teach english and earn extra income. but my problem is I don’t know how get students and what website will I go. I’m working now as an online english tutor to Koreans and Chinese but my salary is not enough for me to send my son to a good school.I do hope you can help me.you can send a message to my email ad.you can also send me a message to this # 09277848806

  474. I am interested to teach English to Koreans & Japanese, for me earn extra income. I hope you can help me look for the right website.

  475. Hello, I’m currently an English Online Teacher to Japanese students but I’m also interested to teach Korean because as what I’ve heard, the rate of payment is much higher. I’m really interested with this, could you please tell me how I can apply, thank you so much, this will be a lot of help to me. More power!

  476. hi im alyce,
    im 22 yrs of age, a BSN graduate and im interested to teach english online to Koreans.It would be a pleasure to deal and communicate to koreans.thanks!

  477. Hi! I am very much interested to teach english to the Koreans. And I would like to ask if how can i apply as an online english teacher to Koreans. Can you help me so that i could apply too.Thank You.

  478. Hello to admin,
    I’d really like to teach English online as well. I’ve been looking for a part time job like this and just saw your site just now. I really hope you can hire me or email me any referrals which might help me land a job. I’d really appreciate that greatly. Here’s my email address messenger_405@yahoo.com.
    Hope I can hear from you soon Mrs. Admin. More power to your site.

  479. Hi! I’m currently working as an online English for Japanese students. Just wondering if there are remaining open slots for tutors. Thanks. God bless.

    1. i also want to teach english to koreans as well…can anyone help me..
      not as a full time but a part time job…hmmm and i am very much interested
      can anyone help..thank you so much
      here’s my email g.caann27@yahoo.com
      or japanese 🙂

  480. Hi, please send me a message if you need additional online tutors. I am a graduate of Linguistics & Literature and had worked as a call center agent for almost 5 years. My contact number is 0923-4609531.

  481. hi i would like to apply for that job, english online tutorial..anyone who can help me where to apply? thanks a lot

  482. .helo,i’m angelie.i’m seeking for an online job in teaching english for korean students. I’m actually an orator and willing to teach online english for korean students. If you’re willing just email me. Thank you and godbless.

  483. hellow.. i am willing to apply for a part time job as an english teacher online.. how can i apply for this?

  484. I am interested in teaching… I have thought koreans teenagers and adults english as well as russians.

  485. Hi. I am British born and bred but living overseas and self-studying to teach English. My accent is South-Eastern U.K. “sounds like a good school” clear English.
    I took a 4 week intensive English teaching course (now called CELTA) 20plus years ago and rarely taught because my job is in marine communications and admin. offshore exploration (oil and gas) with experience in aviation (including fixed wing private pilot long ago & had some commercial training) and general admin offshore. But I will not go back to that and want some part time preferably 1 to 1 teaching. I would seriously consider moving to another country. I am currently teaching, free, (only because it is the beginning – practice) a Korean lady here in Sri lanka where I have been deeply involved in Buddhism for many years. Now not so.
    Best regards

  486. hi!i am el cid babas,an english teacher for mo than ten years am a tesol passer and share my expertise at bangkok,thailand and china as an english teacher.i am friendy and very flexible i treated my students as my second family so we have our good relationship as just one family and same time as their teacher. u can email me to cid_babas@yahoo.com or txt me or call me on my mobile:+639227698181/+6329037519

  487. Iam an English teacher with a masters in English literature, a Bachelor degree in Education (Training) and more than twenty years of experience in teaching English to secondary school students in karnataka state of india. Iam interested to have contacts of similar on line teachers to know the requirements of an on line teacher in english

  488. good day to all. i am in need of job as of now. i am 43 years of age and i want online tutoring job. thanks and god bless all.

  489. i am interested to apply part time for online tutorials for beginners to koreans..if possible weekends only..bingpamplona

  490. hello, pls.email me if you want someone to teach English to Koreans or other nationalities online because i’m really interested of doing such..thank you..

  491. Good day..I’m very much interested in this kind of job since I had this experienced back when I was in Korea. I’m a registered nurse and had been to Korea(2010-2011) as an English Missionary teacher.If you think i’m qualified for this job please contact me in my email add: smrchio@yahoo.com…hope to hear from you.thank you and more power…

  492. i also want to teach english to koreans as well…can anyone help me..
    not as a full time but a part time job…hmmm and i am very much interested 🙂
    can anyone help..thank you so much 🙂
    here’s my email g.caann27@yahoo.com

  493. A1 Class Academy is in need of the part-time or full-time ESL Teachers / MSA Teacher (Math and Science) / TOEFL Teacher.
    • Keeping students engaged with fun and exciting lessons
    • Marking the assigned homework
    • Assessing students English abilities and completing the weekly progress report
    • Attending teacher workshops and seminars
    • At least a Bachelor’s/College graduate of relevant major
    • At least 1 year teaching experience
    • Good command of English language, both oral and written
    • Teaching license holder is an advantage
    • Pleasing personality
    • Updated resume with 2×2 photo
    • Photocopy of Diploma, TOR, license, goverment issued ID, and other relevant documents.
    Apply personally at 302 Centerpoint Bldg., J.Vargas Avenue corner Garnet Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

  494. Hi, I’m a teacher in Brazil and people let me know about this korean situation, learning english online. I would like to know if my skills would be important in this process. I would be more than happy if I could work on it. About me: I graduated in language and literature, and I am almost finishing my two post graduations; one in linguistics and the other in psicopedagogy. I am a coordinator in a course in my country and have learnt hapkido, a korean martial art from a korean master who lives here in Brazil, his name is Han soon Kang. Contact me eliomartadeu@yahoo.com.br

  495. I would love to teach koreans ,english,I have 4 years experience in the same.skype i.d vandigrover

  496. hi to whom it may concern.I just want to teach the Koreans through online services. Ma’am /sir if you are interested, please contact me by my mobile number 09127564822

  497. hi,, can you please give me a website where i can have a korean student to teach them english..? tnx by the way.. i’d love to engaged in this korean online english teaching

  498. Hi i would like to engage into this kind of job, I am just a pre-law college student but i would like to support my financial needs as a student to help my parents. Can you give me a hand to know more about this.My cp number is 09161441161. Thank you in advance.

  499. hi i am interested to work as an online english teacher.. pls give me information on how to start doing it.. my cp is 09266429699 .. thank you.

  500. hello to all. I want to be an online English teacher to Koreans as well. I am a graduate of Business Administration. I am currently working right now but I also want to have a part-time job and I consider online English teaching as a great opportunity since I can’t leave my full time job also. I do hope someone can help me with this since I really want to do this. Here’s my CP 09268049635. Please, someone help me so I can have some extra income as well. THank you.

  501. To whom it may concern,
    Hello i am very interested and willing to teach English for Koreans online. please help me to find a student and please give me a website which easy for me to find a Koreans student.
    I am college graduate. i took Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in business Management. but i had an experienced of tutorial when i was working in Saudi Arabia as a baby sitter at the same time teaching English as a part time job to the Arab children. Please help me Ma’am/Sir. thank you very much. please contact me at my email,jannahpinggol@yahoo.com

  502. Mam / Sir;
    I am interested to teach English to the Koreans.. i have been experienced teaching Koreans at the leaning center 3 years ago.. now i am a certified public elementary teacher major in English i am handling children ages 9-10 years old… if ever i am qualified in this process attached herewith is my email add. bebzskie25@yahoo.com. thanks in advance and more power…

  503. Hello! I’m very much interested to teach english and earn extra income this summer. but my problem is I don’t know how get korean students residing in the phils. particularly in Batangas. Please help me. My mobile number is # 09183623793.
    Reply is very much appreciated. Please take note this summer pref. May 2012. TY

  504. Hi Esmeraldo ..36 years of age ,and I would like to teach english to koreans and at the same time earn money doing so…I’m competitine ,patient and hardworking..so please do update me of any possible jobs..tnx Godbless

  505. hello , im a fourth year education student and i am very much interested in teaching english to koreans , for me to earn extra income to pay for my tuition fee.. thanks hope you can help me ..more power and GOd speed

  506. Hello!
    I’m a graduating student of Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management. I’m very much interested with this job as i really need this job and i believe that i am capable with this.
    Thank you!

