Charice, from girl next door to diva

Surprise! Surprise! KT (that’s Korea Times) had put up an article on Charice. Remember that Charice was here from July 11 to 15 to promote her new album and guest on the television show that made her a Youtube star – Star King.
Here’s an excerpt of the KT article:

Charice, from girl next door to diva
The world has seen numerous rising stars through various reality shows and competitions on the small screen, but Charice may be the face, or voice, to remember.
When Korea first got a glimpse of the girl with the big voice on local talent show “Star King’’ in 2007, Charice looked like any other 15-year-old, bashfully smiling to the audience and cameras, dressed in pink from head to toe.
But now, with her first studio album “Charice,’’ out, after performing with big stars including Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli, appearing on top shows like “Oprah’’ and “Ellen,’’ she has gained much more confidence and it seems she is ready to finally surprise the world with her signature music and charm.
Continue reading…

Can’t wait to see her on Star King this Saturday!


  1. Now, I do believe she is truly popular young artist in Hollywood rightnow. Wherever I go I can see and read a lot of articles regarding her simple treatment which she just did recently. From Disney, Insider, CelebTV, E online, Access Hollywood, Dallas, Los Angeles, etc., etc. I still remember the time where I have to dig up every little news about her. Most anti-Charice can´t find any issue against her, a simple treatment for medical reason becomes a big issue. The truth is almost all young artists today have undergone to more severe treatment and hired a good PR-managers to hide and deny it while their doctors honor confidentiality. The reality is, Charice is a true talent and no matter how many negative news against her, she will always rise up. I hope she will be OK. Poor little girl, she is having so much pressure nowadays for satisfying the fans. I wonder what will happen, if one of these days Charice decided to be nude in a photoshoot, or partying while taking drugs, or makes a porno movie and probably having an affair with a married man. WOW, that will be an explosive news. Twitter, Facebooks, Blogs and articles from different people and networks even Yahoo and Google are going “gaga” on her rightnow. Anyway this negative news will be over soon.

  2. Aren’t we all proud that she is a Filipina? She’s really making it big everywhere. I hope her star continues to shine.

  3. i’m really very proud of she would be part of the hit show “GLEE” and ‘cant wait to watch her showcase her talent as a filipino artist.go go go charice.

  4. Charice really had conquered the US market and Asia. Ganun daw talaga ang puno binabato pag maraming bunga, it’s a proof that Charice is indeed very popular. Meron kasing ibang artists who claims that they are popular in the US and that they are successful in promoting themselves in the said country pero the truth is hindi naman talaga. To the point na ginagawang free ang album nila when you buy a sack of rice. atleast Charice doesn’t have to go through all that since she has Oprah and David Foster to back her up. Go Charice! Fighting!

  5. Nowadays, almost every day there is a new TV talent. Many of them after a few days of fame and notoriety somehow disappears. However, in this case I have a feeling that Charice will arrive at our TVs for a long time. I am very happy that Charice has received their 5 minutes of fate.

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