2NE1's Signed Photo

After posting 2NE1’s first mini-album, I got some request on my inbox to post a close-up shot of the signed photo that is included with the pre-ordered albums. Here’s the front side of the photo:
and the back…
As far as I know, only pre-ordered albums come with the signed photos.


  1. Waah! Thanks so much (: This is so cool! ;]]
    Can ii post this at my 2ne1 wordpress blog :ygevolution.wordpress.com ?
    ii will give you full credit! 😛

  2. only pre-ordered albums come with the signed photos
    really? why didn’t i get signed photos of super junior members when i pre-ordered the sorry, sorry repackaged album? 🙁

    1. hi frances! only pre-ordered 2NE1 albums 🙂
      where did you pre-order the sorry sorry album? i had one signed by heechul but i already sold it on ebay

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