  507. Hi there! Am very much interested in teaching English to Koreans. Am currently working in a BPO company but planning to resign from my job and just teach English to Koreans. Here’s my contact # 09173547833. Kindly send me a message if interested. Thank you!

  508. Hi!Miss Babylen..I want to know the rule about online teaching. because Im interested to teaching online.

  509. Hello! I’m just a student but I am willing to teach English to Koreans. Your reply is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance! 🙂

  510. hi I am jovenal, I am interesting for teaching in korean. Please help me to find my students. Hoping your concerns and I looking forward to it.Thank you so Much.

  511. HI, I’m Joan Rose. I’ve been teaching koreans since last year, but I’m still interested on online teaching. My friend ask me to do that too since. I hope you could give me students that i could teach.
    Here’s my phone number- 09199463531
    or you can message me on my e-mail.

  512. HI, I’m Joan Rose. I’ve been teaching koreans since last year some of them are home stay, some are already studying here. But I’m still interested on online teaching. My friend ask me to do that too since. I hope you could give me students that i could teach.
    Here’s my phone number- 09199463531
    or you can message me on my e-mail.

  513. Hi, I am also interested to work as an online English teacher please e-mail me (norniellove23@yahoo.com) or text me 0930191182. I really need a Job. thanks.

  514. hello, can u please email me how to start online teaching in the comfort of a home, i am available through online..please email the details..thanks

  515. Good Day!
    I would like to register my intention of request to work with you as an English tutor in your good company. If you would mind, this is my first time to teach via online, but, I am very much willing to explore and learn with this kind of job which I believe that, it could be of help to me in any ways.
    Please consider me as one your applicant/worker. I have so much desire and determination to work in-depth with this kind of job. Feel free to reply on my email: dhrenbautista@yahoo.com
    Thank you so much and God bless us!

  516. hello
    i’m Pam, i am very interested to teach English online, i finished Education and currently studying Information Technology at CPU.. pick me as your tutor and surely will be having good time learning English… pls. Email me at black_sotanghon@yahoo.com.sg or sms me 09071087277

  517. hi po i would love to apply in your online job as a korean teacher for english……im a first timer..here so how could i start to appply’;;;thanks

  518. Hi Ms. Anne,
    i’m looking for a part time job as an korean english teacher,…. online po sana…this is my contact number 09103647636

  519. hi,i wanna be an online english teacher for koreans.. i am an elementary public teacher for 8 years and i wanna try a home- based part time job at night or every weekends as my vacant time .. maybe you can help me.. i can be reached through my email karylle_villavelez@yahoo.com…. thank you so much!

  520. Hi! I think this is quite interesting. I want to communicate with other people all over the world and I’m sure teaching English to our Korean brothers would be a great pleasure. Please count me in.. I am willing to correspond with them while teaching them the English language. I hope you could refer me to your Korean friends who are interested in learning the English language. Thanks and looking forward to your reply.

  521. Hello Koreans 🙂
    i’m Erra Cruz. i’m a 3rd year college student taking Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English. If you want to be my tutee just pop up on my e-mail. errapot@yahoo.com.ph
    Hi teachers who have had experience teaching online Koreans 🙂
    please help me to find Korean student. thank you and GodBless.

  522. Hi! I am looking for English teachers to teach Korean Students.
    Pre-employment Process
    – Must be a native English speaker
    – Minimum education: Bachelor’s Degree
    – We prefer Certificate holders: TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, DELTA, Teaching Certification, etc.
    – Teaching experience is preferable
     Company Teacher – qualified office based teachers must submit the following:
    Birth Certificate
    Transcript of Records and Diploma
    NBI or Barangay Clearance
    Medical Certificate
    Pictures 1pc ( 1x 1) 2pc (2×2)
    And other supporting Documents
     tutors will be working in the following hours (Monday to Friday):
    5:00 am to 2pm (AM SHIFT)
    2pm to 11pm (PM SHIFT)
     Self Employed Teacher – home based teachers must possess the following:
    – LAN Internet Connection Wireless internet is not allowed
    -PC or Laptop
    – A webcam and a headset
    -Quiet Environment
     Minimum of 20 hours a week

    1. hi there, how can i be one of those SELF EMPLOYED TEACHERS? i’m interested.. i’ll wait for your response 🙂

  523. Hi! I’m Jan Karlo and I am currently living in Thailand. I am an English teacher here and I reaslly would like to do this home-based taeching English to Koreans. Kindly E-mail me if there’s a position for me. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you kindly.

  524. hi! I am currently looking for an online teaching job(home base), I’ve been teaching Koreans for over 5 years now, both online and one-on-one. Can you help me? Or at least does anyone know, any company that accepts part-time online home base teaching jobs? thank you. I need this to support my schooling this June. Thank you. Here’s my contact info: jobbzz_15@yahoo.com; 09152049103;09202384375;09225348524.

  525. who’s the person know how to apply a online teaching of english for those korean student or maybe in japanese student?i want to be part online english teaching…heres my contact # 639155108787 / 639082335895 or maybe you can call here in our landline 632-5193759 / 6329259566-francis is my real name…

  526. Hi,
    I’m looking for a part time job. I am an English teacher by profession. I am interested to teach Koreans. If you are Koreans and interested to get me as your tutor online, you can reach me at mariemadrista@yahoo.com.ph or in my skype: mariemadrista10.
    Hope to receive your reply the soonest.
    Thank you.

  527. Hi,there! I’m interested in teaching English to Koreans, I am a call center rep for almost 5 years now. And I have taught of the language per se to several folks from Italy. Contact me to these nos,: 0927-631-4848/ 0905-132-9809, or simply send an email instead. Thanks. God Bless!

  528. Currently looking for a part time job as an English tutor. Email me if you’re interested. Also, If anyone’s having problems with Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry or Biochemistry I do tutorials on these fields as well. I’m the jack of all trades 🙂

  529. Hi! I’m a college student and I’m looking for a part-time job this summer. I’m interested in ESL teaching. Can you help me find some companies where I can work online? Thanks!

  530. Hello, I am a Filipina student here in Korea and I would like to know where I can find a website that would allow me to teach English to Koreans. Please e-mail me at ontothej@gmail.com. It would be a lot of help for me. Thank you!

