Scene in Seoul: Subway mini-concert

A regular scene every Tuesday night at Guro Digital Station is a mini-concert staged by amateur and professional performers. Last week, it was this Mexican group that played songs from their home country. I enjoyed their music that I stayed for about 15 minutes – I was going home from work and I would’ve stayed longer if my husband wasn’t waiting for me. A box is placed a few feet in front of the performers where the audience could drop a thousand won or more. At one time, there was a disabled performer who played the guitar and sang a couple of Korean love songs. I don’t usually carry cash and I always listen and watch my DMB player. However, sometimes when you’re tired from work it is invigorating to listen to some good old live music.


  1. Very interesting and nice to listen on this! It decreases the stressed of people coming from work. Looking forward to go on Seoul too I love their musics! I wish amateur performers like them will soon be seen and heard on big stage like in Araneta!
    My blog : Pouf géant 

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