Lee Young Ae's "secret" marriage

The hottest talk of the town since yesterday is not the failed sattelite launching but the marriage of Korean actress and Hallyu star Lee Young Ae, who’s best known for her portrayal of “Dae Jang Geum”. What’s “shocking” to some (but not to me) is that she married someone who’s more than a decade older than her.
Lee Young Ae, who also starred in the movies JSA and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, married a “gyopo” or a Korean-American businessman named Jeong (first name not mentioned in the news) on August 24th.
At 38, the “Jewel in the Palace” is still one of the A-listers of Korean showbusiness.


  1. wow! didn’t really expect this… the last time i heard about her is that she is going to enter graduate school then suddenly she is married?!? i’m still in state of shock (lol)… i wish her happiness in a new chapter of her life… she very well deserved it… i just wish she do a drama soon 🙂
    .-= ayn karim´s last blog ..giveaway time again! =-.

  2. what the heck? you have no idea how many young Korean males still fantasize about her, she could’ve married someone 10 years younger if she wanted to…. but 10 years older? =(

  3. @drsnowmon… what did you expect? Shes a gold digger. Who wants to marry some old-coot Korean? The only people with money in Korea are old, and old-fashioned thinking. She married for cash… which would make her a prostitute by definition.

    1. I think these days, women are a lot wiser than before. I guess that it’s not because of money. She is one of the A list actresses in Korea. So it means, money isn’t matter at all. C’mon guys! She’s not the only person in the world who get married with a dirty old man. It’s about the security. Why would she choose a young guy with lower salary than her? And what’s wrong if she just married for cash?

  4. Well, I am not really shocked at all.. It’s about time that she settle down, she is already a woman of age and so on.
    It is a totally NONSENSE and RUBBISH idea, her marrying just for money.. She is already rich, so why would she marry JUST for financial matters? And still, there really is nothing we can do if she married a man who is more than ten years older than her, isn’t it? It’s her personal life, after all. not ours. give her a break, could you?
    .-= samsam´s last blog .. =-.

  5. Hi!
    This is kaveh yousefzadeh. I come from iran. In recent months I have seen two series with playing of park hye shin. I extremely have falled love her. so I expect that if it is may for you send my cordial message to her. I wish I could marry with her. I don’t know that she is single or couple. so I expect to know about her in detail. Her acting in heaven tree and stairway to heaven series are so splendid. I eagerly watch her films for several times.
    Dear friends!
    I love my dearest madam park shin hye a lot! if she marry with me, I will be so prosperous. so I want you take my woo requisition seriously. If I find the girls similar my love park shin hye,I marry with them right away. I like the girls similar my sweetie park shin hye,especially when she played in heaven tree series(namely in her teen ages).I love my dear park shin hye in her teenager times so much.
    I want to have romantic relationship with her everlasting. If my dearest be married or she has engaged, I want to marry with her relatives and her other family members, of course if they be alike her from appearance ,personality and age viewpoint. I love my honey park shin hye especially in her teen years!
    I wish I could meet my love park shin hye directly! I wish I saw her in her home in Korea! please send my lovely message to my love park shin hye . If she like to marry with me or if she can find the girls similar her for me,please inform me as soon as possible and take out me from imposed sorrow and worry! I love Korean culture,folklore,… too.i expect I have romantic relationship with my dear park shin hye in future at least. I will be so glad if she give my reply by email,…I hope my friendship with her continue forever. I kiss her so much! I thank for your patience. I have no more to say.
    Kaveh yousefzadeh
    I fall in love my dearest ,namely park shin hye!i wish I could have romantic relationship with her everlasting!why my dearest don’t reply me?i want to know about her privacy living in detail. I will be so glad if I marry with her or her relatives or with other cute Korean actresses especially my love lee young ae,hun jung su(she play in stairway to heaven in replace of park shin hye in 24 years old times and youri),heina(the actress in sad love story),mika and maya (actresses in heaven tree),sena and youn soo(beautiful days),na in jung and lee shin shung(bad love),hwang jin(huang jin),…again I expect my dearest park shin hye reply me by email,…I will be so glad if I see her or the mention girls directly. I love them so much! I thanks from Mr kwon sang woo as well. His plays is very fabulous! in meanwhile I thanks from all of the mention Korean series actors and actresses too!
    I wish I could have intimate friendship with them forevere!i kiss my dear park shin hye,na in jung,hun jung su,lee young ae,mika,maya,youri,sena,hwang jin,heina,…so much!i wait their answers impatiently. As well send my greeting to mr kwon sang woo,…too!
    My dear park shin hye I love you forevere!i expect I can have romantic relationship with you and above mention girls,…do you marry with me?send my reply. We can have intimate friendship at least everlasting!i kiss whole of you!i wish I could see all of your films for many times!
    Thank you!
    Your sincerely Kaveh yousefzadeh

  6. _what? she’s married now?.ouch!!!!i’m heart to know that…but behalf of that i’m happy for her..and she deserve to be happy..i hope that guy hmmm,..love you so much..cuz if not..hmMp!!!humanda s’ya..ahehe

  7. _ i love you dae jang geum…since the first time i saw you…i dont know why but that’s what i feel now..if you have a time…hmm.plz..reply me…

  8. _by the way i came from Leyte Philippines…it’s so far from your country…
    -hmm…dont mind about what’s the people saying about your secret marriage …i know that you married him not for money…rather because you love him..right?,,. i’m hoping that someday i will meet you…and talk to you even for a second …i really want to hear your voice personally…’nd i hope also you that you appreciate my care to you…
    <<<here is my email add. minelyze@yahoo.com

  9. Women marry older men is the way to avoid sex, women sexlive will not be long, they can’t handle with younger men, don’t believe it! ask men.

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