  531. Hi. I’m willing to teach English literacy to those who are interested. I am open for any reasonable rates. This is because i want to spread literacy regarding the universal language.. I am working for an airline industry and my Korean, Chinese, Japanese even German passengers get quick tutorial from me. Pm me at my e-mail. 🙂

  532. Hi I’m a fourth year college education student, I have nothing to do this summer and I’m very willing to look for online teaching. We have internet access at home and we could use skype or any method or application needed. free to contact me with my email on fb or email me at my ym address. thanks and have a good day :))

  533. hi!i’m susan alcoser catalan a licensed elementary teacher.i am not employed as a regular teacher yet….i want to be an online english teacher…

  534. hi, im interested to teach English online. I spend more time in computer so maybe i need to earn while using computer. I wish u can help me to get online job like this. U can conveniently contact me at 09291468311 or email me : mirasoljouie_14@yahoo.com

  535. Hi,
    I am interested in teaching English through online. Currently I am working as an Editor. I have a master degree in Journalism and Audio Visual Communication. Please do let me know if there’s a job vacancy.

  536. i’m also to apply as english tutor for korean students.i have 3yrs of experience as a high school teacher.just let me now if your still looking for applicants.This is my email:sirvice_000@yahoo.com.

  537. i’m also interested to apply as english tutor for korean students.i have 3yrs of experience as a high school teacher.just let me now if your still looking for applicants.This is my email:sirvice_000@yahoo.com.

  538. Hi Ma’am,
    I am interested in applying as an online teacher, I’ve been teaching for two years, my first year of teaching was in Monol International Education Institute wherein it caters international students most esp. Koreans. Since I am just at home I can be a full time teacher for them. Pls email me the sites that I can visit to apply. Thank you. Samantha_arabia@yahoo.com
    Daneeka Sam Barroga

  539. Hi! I am Joray,I have been teaching English to korean students before. It’s a face-to-face setup in the Philippines and I am very much particular of teaching them because I wanted them to learn the language in-depth. I am currently here in London but I wanted to take part on teaching korean students.
    Hoping for your positive response.
    God Bless!

  540. Hi Im Nheza Im Interested to apply as an English Tutor to anyone who wants to learn English Deeply If your interested to hire me maam/sir this is where u can email me cherynhezag@yahoo.com..Thanks good day everyone

  541. Hi,
    Good Day!
    Can you give me website wherein I can apply for an online english tutorial? I would be happy if you’ll assist me.

  542. hi! Im an english teacher you can send me email anytime. I would be happy to help you learn better english.

  543. hi im mhe-ann if your interested to learn and speak english please contact me to this # 09198124141/09066442803..

  544. Hello po,
    Good Day..
    I am interested to be an online english tutor/teacher. I just want to ask if what are the procedures to be one of the english teacher online. I really need to have extra income to continue my studies and also due to financial crisis nowadays.
    Hoping for your reply ma’am
    here’s my email: kimzhandavid@gmail.com

  545. Hello everyone! I am interested to teach Conversational English, Phonetics, Pronunciation and English Idioms for Non English Speakers. I am an English teacher for about 25 years and presently I am residing here in Seattle, USA. Please email me for more information. Thank YOU!!!. angie_israel888@yahoo.com

  546. Hi, I just want to teach English online to some Korean wants to speak English. Please let me know the site where i can log in. Thank you.

  547. Hi, I badly need a job..I have an experience in teaching koreans…just text me, 09268317382…thank you

  548. hello… I’m rose,, i want to apply an English online to Koreans,,, can you help me to find a website???? thank you,,,, rose

  549. Hello,
    My name is Harry and I have been teaching ESL (English as a second language) for many years.
    I am a native of Melbourne, Florida but currently live in Tokyo Japan. I love teaching and have taught English privately, in language schools, and in corporate settings.
    My experience is in TOEFL and TOEIC preparation, debate, presentation, and everyday conversation.
    I’m sure you will like my friendly, entertaining, yet effective teaching style. I am certain I can help you improve your English communication skills.
    If interested in taking a free online trial lesson, please contact at harrysankor@hlcreates.com
    I can also speak Japanese

  550. To whom it may concern,
    I graduated as first honorable mention in our school & I’m a teacher for 5 years already in a prestigious school -1 year in private and 4 years in public school.Those experienced I had can vouched my capacity to teach English to Korean students who are in deeply need to understand it well.

  551. hi ma’am i would like to ask on how can i apply as an online tutor. i am a medical sales rep and am looking for a partime job. thank you. here’s my email darylanndimamay@ymail.com..pls reply.. thank you very much ma’am!

  552. Hello everyone! I am Paeteurik, and I am teaching English for free. Feel free to add me in your skype, “Paeteuriks”. Thank you and GOD BLESS!!!

  553. hello! I’ am a graduate of Bachelor of Education last 2009 and I already passed the Licensure examination for teachers with an 82% rating. I also had two years teaching experience in a prestigious school at Surigao City as an English teacher I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Davao city. I wish to have a part time job as an online teacher, if you are interested pls contact me in this number 09071392958 or in my email vinavichavictoriaancla@yahoo.com

  554. hi, can you please give me referrals where I can apply for an on-line teaching job? I am looking for a part time job, preferable teaching english on-line. i hope you can help me , my email ad is rmb.mae@gmail.com or you can text me at 09334344525.

  555. Hi good morning !
    I am looking for a part time job, i’m just new here in Korea ,and from what i heard and read Filipino’s cannot teach english legally,
    so can you please give me referrals, where can i apply for an on-line teaching job?and is it OK if i’m not so good in speaking Korean language.?because by now i’m still learning their language..please hope you can help me..thank you so much..

    1. Hi Mary Grace! If you are married to a Korean and you have the F-2-1 or F-6 visa, you can work legally.

  556. hi.. im gladys a graduate student of mindanao university of science and technology, who take up bachelor of elementary education major in special education.. i’am interested in teaching korean student. here is myemail add gladysmacadangdang@yahoo.com, my contact no. is +639263089148. God bless

  557. hi! I’m a college student looking for a part-time job. Could you help me? I’m fluent in English.

  558. Hello Sir/ Ma’am,
    I just want to know how to apply in this job. I am very interested to teach Koreans because i had experience teaching them online and i find it cool.My cousins are also teaching Koreans. Sometimes I do substitute one of my cousins to teach her students. I’m looking forward for your response. Thank you..
    here’s my e-mail: superman_dash22@yahoo.com

  559. hi ms.betchay
    i also want to teach english for korean online…how can i get the job? as i have read your letter it will help me a lot, first being at home while taking care of my siblings i can still help my mom for finacial needs of our family.hope you could help me. my email love11kickz@yahoo.com. thank you

  560. Hi i tutored before to Koreans before I work in a manufacturing company & now i am interested to have a part time job in an online tutorial, how can I apply or can u give me clients or website where I can apply? My preferred time is evening since I’m working & also weekend.
    Hope you can help me & thanks in advance.

  561. hi guys
    my name is teacher roy i have been teaching english to the koreans for more than 5 years…i have just resigned from an american company it was a call center job…..i would love to be back…i can help you correct your grammar and practice your communication skills….just send me an email roy_cbudlong@yahoo.com or add me skype id teacherroy123….thank you

  562. hi guys
    my name is teacher Roy….i have been teaching English for the Koreans for more than 5 years…i have just resigned from an American company i worked there for more than 4 year it was a call center job…i can help your grammar and practice your communication skills…please let me know at roy_cbudlong@yahoo.com and my Skype id is teacherroy123…i can study anytime…my rate is just P100.00/hour

  563. I am searching for on line teaching job.
    i would like to ask on how to apply for this online tutorial job? can you help me find referrals. thanks

  564. hello my name is Aisa, an education graduate.My major is English. I currently ended my contract at a call center company and for a change I am very interested to apply as an English tutor….this is my contact number if you still have slots(09306486332) Thank you so much!

