2010 National Multicultural Family Autobiography Contest

Wanna win cash prizes in time for the holidays? Read on…
Maeil Shinmun is holding the ‘2010 National Multicultural Family Autobiography Contest’ to expand the public’s understanding regarding multicultural families and increase multicultural individuals’ motivation to study Hangul. This contest is targeted to multicultural persons and their families, and they can write essays on what they have realized as a member of a multicultural family. Contest deadline is November 1st 2010.
Who can join?
– Members of multicultural families who have moved to Korea for marriage or employment
– Marriage immigrants or their spouse
– Children and parents (woman’s side, man’s side, etc.) of multicultural families, etc.
– Families of foreign laborers
– Other international marriage families.
What to write?
The topic should be about what you have realized as a member of a multicultural family that has come to Korea for marriage or employment, and it should be organized as an autobiography or a prose. (※ the content must be based on facts)
– Sorrows of international marriages or the immigration process
– Stories of the background information on the reasons of immigration or stories of your family in the home country
– Incidents that occurred due to cultural differences or difficulties in life
– Conflicts between family members or stories about neighbors in Korea
– Stories about adapting to the life in Korea or difficulties encountered in children’s education
– You or your family’s thoughts on the life of multicultural families.
1 work per person / Submit 20 pages with 200 characters per page or 3 pages in A4 (12 pt) written in Korean
Where to submit?
E-mail : maeilsaup@msnet.co.kr
Mail : (Postal Code 700-715) 대구광역시 중구 서성로 26 (계산2가 71번지)
When you submit your work, you must provide the following information: name (Korean, English), birthdate, contact number (home phone, cell phone), and address. Submission by e-mail is recommended.
Got any question?
Maeil Shinmun Division of Culture Projects: Person in charge of the ‘Autobiography Contest’ (☎ 053-251-1416)※
Deadline for Submission
Essays must be submitted by Nov. 1st 2010 (Mon.)Announcement of WinnersNov. 15th 2010 (Mon) / Website of the host: Maeil Shinmun / Planned
What you can win:
Grand Prize (1) – Trophy + 3 Million KRW
Excellence Award (2) – Trophy + 1 Million KRW
Honorable Mention (3) – Trophy + 800K KRW
Special Selection (10) – Trophy + 500K KRW

Winners (30) – Trophy + 200K KRW

Here’s the complete information from 다문화정보:
2010 Multicultural Family Autobiography Contest
You can also find information on multicultural families in the website as well as links to other Korean websites with information for migrants.


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