Celebrity sighting at the hospital

[singlepic=1080,250,250,right]My son didn’t attend day care yesterday. They were to go out on a field trip but I also had scheduled his yearly check-up on the same day since early last month. His pediatrician happens to be one of the country’s best and he’s constantly on TV whenever there’s a pediatric health issue. I even saw him on the news at noon yesterday.
We were at the hospital (Samsung Cheil in Chungmuro) 30 minutes before our schedule and my son had a grand time at the playground, which is just right outside the Pediatric Center. When his name was called, I called my son in and waited outside the doctor’s clinic. I didn’t immediately notice the woman in a light blue chiffon dress with the red heels. The nurse then called her “Park Gyung Rim – nim” and that’s when I remember that she’s the famous comedienne who once was the partner of Jo In Sung in “Nonstop 2” that I used to watch more than eight years ago. I now feel closer to Jo In Sung – six degrees of separation! LOL
Park Gyung Rim acknowledged everyone who greeted her, and even those who didn’t (moi!) We came in right after she left. After greeting the doctor, he asked if I noticed the famous comedienne who came before me. I said yes. Then he proceeded to tell me that he also had a famous actor earlier. I asked who but he said that if I didn’t see him then he wouldn’t tell me his name. Arggghhh!!!
Anyway, I saw Park Gyung Rim again at the “Injection Room” when she had her baby vaccinated. I had my camera but I thought it’s inappropriate to take picture of a celebrity in her private time.
Unlike other doctors, Dr. Shin Son Moon would always spend time answering every question that I ask him. I even asked about the H1N1 virus since we’ll be traveling to the United States next month. He said that I shouldn’t panic and to just be careful. He gave quite a lengthy explanation that isn’t really new to me but I really appreciate his time.
Usually, I’d pay only 1,500 won (US$1.10) per consultation with a doctor. Dr. Shin Son Moon is quite expensive since I always have to shell out about 8,500 won (US$7.20) everytime!


  1. hay naku betch, i would be willing to shell out that amount if i get to have quality time with him. my pedia here in mapo is so fast! can he speak and understand english? i’ll go that far if need be.
    wendys last blog post..What’s in a Name?

    1. i didn’t look at the receipt when i signed it… we were charged 11,000 won just for the consultation… he speaks english and he has several non-korean patients

  2. wow! that’s expensive! zach’s pedia is very patient and caring and she also tries her best to explain everything to me.at first, zach had the pedia from the same hospital where i gave birth but i really hated the way he treated zach and he didn’t give time to explain things…so i never came back there again..kkkkk.
    chers last blog post..INFO 106: Baby’s Philippine and Korean Passport

    1. dr. shin is also from the same hospital where i gave birth… samsung jeil’s service is just topnotch… that’s why we’re really hesitant to change doctors even if they charge expensively… we also paid for all of seonggyu’s vaccination, when he could’ve gotten them for free in public hospitals

  3. we also pay for zach’s vaccination….a lot of people advised us to just get it at the health center because it’s free but my husband insisted on paying for it….but after realizing how expensive the vaccines are my husband is thinking of going back to the health center….kkkkk.
    chers last blog post..INFO 106: Baby’s Philippine and Korean Passport

  4. hi cher, there’s this pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) which costs us 100,000-won per shot. and we had to have 3 shots of it in a span of 5 months. another booster shot of the same vaccine a year after. buti na lang tapos na. and i heaved a sigh of relief when i learned that the same kind of vaccine costs 5,000-pesos per shot in the philippines.
    wendys last blog post..Friday Frustrations: Television as a Nanny?

  5. wow.ate betchay youre so lucky.:) i saw her many times in a reality show thank you for waking us up with ss501 in the youtube.:D COOL!:D

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