  565. Guys!
    Anyone can help me or refer me for any foreigners who want to learn English or Filipino language? I can also offer an extra tutorial for dialect speaking.
    Anyway, I’m from Pangasinan.
    JUst email me,thanks….
    God bless.

  566. hi, i am looking for a client who is looking for an English tutor. i am currently working in a government institution here in Bicol but i still want to have part time online jobs so that i can work at home at the same time help the prospective client achieve his goal in learning English the easy way… can you please give me referrals where i can work as online English tutor? you can reach me at this number 09088968512.. thank you and more power!

  567. Hi! I am a Bachelor Degree holder and looking for a job. I am willing to render my time as an English tutor. I can be reached to my email address shielocadion@yahoo.com. I’m looking forward for your response. Thank you.

  568. Good Day,
    my name is arnold cunanan gacita college level BSED MAJOR IN ENGLISH presently call center agent saturday and sunday is my available time im willing to teach online or indoor/out door e mail me at arnoldgacita@rocketmail.com and my mobile no.09395837806 thanks and more power …

  569. Hi Ma’am! Im really interested to be an online English teacher to korean students. I worked as an English teacher on a Korean School in Subic. I also have an experience teaching english online through skype. Im looking forward to talk to you soon. This is my email address – cruzliberty@rocketmail.com . Thank you so much!

  570. Good day!
    I am very interested with on line teaching as part time job. I am a graduate of bachelor of Science in Accounting and presently employed at our Local Government Unit. Please help me, how can I apply or can you give me clients or website where I can apply? My preferred time is evening since I’m working and also on weekends.You can reached me through ncn_cnaval@yahoo.com. Thank you very much in advance.

  571. Hi, I am interested to apply. I became an online Korean Teacher here in KNK Clark, Pampanga for almost 1 year. I thought Junior and Senior levels. You can send me email at ethel_salting@hotmail.com. I am ready to respond anytime since I am just at home. Thank you and Have a great day ahead:)

  572. Hi, I am interested to work in lined with this job. can you find me one for these…a good response from your good office is what
    I am looking into. thanks.

  573. Hi, greetings!! Thel is here. I am presently tutoring 2 Chinese kids ages 5 and 6. It is a contract basis and it will be ended this month. I am very interested to land a job wherein home based tutorial is being conducted. Please, you can email me. Internet connection is not a problem hence PLDT is connected to our home. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
    Have a great day !!

  574. Good day, I’m Rosennie, a Nurse by profession with masteral units and working as a Clinical Instructor for 9 years to level 4 nursing students in a University . I’m willing to be an online tutor to gradeschoolers koreans.You can reach me att my email ad. achen_osme@yahoo.com. Thanks .

  575. Hi. Great blog. I also want to teach english online, never tried it before. I’m currently working as a call center agent. Please send me the details. Thanks so much! glcobana@yahoo.com

  576. A Blessed Day!!! Pls. give me the website where can I get more information about on line tutorials. GBU!!

  577. Good Day! I am currently working in a korean company and turkish company.. I was thinking if there’s a chance that I can be part of your company too. Thanks!

  578. Hi….
    Just want to ask…. How to get this? Teaching English online.
    I am interested to do so…and serve as my additional source.
    Thank you. Please do details at my email ttanamora@yahoo.com

  579. Hi Betch,
    can you help me also because I am interested in online teaching to Koreans..my email address mrnreyes@yahoo.com. I worked in Thailand for 6 years and now I am here in Philippines for good..Thank you in advance..More power to you..

  580. hi ANNIE..hw r ?i mpassed the koren language test by getting 188 marks,now i want to be a english teacher online for koreans….will u help me plz the total procedure…my email id is fahim.sajid89@yahoo.com nd my contact no is 0313-5337046, thanks

  581. hello. I am interested to teach english to Koreans..I am from Tarlac City..you can reach me with this number 09308142291…Thank you.
    email add: onad1018@yahoo.com

  582. hello. good evening 🙂
    i’m carla. i’m interested to teach english. i need a part time job to help my parents in financial problem. can you help me? thank you. God bless.

  583. greetings!
    i’m a chinese student in a U.S public university in north carolina call NCSU. I’m fluent in both Chinese and English, i can deliver my lectures in both chinese or english if needed. Contact me for any information or service.
    Thank you 🙂

  584. hi, Im teacher lina. I’m currently looking for part time tutorials. i do online and also weekend tutorials for koreans and filipinos. I handle prep and elementary pupils. my email is acksell@hotmail.com or you can contact my mobile 09162631994.

  585. Hello!
    I am Julius 25 y/o, a graduate of BSEd – ENGLISH. I have been teaching English for more than 5 years now. I used to teach at school for 2 years and I used to be an OL English teacher for Koreans and Turkish. If there are opportunities for me please email me here j_estella@ymail.com or call me: 09099113003
    I am looking forward to receiving a call from you.
    Thank you and Godspeed!

  586. hello there! I’m annabelle from baguio city. I’m interested in teaching basic english language to koreans or whoever who what to. you may contact me at this email twilight113@yahoo.com and my contact number is 09499456225…

  587. hello there! my name is annabelle from baguio city,phil. and im very interested in teaching basic english to koreans and whoever who want to..you may email me here twilight113@yahoo.com or contact me at 09499456225

  588. Hi Jovi.
    It’s very nice to meet you here. If you are looking for an effective teacher of English language , why don’t you call me. I ‘ve been teaching English language to koreans in an online company. And now I want to work home based. If you want your English be polished. Add my skype id. engeli2487.

  589. hello…i am noemi, i want to have a part time job in online tutoring..please help me..thanks! God bless..

  590. hi!..i;m charien mae and i’m very interested in teaching english for koreans.i;m a psychology graduate,i am computer literate, i have communication skills and people skills.i can easily deal with people as what i studied for 4 years as psych grad..im very anticipating for your positive response,,thanks a lot..

  591. hi! i am interested for this job…how can i be an online teacher for koreans..i have no idea yet but willing to start from scratch,,please email me of your details..hope to become one of you soon
    …tnx a lot!!!

  592. Hi! I am Jane and I am willing to teach English to Koreans online. Please do contact me at 09235103100 or e-mail me at janemar_16arf@yahoo.com if you wish to avail my tutorial services. My skype ID is JaneMar16. I am looking forward to meeting you.

  593. good day, im very interested with teaching English to Koreans… you can reach me to this number 09274844112 or email me at m_baltazar79@yahoo.com. Kindly help me to have an extra income
    Thank You.
    God Bless you….

  594. Teacher Gina
    Good day, I’m very interested with teaching English in Koreans.
    Kindly help me to have an extra income. You can reach to this number 09274844112 or email me at m_baltazar79@yahoo.com.
    Thank you and God Bless

  595. hello po,
    I also want to apply
    we are really in need of extra money for my family is having a financial problem.
    I’m already 18 and I can fake my identity just to do this.
    I am good in english but only my grades in communications can prove that
    please help me
    -thanks and god bless

  596. Good Day Ms. Anne!
    I am currently looking for a a home-based part time job and I got interested with becoming a part of the english tutoring program. I am a fresh graduate of BS Psychology and AB Guidance and Counseling. How may I apply as an English tutor in your company?
    My eadd is ris0507@yahoo.com
    I look forward for a positive response! Thank you.


  598. Hi, I’m Franz Hanniel Reyes and currently teaching at RareJob Philippines, Inc. for half a year now with a good standing. My schedule is with my current job is 5pm-10pm and will be changing my schedule to 7pm-12am.
    I’m looking a job for my morning and afternoon vacant hours. If you’re interested please contact me by this number 09269483627 or Email me at franzhanniel@gmail.com.
    Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to working with you.

