Happy Thanksgiving!

I almost forgot that it’s the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States. I just remembered when I got a message from my sister that the items I ordered from JC Penney had arrived at her home on Wednesday afternoon. I was going to ask her to send me the items but oops… Thanksgiving!
I had experienced a “Filipinized” American Thanksgiving in Washington, DC three years ago. Long story but to make it short, we visited a Filipino family living in the capital. They served turkey, apple pie, sweet potato pie along with sotanghon, lumpia, rice, adobo and lechon manok. Aside from the chikahan, we also had “kantahan”. Pinoy na pinoy!
The following day I woke up early to watch the news on Black Friday. We were still in Washington DC and I was just amazed at all the newspaper ads for the Black Friday sale. Lots of gadgets at very low prizes but I didn’t find any personalized jewelry.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! We don’t really celebrate it here pero it’s a great time to thank everyone so why not greet everyone diba? ^^

  2. Hi! As always am happy reading your blog as if my one HG book
    Your blog is truly helpful! I saw your post picture and am delighted when i see my mom , and my ninong and ninang! I don’t know you personally but am thankful as always to your blog bec I always learned something new and this time I saw my love ones through your pic! Ah I miss them so much esp my mom,
    Thanks and GODBLES

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