Jang Dong Gun for Hera Homme

Like so many others, I keep the paper bags I get from stores here in Korea. A lot of them I had to pay 100 won for. Generally, a customer has to pay for plastic and paper bags when they purchase items. This is the reason why I always bring with me a shopping bag.
Anyway, here’s one of my favorite paper bags – back-to-back Jang Dong Gun for Hera Homme. One of my sisters-in-law tried to use this paper bag when she had to take home some English books I gave her daughter. I told her that a shopping bag would hold the books better than this paper bag. It is now safely stored in a drawer where I keep my “fan”-aphernalia πŸ™‚
So what’s new with Jang Dong Gun aside from being the other half of JangGo – Hallyuwood’s version of Hollywood’s Brangelina? He is still one of the most visible CF models on TV. He’ll soon star in a CF with Go So Young and they’re getting paid 10 billion won for it. How far is GSY with her pregnancy anyway? Can’t wait for them to send baby shower invitations. I’m pretty sure they’re going to have nothing but the best.


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