  599. Hi, I’m Franz Hanniel Reyes and currently teaching at RareJob Philippines, Inc. for half a year now with a good standing. My schedule with my current job is 5pm-10pm and will be changing my schedule to 7pm-12am.
    I’m looking a job for my morning and afternoon vacant hours. If you’re interested please contact me by this number 09269483627 or Email me at franzhanniel@gmail.com.
    Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to working with you.

  600. Hi! good afternoon, I’m christine ..i am a freelancer student, very interested in teaching english to korean people. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss my qualifications for working as a tutor in english. email me at gothicvenom21@yahoo.com. I believe my training has been given me the skills to make valuable contribution. I look forward to hearing you soon.

  601. PLEASE, inform me on what to do to be an online English instructor, the easiest possible way, if i may add…
    THANK you very much

  602. Good day!
    English has been known as the “most widely-used language across the world” .And because of these, all of us wish to learn it as by good means of communication. In connection to this fact, I would like to apply for a teaching position in the field of English.My name is Joan and I am very interested to impart my knowledge to the best that I can to the Korean students.I finished Bachelor of Secondary Education specializing English and received some academic awards.
    I am looking forward for your response in these contact numbers that i will give you sir.(09261111907 or email jhoanamarie.sumalpong@yahoo.com).
    Thank you.

  603. Good day, Kaye here. I’m interested with teaching English on line to Koreans. Please forward me information. I prefer teaching or hold tutor session during evening because I’m also working. Looking forward to be hearing from you soon.

  604. Good day,I’m Efren Josef Tabara of Dumaguete City Negros Oriental,Philippines.I’m very much interested to teach English language to all Koreans who are very much willing to learn.I have taught a lot of Koreans our dialect and English language,because i used to be a tour guide in our place.You may contact me on my mobile number 09294742257 or E-mail me at tabaraefrenjosef@yahoo.com.

  605. hi miss anne!
    is there any requirement for being an english tutor online?
    uhmm.. actually I’m a freshman college student and i want to teach english online… :)) thanks!!!
    just leave a message at my e-mail 🙂 jil_ignacio02@yahoo.com Thank you so much! :))

  606. hi maam i am a licensed teacher but i am a jobless now.can you help me how to teach as an online teacher of korean children.please help me

    1. Good day!
      Please email your resume and contact details.
      Online interview starts at 11 am everyday.

  607. hi!
    im 17 years old, college student.
    is there any requirement for being an english tutor online?
    thank you :))

  608. i don’t have work at the moment and badly need a job.i am interested with this job in teaching english to Koreans.can u please give me the website for it.thank you.here’s my email add anpredictable77@yahoo.com looking forward to hear from u soon.

  609. HI !
    I am claire, a 4th year BS engineeirng techology student. I am very interested to teach english to koreans. To prove that i have quite knowledge on korean language, i can read and write in korean and even familiar with korean songs and culture.He/she can contact me as long as internet is present. I’d love to exchange ideas with my students. Its because also, im quite a huge fan of famous actors and bands in korea. 🙂 Im sure they’ll learn a lot from me.
    You can contact me:

  610. Hello! I am currently studying BS Management in Bicol University. Well, I would like to share what i’ve learned from my school to those Koreans who are interested to learn how to speak, read and understand English very well. Be free to contact me @monicabmadrona@gmail.com.
    I badly need this job..:D
    Thank you so much..:D

  611. i would like to know if how can i have a tutorial job online. your help will be very much appreciated. thanks and god bless..

  612. Good day to all koreans living in Davao city, Philippines
    Im looking for Korean students to teach English too
    Im a native English speaker from England, UK living here
    in Davao City
    If your interested in 1 to 1 lessons plse email
    me your contact details.
    Thank You

  613. Good day,I’m Beverly currently enrolled at AMA Computer Learning Center taking up Business Administration,I’m working as a part time teacher to the Koreans,I’m really interested to teach online.I hope you can help me,just email me at lianjillmanulit@yahoo.com or you can call me to this number 09291463301.
    Thank you so much I’m beg to recieve.

  614. Hello,
    My name is Yolanda! I am interested in teaching English online. I have a MBA degree and a MA in Christian Leadership. I am planning to study in Geneva Switzerland in the fall 2013, and I believe that teaching online part time will be a reasonable part time option- both now and in the future. I do have a skype id: ybaber. I would be interested in hearing from you!
    Thank you!!

  615. Good day !
    We are looking for a HOMEBASED ONLINE TEACHER.
    graduate of any 2-4 year course
    with experience (more than 6 months)
    internet connection speed of more than 1mbps
    w/ pleasing personality
    send your resume @ skype.english@ymail.com
    Interview and demo class to follow.

  616. hello.. i’m april..can i apply the said one korean online job? i just want to.. for my baby ..but i’m only 15 .. if you want another information ..txt me on this number.. 09166585142..

  617. HI
    Good day I’m Jim college student studying computer course and I’m very interested in teaching online, either part time or full time tutor to some Korean, since I want to impart my knowledge in Basic English, Communication Skills and Correct Grammar to others who has poor English Skills and through socializing with them I’ll be able to improve my English as well thank you.

  618. hi,,
    im a graduate of nursing at southwestern university. im seeking a korean that needs my tutorial service,,, ive been teaching already a tutorial for students in montesori,,,i think ive made it good coz i ddnt recieve any arguments to them,,,
    I took a 4 week intensive English teaching course,
    and a training for proper pronunciation and accent,, and i have my certificate that can vouch regarding my achievements and skills
    thank you and god bless.

  619. Hi! Good day. I’m a registered nurse and currently working in a hospital on morning shifts. I’m very interested to teach English to Koreans. I hope anyone can help me to become an instructor as a part time job. Thank you

  620. Hi! Good day. I’m a registered nurse and currently working in a hospital on morning shifts. I’m very interested to teach English to Koreans. I hope anyone can help me to become an instructor as a part time job. Email me at kurenay0204@gmail.com Thank you

  621. Hi, I’m looking for a student who wants to know how to speak english? Please! Leave a comment! 🙂


  623. hi there i only graduated last march. with a degree of BSBA. and i really want to teach english.. so if you’re looking for a tutor just contact me.. im willing to teach you as long as you want. thanks just message me jhoanmae20@yahoo.com

  624. looking for a student who wants to learn english.. im a human resource graduate and i really love teaching english.. i have a lot of patience and im willing to teach you as long as you want here’s my email just message me jhoanmae20@yahoo.com

  625. Hi! Good evening madam, I’ve been interested to do tutorial sessions online to Koreans. It would be of great help to me and my family. I am a teacher for 21 years and now I am a school administrator. Please email me for more details. Thank you and Godspeed…

  626. hi! I am Elinore. I would like to ask if there are available slots for teaching position? I an English teacher, have taught Koreans for several months… You may contact me through my email… Thanks!

  627. Hello Ms. Michelle,
    A blessed day to you!
    I am an English Teacher – teaching high school students. I am really looking for a part time job and teaching English on line is what I really want. I really need extra income. please help me. The help you will extend to me would greatly help my family. God bless you! You can contact me at 09068914272 or you can e-mail me at febbe143@yahoo.com
    Love in Christ,

  628. Good afternoon, I’m interested to teach english online to Koreans Pls. inform me of the requirements. Thanks
    from Dale

  629. Anneoyong….This is teacher Irish from Bogo City…I’m a graduate of Associate in Computer Technology here in bogo..I already had this experienced to teach a camp and an online tutorial class.But i want to explore more..Would you please recommend me to someone who is willing to have this online class..Thank you..Please call me in this number 09073194770…thank you

  630. hello ms. michelle, im looking for a part time job, and interested on teaching english to korean students, pls help me by sending message on my email add. looking forward to hear from thanks and GOD BLESS.

