Wonder Girls and SuJu on Cebu prisoners

I was browsing for the best acne treatment online, to give as present for someone who really needs it, when I saw that a hot topic on Daum (#3 at this moment): Wonder Girls and Super Junior mentioned in a show on MBC last night that Cebu prisoners danced to “Nobody” and “Sorry Sorry”.
I didn’t see the show but it seems like they just really mentioned it, according to the news. Wonder Girls first mentioned that the famous “dance group” did a performance of “Nobody”. Then Super Junior said that they also danced to “Sorry Sorry”. That’s it!
Oh, I haven’t seen the video. I’ll hunt for them later when I’m free.


  1. Hi there!
    I’m Janelle from The KaBlogs Journal (http://thekablogsjournal.blogspot.com), the online journal of the KABLOGS community (http://www.ofwkablogs.com). You have such an interesting blog here.
    I am inviting you to be a member of the Kablogs. What we’re trying to do in the kablogs site is to round up all the OFW and expats blogs all over the world. Can you please be a part of our site? We’ll just put your URL in the Kablogs website and every time you add a new entry to your blog, your link will be updated in our site. Let me know if you want to be added.
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    Thank you!
    .-= Janelle´s last blog .. =-.

  2. Hi everyone!
    Kim Hyun Joong of SS501 and Beast will hold a concert here in Manila on June 19. And Kim Hyung Jun, another member of SS501 will also have a fan meeting on June 14 at Edsa Shang Hotel here in Manila.

  3. ana,i have seen the nobody dance of sa cebu inmates…mga gays yata nagsayaw ..kasi i was looking for the “this is it dance” (BY the late michael jackson) video by the cebu inmates…their discipline is really great,sana ganoon din sila sa tunay na buhay,hindi lang sa pagsasayaw..

  4. Hello!
    Oh yes, they inmates danced to “Nobody” and “sorry sorry” and I was there 🙂

  5. Donghae was really handsome, like him so much 🙂
    But i`ll let Donghae with Sunye,coz Sunye is the one for Donghae, no other..

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