English Teacher Training Program for Multi Cultural Families

Here’s an interesting letter I got from the mail today. It’s for an “English Teacher Training Program” for Korean spouses. You guys might want to check it out. It’s free so it might be worth your free time. This is a good initiative by the Gyeonggido government. It’s also nice that they’re accepting those who are not residents of Gyeonggi. I just hope that we won’t see a rush of more marriages to Koreans just for the sake of getting the chance to teach English here 😉
[Program Outline]

  • Period: 2009.09.07 – 11.02 (9 weeks)
  • Time: 09:30 – 13:30 (Mon-Fri, Total 160 hours)
  • Place: Gyeonggi Bugbu Women’s Vision Center
  • Contents: Upgrading teaching skills, understanding Korean educational culture
  • Tuition Fee: Free (100,000 won monthly transportation expense provided)
  • Number of trainees: 24 (15 from Gyeonggi-do and 9 from other provinces, including Seoul)

[Application Outline]

  • Application date: 2009.08.19 (Wednesday) – 28 (Friday)
  • Application venue: Uijeongbu Immigration Office
  • For more information, contact 031-828-9302


  • Must be a spouse of Korean (F-2-1 or F-5-9 or naturalized Korean)
  • Must have a degree or diploma (more than 2 years of college)
  • Can communicate in English
  • Korean speaker preferred
  • Certified teacher or those who can teach English are preferred


  • Candidates for interview will be notified by September 1st
  • Date: September 2nd (Wed) 13:00 – 17:00
  • Place: Gyeonggi Bugbu Women’s Vision Center
  • Lecturers will interview all participants in person

[Required Documents]

  • Resume (should be in MS Word)
  • After passing the interview, you will be required to submit an official enrolment form and a written promise
  • Form download: http://cafe.daum.net/immigration, http://www.immigration.go.kr
  • Proof of degree or diploma
  • Supporting evidence for English ability, ex. TOEIC, TOEFL, etc.


  1. Hello Ate Betch~
    After the training, will the government disseminate all of us to our respective cities or mayhaps the positions are only available around Gyeonggi vicinity?
    Upon completion of the entire course, will the participants be qualified to teach in public schools anywhere in Korea?
    Thanks Te for posting this~

  2. my friend finished the course but til now there’s no job offers yet. some just receive diplomas and no gots to apply yet. although some are teaching in seoul. (church).

  3. we have something similar down here. i’m taking some kind of crash-course teaching for kids. (i already have frenemies. they think i’m too much) the participants are JUST Filipino women. Either other country people are not interested, or we were singled out. (just kidding)
    what happens after is that they’d give us a certificate, something to use when trying to land a job. the course also offers to place 10 very lucky candidates to teach immediately after the program. (i’m hoping to be one of them, 6 AM takes a toll on my driver/husband)
    but then again… SMOE dropped a hundred successful candidates that deals with lower level English… i just hope those positions that were vacated would be for us.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..Now that’s just plain WEIRD! =-.

  4. i received a mail,too… still contemplating whether I should apply or not. Conflict kasi sa sched ng korean language class ko:( and i’ve never taken TOEIC or TOEFL.. But it is, indeed, an interesting offer.. and the place is not that far from where i live.

    1. hi!
      pwede mag ask sau kun san ka nag study korean language,,pwede ko b malaman if where,medyo di ko p kc kabisado dito,,sa gangseo gu seoul me located,can you give me an idea where it is!! thanks,,

  5. they don’t offer toeic or toefl. that’s just wishful thinking.
    the training program is a CRASH COURSE. if you had taught before then you’d get really REALLY bored.
    you should be after what comes when the entire program is finished: a certification, recommendation, and job offers.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..i changed her oil, she changed my life! =-.

  6. oh, i mean,nakalagay kasi sa required documents yung supporting evidence for english ability ek ek daw like score sa toeic or toefl,hehe but siguro di naman tlga kelangang may ganun.

  7. Hello^^ I am new to this site and fyi I went to Uijungbu to submit my application surprisingly hindi sila tumtanggap ng South Kyeongki..I am from Seongnam but still wala sila magagawa andun na ako..^^
    Sabi ng isang officer sa immigration pano daw nakarating ang program nila sa Seongnam eh 북부 tinatanggap nila..well anyway balik ako ng Sept.1st kung confirmed yung application ko..Infact hindi naman nila kwi_nistion yung application kahit walang TOEIC or TOFEL score..

  8. If you really really wanna get teacher-training and wanna get a job right after the training, why don’t you try to have a traing in neo school, tuntun English, brainy,ect, these are some of the English system being used by most kindergarten schools, they’re nationwide, so whereever you are you, i’m sure you’ll gonna find one.the moment they trained you, your are already hired.they are basically offering a free training for like 3 weeks with transpo allow. It’s like call center na they will train you first bago ka isabak.