  631. Hi Ms.Anne I would like to ask how can i apply as an online english teacher to koreans.Can you give me some company websites so i could apply too.Thank’s.

  632. Hi! Im Rita. I would like to request you to please find me Koreans who might be interested to have someone to talk to in order to learn or polish their English. Should anyone be interested, they may contact me through my email address:
    Thank you.

  633. I’ve been planning to have a part time job since I have the heart to teach patiently and accurately and also I do have a background from BPO being a callcenter representative.
    Please don’t hesitate to contact me using my email dionamayquinto@yahoo.com and or to my mobile number 09175508729.
    Thank you and have a blessed day!

  634. To whom it may concern:
    My name is Melissa. I am presently working here in Canada and I have lots of free time so instead of wasting my time doing nothing why not teaching english to Koreans. Lets get started,: Wanted – Korean children want to learn how to speak, write, comprehend and converse in english.

  635. hi,
    I’m Kirby and I’m interested to apply for English tutorial jobs online. You can reach me for updates on my email address provided. Thank you.

  636. Good Day! I am interested for the job.
    I’ve been teaching Koreans for almost a year and a half.
    I’m a home based teacher, teaching man to man and I had an experience in online teaching.
    For now, I’m still looking for a job. Hope that you could help me. thanks.

  637. hi, i’m currently working on a consultancy firm as a researcher, i’m very much interested to work part time as an online english teachers to koreans, kindly send me contact details of the schools where i can submit my resume. by the way, i’m also a professional education graduate of PLM. hope you can help me. regards and thanks in advance.

  638. hi! i’m very much interested in teaching english to Koreans online.. what will i do? please help me out. thanks!

  639. Hi my name is Nina MacLelland. I am a certified primary teaching in Canada looking to teach Korean students online. I have previoustly taught in South Korea in the past and would enjoy the opportunity to teach again from my home country. Would you be able to send me some information on how I could set this up from home. Thanks you!

  640. Hi Im a qualified primary teachin glooking at teaching South Koreans online. My skype name is nina.maclelland if you are interested.

  641. Hi my name is Nina MacLelland. I’m a qualified Canadian primary teacher looking to tutor South Koreans online. I have previouslty taught in Korea for a year and also in Brazil and the U.K. Please contact me for more information Skype:nina.maclelland or by email nina.maclelland@hotmail.com
    I look forward to hearing from you!

  642. Hi ms. I am very interested to do this. I am a Nursing irregular student and I am finding a job that can be flexible with my school schedule. I hope you can help me so I can help my parents with our expenses. Thank you so much. Please e-mail me if you’re hiring :]

  643. Praise be Jesus and Mary!!am looking forward for another venture of teaching through our Korean brothers and sisters.I am Nancy B. Balonquit presently teaching at the Dep Ed. Waan National High School….am interested of having a part time job so kindly contact my number 09351283177 for more details about the submission of my resume..thank you very much and God bless us all…!

  644. hello..I’m Shiela, nursing graduate last 2011..I’m interested to teach english to koreans via online.how could I apply?send to my email or txt me,pls..shielakeith.adrias@yahoo.com / 09229906076 or 09267041205. I need your help,pls.
    I hope you can help me as soon as possible..i really appreciate your contribution.
    Thank you so much.godbless

  645. Good day, I’m Amparo, I am working at Norwegian Cruise Line as Guest Service Associates for 4 years but I have my long leave at work because I am pregnant. I want to do teaching so I will not get bored for my vacation for now. Please send me a reply on my above e-mail address. Thank you so much

  646. Hi. I’m Danica Policarpio Tan, currently a second year college student at the University of the Philippines Visayas. I would like to apply for the said job above. Please do email me at: chocofudge16@hotmail.com. I really do need a part-time job right now. This would be a big help. Thank you so much.

  647. Hi. Im am looking for a teaching jobs Online since I am planning ot leave my job here in Thailand as an ESL Teacher, I prefer to work homebase coz my daughter begged me to go back home. i’ve read your post in this site, I got interested to apply on this job. Can you please tell me how can i apply and get the website of this korean teaching Org? I am an ESL teacher here in Thailand since 2009 up to the present…you can send the info at my email or my raoming number is +639281459319. I hope this site could help me. Thanks so much.

  648. Hi, I am a freelance English tutor. Right now I am looking for Korean students who need my services as an English tutor online. I am looking forward that you can help me find one. You can reach me at 09089767112 or email me at pjapruebo@gmail.com. Thanks

  649. Hi! I would like to ask help from anyone to help me find a job that suits my capacity and ability. I’m very much willing to teach English to Koreans online. I have been thinking about this many times before but it is just now that I got a chance to browse and I saw this page. I would be grateful if I would be given a chance. Thank you so much and God bless!

  650. hi I’m Gemma Capistrano….I’m very much interested to teach English to Koreans on-line….I’ve been teaching for more than 12 years….If you are interested call me at 09062963008 or e-mail me at kris_angel163@ yahoo.com

  651. I am a BSEM student from POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES and I want to share my english knowledge and willing to help you ma’am

  652. hi , I am ellijah from cebu city . I am student and i would like to apply with these kind of job for me to support my studies . It really interest me to apply because I really like teaching actually Iam a education student . You can call and text me with this no. 09323412423

  653. Hi! I’m Arian, currently teaching Koreans. I have available time for online classes from 8:30pm to 10pm, Monday to Friday. But, on December 17, 2012, I will be available from 1pm-5pm as well. My contact number is 09165029394 and you can email me in joyariane@yahoo.com.

  654. Hi, I’m Blessie. If you are looking for an English tutor to Koreans you can reach me on this number 09087066558 or email me at jayblessie@yahoo.com. My available time for online classes is Sunday to Saturday from 6am to 10pm. I have basic knowledge in Korean language and I’m sure we will have fun learning English.

  655. hi ! i just want to ask if i can still apply in this position ., im a 3rd EDucation student major in Special Education

  656. hi. good day I’m jenalene a college student here in davao city i really want to teach korean a English language.. please help me… contact me on my email salvanajenalene@yahoo.com .. i well wait for you response.. please help me to apply..

    1. Hello,
      Im claire, 20 years of age. i am very much interested to teach english for koreans . I love english and i know hangul a little so i believe we will have better communication with my students which is a good point also in my teaching process.
      email me at:

  657. Hi. I had been tutoring Japanese students in the Philippines before to learn the English and Filipino language, I want to teach Koreans as well, can you send me referrals? I wants to teach English online to Koreans as well. Thanks.

  658. Teaching English in South Korea is an amazing experience. There is definitely a reason why thousands of university graduates flock to teach English in South Korea year after year.

  659. hi ! im inna , i dont have backgrounds in teaching but i want to try . is it possible ?! i have background in korean language.

  660. Hello mga kababayan. I’ve been teaching ESL for quite some time now and I was thinking to shift my career into IELTS. Have you heard of it?

  661. Hi,I have no experience yet in online tutoring, but i do like to try it if given a chance.Kindly email me the link .Tnxs and GOD BLESS!!1

  662. Hi to all South Korean’s living here in Davao City, Philippines
    Im offering my services as an English tutor to any South Korean’s living here in Davao. My teaching style is one to one teaching in reading, writing and conversational English etc.
    I’m a British National living here in the city, please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.
    Kind regards… Graham

  663. Hello, I’m looking for a part time or Full time job and I am interested about Online english teacher to koreans. Hope you will help me about it..
    Thank you..

  664. Hello, I’m looking for a part time or Full time job and I am interested about Online english teacher to koreans. Hope you will help me about it..
    Here’s my Contact number +639324843602
    Thank you..

  665. can you teach me how to get into tutorials.., i do need a job..,thanks.., for tuition fee.., thank you.,.,

  666. Hello,
    A qualified English teacher who is able to effectively communicate with students from diverse backgrounds or varying degrees of ability. A committed and dedicated professional with proven ability to teach, motivate and direct students to maximum performance by encouraging a positive and energetic environment.
    I can help you improve your English at £5 per session of 1 hour.
    I also give free trial class on skype for 30 mins.
    Looking forward for your emails…. pai.yuvika@gmail.com
    Happy Learning 🙂

  667. hello my dear korean friends,
    I’m Prashant from India.I did my B.tech in computer science from a reputed engineering college here in india. Apparently , I’am preparing for a civil service exam and i am desperately in need of spare income to support my livelihood for a while. By the way, i have a GRE score of 1480 and have a won a full scholarship program course (non-certified course ) to U.S of Chadron State College in Nebraska .Proficient in English Grammar(Wren and Martin ,longman and Cambridge) and Vocabulary (Baron’s word-list and Many more ).It shall be my Utter pleasure to assist you in learning English.

    1. TESOL TEFL Love Month Promo for Filipinos!
      February 2013 ONLY!
      Hurry Inquire now!
      We are giving away 50% discount so you can have your first international English language teaching certificate.
      Not only that! this is payable in 3 months.
      We have 3 different schedules to choose from:
      regular: 4 weeks, Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm
      night: 8 weeks, Mon-Fri, 6pm-9pm
      sat sun: 8 weeks, Sat 9am-5pm and Sun 9-12
      We only accept 10 trainees/class.
      Inquire now!
      sms/call: 0932 882 9498
      email: info@teflph.com

  668. hi im intereste about this enlish tutorial to koreans. what site should i browse to know how it works and also to know the details about it

  669. hi.
    i am free at night time and i would like to try online tutorials for Koreans. Please send me details. thanks

  670. hi
    Good Day!
    Can you give me website wherein I can apply for an online english tutorial? I would be happy if you’ll assist me. I am interested to teach onine koreans, japanese. thank you and god bless you. please email me rhezacute2000@yahoo.com

  671. Good Day,
    I’m cyprianne, im interested with teaching english to koreans as part time.. what company can i apply..hers may email add:cypriannegrullo@yahoo.com
    thank you.

    1. Hi to all Korean’s living in Davao City in the Philippines
      I’m a British national living here in the city, i have experience in teaching English to Korean’s here in Davao on a one to one basis and online using skype.
      Anyone who would like private tutorial in English language please contact me. Thank You…

  672. Good day to all Korean’s living in Davao City in the Philippines.
    Im a British national living here in the city for some 10 years now. I have experience in teaching Korean’s English online and on a one to one basis.
    If you would like me to have one to one lessons with you either online or in person here in the city then don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.
    Kind Regards.

  673. Anyways, BSED is my course major in English.
    I’m still a minor, but i want to apply. I know you’ll reject me. but still, i want to try! ^_~

  674. Hi,good day! I’m Gretchen. I’m very interested to apply for online teaching. I’m an English teacher. This is my e-mail ad: gretchen.gado@yahoo.com. Just send me message as response.Thank you and God bless…

  675. Hi.. Im working here in korea now.. But my salary is not good.. I need an extra job and maybe this will help me.. It will be easier for me to teach because i can understand their language and writtings. Thank you and Godbless.. This my contact number 01021629265.

  676. Hi! I am Teacher Omi, 20 years old and lives at Pangasinan. I currently finished my studies last April 2012 were I took up Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics at Pangasinan State University. My hobbies are dancing, cooking, reading and visiting places. I am loving, patient and a compassionate person. I like to share my ideas and knowledge for you to enjoy your journey in learning. English is the best way to communicate to other people. I am willing to help you to improve your grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. So let us enjoy together study English
    here at Parrots Kun Eikaiwa. See you…

    1. Hello.
      Please help me find a tutoring job online. I am an English teacher for more than ten years. I can be trusted to do the task you’ll assign me if I’ll be given a chance.

  677. Hi! Good day to all of you. I’m Ninie F. Salih, a private tutor to four (4) kids ages, 3 years, 4 years, 9 years and 10 years old and high school students. I’m fond of kids that’s the reason I accepted tutorial jobs at home and teaching is my special hobby. Since it is summer, the students are off for vacation. You can reach me at my email address, if you need my assistance, i”m more than willing to teaching online in English to Koreans or any nationality. Thanks and looking forward to have you as my student. God Bless!

  678. hi, i would to ask for your assistance in applying for an online jobs..im a teacher and i want to have an extra job..you can respond on this via email chuy_rj@yahoo.com or my mobile number +639078573929….tnx

  679. hi guys,
    I’m currently working as an English Teacher for Koreans (online) here in Ortigas and still want to teach more because I’m really interested teaching them.Man to man basis or through online is okay with me…Teaching is my passion.Here’s my contact number 09294211887.Take care and God bless !!!
    -teacher Jessica

    1. Hello
      My name’s Hossam from Egypt
      If there are students want to learn English.
      learning how to be … on skype or what?
      how much for student?
      how to pay? Western Union or what?

  680. Hello Ms Michelle,
    I also want to apply as Korean or Chinese English teacher. Just text me at 09194310255 or email me at mark_anthonyesantos05312yahoo.com, if you’re still hiring. Thanks!

  681. hello,good evening ,i just want to work this job through online please and so i can have a income..i really need it and im willing to teach koreans an english trough online..please send me a mail please..

  682. Hi! I’m Mary from Philippines. I’m currently studying Bachelor of Science in Nursing here in the Philippines. I’m interested to work online as an English Tutor in Koreans who wants to learn English or improve their English skills. Now, how can I apply or submit any information about me? This is my contact number 09158594395, please inform me about the application. THANKS!

  683. Peelenglish.com
    We are looking for a Philipines teachers who could teach English in Philippines.
    you will teach through skype.
    applicants shoul have a bright personality and be punctual and responsible.
    Bonuses are also available in accordance with our rules.
    Most of the student wants to speak English instead of the grammar.
    so you need to speak english spontaneously.
    if you major is in education , it is much better for us.
    The hours are monday through friday usually it is five through twelve . we are looking for individuals who will keep to their set schedules . You may choose which hours you would like to work, but once you’ve chosen them, you shoul keep that schedule for an extended period . You need to be on time with the students. You can not be absent monday to friday so you will work whole week days.
    salary is 100 Peso /hr
    If you teach more than 5 students, it will be increased to 120peso/hr.
    One class of each student is 40minutes.
    1.the reason why you want this job
    2.Have you experienced with korean students
    Give me the resume through my email.
    if you be elected I will ask your skype id and interview you through it.
    send me your application at my email.
    it is eunmij42@gmail.com

  684. hi,I’m looking for an online job English Tutorial in Koreans. I would like to teach English to Koreans,,,can u please help me on how to apply?