    1. Thanks for the info..but hindi kasi ako interested sa 학습지 or 방문수업 saka former Tuntun English teacher po ako sa Cheonan.

  9. i wish i could attend too but i can’t leave my work. onething more is that we from gangwondo so i think they don’t accept me. anyway it’s good sana kc it will add to my knowledge in teaching.Good luck to those who will havethis training. hope you’ll all land in a good job.

  10. @ anne:
    where do you reside? seoul? ulsan? busan? incheon?
    are you sure that those schools will hire OR train anybody living in mokpo? or south jeolla? or damyang?
    if we really REALLY wanted some kind of teacher-training course, it’d be much better to do it in a real SCHOOL, and not some advertised hagwons.
    and who gave you the idea that you can get hired just like that? have you tried competing for a spot vs an NS?
    don’t give these aspiring teachers false hopes. to have a spot, you have to EARN IT, not be trained and be recommended.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..i changed her oil, she changed my life! =-.

  11. @reijene :
    hi there. I’m from Bucheon.Agin these English systems are nationwide, but Im’ not really so sure how will the system go as far as Mokpo.
    (don’t give these aspiring teachers false hopes)I gotta friend in Deugu who underwent with Tun tun English training.According to her, it was really an intensive training intended for teaching very young learners. I have a lotta friends(Filipinas) who also underwent trainings with neoschool english system,and actually teaching now and I myself tried it but my schedule had a conflict with their schedule so I wasn’t able to complete it, again these trainings are intended for teaching very young learners.Ofcourse you have to do give your resume and should pass interviews first before you’ll go for the training. you could check their websites.
    “if we really REALLY wanted some kind of teacher-training course, it’d be much better to do it in a real SCHOOL”

    > I would absolutely agree with you. I did it before I landed this teaching job.
    “have you tried competing for a spot vs an NS?”
    I dont wanna sound like bragging but Yes,I was chosen over a NS, but maybe they had also considered some stuff like visa thing.
    “to have a spot, you have to EARN IT”
    exactly right. and that’s what I exactly did.
    I’m trying to help here guys, you have a choice anyway, Korean Gov,cannot accomadate all of you who wanna get the training, what I’m trying to say is that there are also a lot of private English sytems who are willing to train you if you want. A 2,4 or 5 years course not in line with teaching is not enough to teach English as a Foreign language.

  12. LOL, you were chosen over an NS.. because…? ah, visa. if there were no problems with that NS you competed with, you wouldn’t have that spot. figure out why. if you need me to tell you, i would. but i guess just read my blog. it might give you an even bigger picture.
    it doesn’t make sense, this “training thing.” is it something that we have to find? or are you telling us to find it ourselves? or is it something you’re trying to brag about? i tried looking for it and it’s apparently nonexistent. do you have a link to share if it is indeed real? see, training only happens when there’s a shortage of teachers. when time’s not enough, and budget’s a little tight. Bucheon is part of Gyonggi, right?
    Not enough teachers, too many non-NS without the slightest idea on how Korean schools work. You have the basics, but not up to Korean standards. Go down DOWN Gwangju.
    “A 2,4 or 5 years course not in line with teaching is not enough to teach English as a Foreign language.”
    did anybody say anywhere that it is possible? Not even an NS could do that. No need to state the obvious as not everybody’s an idiot here.
    “The Korean Government cannot accomodate all of you who wants wo get the training”
    But they’re trying. I just hope this part of the country will have better results than Gwangju did.
    excuse the hostilities. i am still worked up with my last post.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..YWCA: The Aspiring Teachers =-.

  13. @ reijene
    relax. there are too many sensitive souls here, plus their friends using anonymous nicknames…dont be like me, arrogant and mean. 🙂 worst, the thread will be closed even before u can respond.
    “Not enough teachers, too many non-NS without the slightest idea on how Korean schools work”
    – this is true. and sadly most of these non-NS English teachers are not aware of this fact
    “No need to state the obvious as not everybody’s an idiot here”
    – In fairness to her, she can state the obvious and i agree with that.. for one, the numbers of those who cant understand, exceeds that of those who can. Thats a universal constant

  14. … @arvin
    i was kinda hoping that the readers in this place would be up to scratch, or at least try to.
    BECAUSE i am starting to have a feeling that lack of COMMON SENSE is quickly turning into a TREND.
    “the numbers of those who cant understand, exceeds that of those who can. Thats a universal constant”
    ** and you’re asking me to be nicer?
    still waiting for links. if what you’re stating is indeed real. i wouldn’t need it. but others might.
    again, excuse the hostilities. i’m still very much worked up with my last post.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..YWCA: The Aspiring Teachers =-.

  15. Ok, we also have that training here in daejeon just the dong gu district, it started last july and we’ll graduate november 2nd week, there are 2 groups; 20 trainees for English and 20 for Chinese, everything’s free from tuition fee to materials and books, we also have transpo allowance but will be given upon finishing the course-they have to compute based on our attendance.
    Well, so far it is more on the preschool and elementary level but job offers are consistent even we’re not finished with the program yet. we also attend several education functions in the district-english library-some shoots from cmb and other local tv stations.
    I think it’s a good move but the job depends on our ability they’re just supporting us, by the way we also have job managers who accept and hunt job offers.
    you can find some addtl info here, http://www.daejeon.go.kr then click pyeongsaeng kyuyeok

    1. Hi Mary! It seems that the program isn’t only in Seoul, but in other metropolitan areas as well. This is a good chance for us, but let’s hope that it won’t go to waste. 🙂

  16. i already have experience teaching english to foreigners.
    i am living here in gyonggi do, korea…but i find it hard to land a job, as only native speakers are accepted to teach english here.
    can somebody please suggest wherelse to find a teaching job that accepts non-native speakers?
    (and perhaps ms. betchay has already a lot of info about korea?)
    thank you in advance.

    1. hi Peppermint! Don’t look for jobs in those sites. The recruiters there are specifically looking for teachers from specific countries. I’ll post later on where to find jobs for non-native speakers. I have to go somewhere today 🙂

      1. Thank you ms. Batchay.
        That would be a great help!
        I am really eager to land a job, however, finding it hard becoz i am not a “native” speaker and have no connections.
        Salamat po.

  17. “Let’s just hope it won’t all go to waste”
    sure. (insert massive sarcasm here)
    it’s not about to go to waste unless given to the undeserving… Let’s hope (again, massive sarcasm) that they won’t disgrace most of those teachers who worked their butts off to be where they are.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..heartbreak quotes =-.

  18. “Let’s just hope it won’t all go to waste”
    sure. (insert massive sarcasm here)
    it’s not about to go to waste unless given to the undeserving… Let’s hope (again, massive sarcasm) that they won’t disgrace most of those teachers who worked their butts off to be where they are…
    ignore me. woke up at the wrong side of the bed. i’d be nicer next time.
    .-= reijene´s last blog ..heartbreak quotes =-.

  19. Hi guys! I am looking for a teaching job right now. I am currently residing in Gyonggi Do, Korea with spouse visa.
    If any of you guys happen to know how to find a job, please let me know and i would highly appreciate it.
    Thank you.

  20. Hello everyone.. I am a registered librarian back in the Philippines but when my sister got pregnant, i was sponsored by her employer to work in lieu of her, as nanny. It was a good experience though, but still i want to be employed with my profession as librarian if it is possible. I love staying here in Korea. So, if anyone knows an International School here in Seoul, who would accept non-native speaker as part of their Education staff? I’ve seen lots of sites but unfortunately only native speakers are needed 🙁 hope you can help me guys 🙂 thanks a lot!

  21. Hi Betchay,
    Just wanna share my simple success story in your page…
    I’ve been here in Korea for almost 4 months now and with God’s blessings, I still manage to pull through with the kind of life we are almost similarly experiencing here… hehehhe…
    Fortunately, I was hired by Yang Pyeong ENglish Village last Wednesday lang talaga… kaya I wanna thank the training program of Uijengbo Women Vision Center because thru it, I was given the chance to shine…. and this time I’m the 1st and only Pinoy teacher of the institution.
    Another thing, I must say that God is really faithful in fulfilling His promises to us, His children.. this has been my petition to land with a very good job once I arrive here in Korea…and He really granted it…
    Thanks too Betchay for posting such blog about the Multi Cultural Training program and because of that I have acheived this little success now… continue to press on and be a light in your own ways to a lot of our kababayans out there 🙂
    May this victorious experience of mine would be a living testimony that we Pinoys can also make it to the top..! Let’s prove that we can also excel in the teaching field though we are not “Native Speakers”…
    Mabuhay tayong lahat! Merry Xmas to all!

  22. Hi everyone!
    I’m new here.I’ved read all the blogs posted by Filipinos here in Korea.
    I wish too, have a job to as English teacher. Presently I’m living in Gwangmyeong-si near Seoul area and now I’m attending Korean class here in our place. There are few Filipinos here,actually I’ved only met one.
    Hopefully guys you can help me and our other kababayans by posting job opportunities . Thank you and more power.

  23. hello..
    i am also looking for a kindergarten teaching job, but this country is so unfair. i talked to some american soldiers or american people and they assure me that i am able to teach english. if i will be in america i will be hire to work in an office, but sadly koreans are koreans (^^). they think they are the highest creation in all the world. they don’t like filipino teachers ( but if u will be in phil., you will see that we are almost sorrounded by koreans, studying english, doing business, and doing mission what’s the use of an american accent if our grammar is wrong? however, i have to be strong i have to be faithful to God. if some academy closed their for me, i know there will be another great and bigger door to hire me…
    i just need to be positive…

  24. I noticed that majority of the aspring and are already teaching in ESL korea are female, I am just wonder if there are also possibility that male can be hired..? Please anyone … send me some sound reply… tnx…

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