  685. Hi, I would like to teach English to Koreans. Could you please help me on how to apply for that job? Thank you.

  686. Hello! Im Stephanie 3rd year college level.
    Im looking for part time job also willing to teach an english. Here’s my contact # 0915 360 1680.
    Thnk u! & More Power

  687. Hi. I’m looking for a part time job. Aside form working in BPO industry i wanna try different environment which is teaching English Language to Asians. Here’s my email add: imaproudgumere@gmail.com
    Thanks. 😀

  688. hi, I’m Lexie I am really interested to know how to apply in online teaching job. Please send me an email how. Thank you.

  689. hi im nana.. i really wanted to apply in teaching english to koreans..i hope you could help me how..

  690. If you’re an online or offline English instructor, you might like a copy of my ebook.
    It’s a conversation ebook I wrote to get students to speak in my class.
    I’m giving away copies to esl teachers and students at
    Hope to get your feedback if you use it with your students.
    Paul Hefford

  691. Isn’t it a bit funny that Filipinos are not allowed to teach in Korea but most Koreans would go here in the Philippines to study English and others would pay an online English tutor where in their teacher would be a Filipino…just thinking out loud

  692. Hi miss Anne
    Is it okay if my accent is British? Am I still qualified? or do I have to sound like american?

  693. Hi…I’m a Mass Communication 4th year student. I would like to have part time job as an online English teacher to sustain the needs of my course.
    Can you help me?
    this is my email:

  694. Hello.
    I’m very interested to help as a English teacher for tutorial jobs. I would like to inform that I’m ready to teach anyone online with good salary.
    Can anyone could help me to find my part time English tutorial jobs?
    Thank you.

  695. Hi Students and those willing to learn English. I am a professional English ONline teacher. I would love teaching anyone who is interested. Contact me at twinklejt@yahoo.com

  696. Please help me find an online part time job. I am an English teacher. I like to work with your company. You can trust me that I am knowledgeable and dedicated to work

  697. Hi to all Koreans living in Davao City Philippines….
    Im an English teacher living here for more than 10 years. I teach Koreans online using skype and teach also one to one in the city. Anyone out there who would like to have classes with me please contact….grahamuk1@yahoo.co.uk
    Have a nice day…..

  698. hello.,(^o^)

  699. I am a degree holder of Bachelor of Science in Education, major in English. I have also a degree in Master in Public Resource Management. Teaching English is my passion. However, this can be put to naught if I don’t practice it. I taught as a part-time English teacher for a couple of years but I stopped now. I would like to experience teaching home-based, where I don’t have to spend gasoline and I can teach at the comfort of my home. I have what it takes to be a teacher, but you have to try me to know it.
    Please refer me to a legitimate company. I will be very thankful for you if I will be hired and would come back here to post about it.

  700. i am an stay at home mom..i used to work in a call center..but now i decided to quit the job,because i have to be with my daughter…can anyone help out on how to be an online english teacher for koreans….?this is my mobile number..09215266173..pls give a call regarding this..thank you…

  701. hi!! I want to apply as an online english tutor. You can contact me in my mobile phone # 09179901309.
    Thank you so much!!!

  702. Hello I am nova from Leyte
    I am very interested to apply as an English tutor
    to Koreans.
    here is my email add:novalyngarong@yahoo.com

  703. Hello I am novalyn from Leyte
    I am 18 years of age and love to teach English and
    I am very interested to apply as an English tutor
    to Koreans.
    here is my email add:novalyngarong@yahoo.com

  704. Hi! Is this site still active? I would like to know if there’s an available Online English Teaching job position where ESL teachers like me can possibly apply? Would be glad to hear from you all. Thank you. 🙂

  705. Hello, I am willing to help some korean people how to speak good english here online. Please help me how to apply.. hoping for reply to my email zweet_zmile19@yahoo.com… or just text me—-#09192971764…. live in Angeles City.

  706. hello korean students who want to learn english… i am most willing to teach you how to write and speak in english properly on line. my contact number is 09186708705. i took up and finished bachelor of science in business administration major in management. … anybody who can help me find korean students who need english tutor, your assistanc is much needed and will be greatly appreciated. my email ad is sarmientojojo68@yahoo.com

  707. Hi there!
    I’m an experienced English teacher in the Philippines before I moved to Florida. As a full time homemaker I have ample time to teach English online to anyone who has great enthusiasm to learn the language. I would appreciate it a lot if you could contact me at eternalsummer1101@yahoo.com.

  708. .Hi Ms. Daff I would like to ask how can i apply as an online english teacher to koreans. Can you give me some company websites so i could apply too.Thank You.

  709. Hello! I’m a college student who wants to earn extra money. I’m very much willing to teach you English. I’m currently learning Korean as well so I could communicate with you easily. Here’s my email address @infinitekrizsha@yahoo.com

  710. i would like to apply as online teacher, i have some knowledge in korean language, and i think its a great help for me to communicate to them easily.

  711. hi maam
    hi maam im hacel of philippines but im currently living now in korea because i have a husband and 1 child so i always stayed at our house for some good reason and that is for taking care of my son….id like to entairtain or take an online tutoring so i can help other persons to improve their skills in english and to improve/enhance to study a lot about english and to help my husbands too..please allow me sir/maam im willing to go for some interviews…thak you so much GODBLESS

  712. hi i’m clyde geducos and i’m willing to teach english to koreans so ican help them and earn money as well even if im at home.i’m a full time mommy but i can share my time on teaching english to koreans..

  713. Hi Ms. Michelle,
    I am looking for an on-line job,
    I can speak Japanese and English as well
    If you can find me a student will be much appreciated.
    My fees are flexible in terms.
    here is my cellphone number 09192519278
    my email address jensine21@gmail.com
    thank you very much and God bless..
    best regards,

  714. I am currently employed at the Department of the Interior and Local Government for thirteen years now but I will be glad to teach English online. I passed the IELTS Examination garnering a Band 8.0 Overall Score which can be verified through web verification, if deemed necessary. I am also willing to send my detailed resume for verification purposes. Please do not hesitate to contact me through my Globe mobile number 0915 8685701 for further details.

  715. I am currently employed at the Department of the Interior and Local Government (Philippines) for the past thirteen years and I have taken the IELTS garnering an Overall Band Score 8.0 which can be verified through the web, if necessary. I will be very glad to teach English online and I am willing to send a detailed resume for verification purposes. Please do not hesitate to call me through my Globe mobile number 0915 8685701 for any further questions. Thank You and Good Day!

  716. Annyeong Haseyo, jeoneun Jenny imnida and I am 25 years old,, Im very much interested to be an online English teacher, especially to Koreans, Im very much willing to be interviewed at your most convenient time. Im now working as a Resort receptionist here in Boracay, and I have been talking to many Korean tourists and different people from different parts of the world then and now, I believe my English is quite qualified for teaching jobs. Please e-mail me @ jenami_28@yahoo.com or ring me @ 09071559387

  717. Hi! This is Liezel from Philippines. I am very much interested to be an online tutor. Please help me out on how to apply for online tutor. You can email me at teeny21_ph@yahoo.com
    Thank you.

  718. Dear Hiring Manager,
    Good day! Your website caught my attention because I am searching for a job online & I believe my capabilities would be perfect for this teaching position online.I am Zai from the Philippines I’m a nurse and took up methods of teaching and passed the board exam last january 2014 and now I’m a full time mom looking for a job online. I am free any time you set an interview. Thanks.

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