Year of the Rabbit give-away

The Year of the Rabbit officially starts on Thursday, February 3rd. To welcome the new year in the lunar calendar, I’d like to give away five (5) 돼지토키 or “pig rabbit” cellphone charm to the visitors of this blog.

Pig rabbit cellphone charm

The “pig rabbit” cellphone charm is one of the official merchandises of the hit Korean drama “You’re Beautiful” starring Jang Geun Seuk. So if you want to get one of the three I’m giving away, just leave a comment below greeting everyone a happy new year ;p
Only one comment per person, please. Announcement of winners will be done on February 7th, Monday.

WINNERS: I used Random.Org’s number sequence generator to pick the five winners. Cheers to commenters #78, 49, 22, 69 and 29.


  1. I love this pig rabbit!
    A Very Prosperous and Happy Lunar New Year to everyone! Wishing you lots of good vibes in the coming lunar new year!

  2. Hope in the new year 2011 everyone will stay happy, healthy, reach greater heights in everything they will do .. Happy New Year!

  3. wish to have one to:)
    a very blessed new year to all!!!
    keep on praying for all people of nokor..
    they are in my burden…
    and for our country,,hope the economy will rise again:)

  4. Kung Hei Fat Choy 恭喜發財 to everyone. Have a blessed year of the rabbit to us.
    Happy new year!!!

  5. HAPPY 2011 TO ALL!!! Wishing everybody PEACE, more business dealings (hehehe) and LOVE!
    Ms. Betchay, may you website continue to grow.

  6. Oh I love bunnies! and the piggy bunny in the drama “You’re beautiful” is the cutest thing on earth.
    I wish you and your loved ones a most prosperous new year, filled with good health, laughter, and Love! Feliz Año de el Conejo!

  7. ate betchay! i hope im one of those lucky 5 😉
    May you have a sweet 2011ahead!. Let us all remember, na ang swerte ng tao ay nasa atin ding mga kamay kung magsisipag lng tayo at hindi tatamad-tamad, siguradong lalapitan tayo ng swerte at higit sa lahat,trust everything to GOD! 😉
    God Bless to all and to your family ate betchay!

  8. happy 20011 to all!
    Ms. Betchay…happy new year to you nad your family. Have a happy and prosperous year. May the blessings of the Lord enrich your family and friends, not only in wealth but in health, love and happiness^-^

  9. Happy Happy New Year to you and to your family Ate Betchay! May this new year be abundant to us all. Ingat palagi and keep up the good work. I love checking in on your blog everyday and seeing updates. =)

  10. Hi I’m following your blog for a long time already. Everyday I’m visiting it, it is so interesting. I’m enjoying reading every post and it completes my day. May God bless you and your wonderful family. Happy Chinese new year =)

  11. I like it the moment i saw it on “you are beautiful”…
    Anyway, Kung Hei Fat Choi to everyone especially to Ms. Betchay and her family!!!May this Chinese new year we are about to enter grant us the promise of success that knows no bounds, friendship and love, blessings from from above and dreams we never imagined would come true!

  12. Aaaaaahhhh, its the pig rabbit!!! Me want it. 🙂
    I wish the billions of people around the world a Happy New Year of the Rabbit!!! May everyone have a prosperous year!!

  13. Wishing everyone more love and happiness in the New Year! ^^
    새해 복 만히 바드세용! ㅋㅋㅋ

  14. 하하 ë‚´ê°€ 챔피온이 기회를 놓치고 싶지 ~! 제발 저를 뽑아주세요의 ^의 ^ ~ ~ 새해 ë³µ 많이 다시! 하하–HAPPY YEAR OF THE RABBIT EVERYONE!

  15. 새해 ë³µ 만히 바드세용 po!…^^
    Hope you’re enjoying your life there…^^
    Happy Lunar New Year to all…
    God Bless…

  16. May this NEW YEAR be a song of THANKSGIVING, an offering of PRAISE, a celebration of GOD’S LOVE in HIS Amazing GRACE! A blessed & joyous New Year to you and your family!!!
    I really want to have a “Pig Rabbit” cellphone charm, not for myself but for my little sister 😀
    -Ivan Karlo-

  17. 난 행복하고 풍요로운 새해 모두 소원! (nan haengboghago pung-yoloun saehae modu sowon!) = I wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year!
    ‘coz you’re all so amazing, stay just the way you are!!!

  18. Hi. Happy New Year to you and to everyone! May this year brings us prosperity, good health and good luck!
    I’d love to have one of the charms!

  19. Happy New Year everyone!
    Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. ~Benjamin Franklin

  20. Hello,
    Kung Hei Fat Choi to all of us! May this Year of the Rabbit bring us good health, more blessings and peace to all nations. Warm regards to all FILIPINOS in Korea especially to the cebuanos….. Malipayong Bag-ong Tuig Kaninyong Tanan…..Mabuhay!

  21. Wow~
    Rabbit’s my birth year!!! ^.^
    and I’m gonna give you all lots of LOVE instead of carrots~
    Apeeeeee New Year! Peace, Unity, and Happiness <3<3<3

  22. Kung Hei Fat Choy everybody!
    Hope everybody’s New Year would be filled with hope, happiness, and great new memories.
    Year of the rabbit and time for a new year full of much love and peace 🙂

  23. omo! its so cute! i wish to have one.. 🙂
    Warm wishes to you and your family Miss Betchay this Lunar New Year! ^^

  24. hello 🙂
    I’m the buzz administrator of visitkorea.
    The pig rabbit is so so cute. ^————-^
    ah! If you wonder about the year of rabbit, you could enjoy the useful information at visitkorea of English version. kikiki
    Happy Luner year.^——-^ bye bye

  25. hello 🙂
    I’m the buzz administrator of visitkorea.
    The pig rabbit is so so cute.
    Ah! If you wonder about the year of rabbit, you could enjoy
    the interesting information at visitkorea of English version. kikiki
    Happy Luner new year. ^———-^
    Bye bye

  26. Happy Lunar New Year to you, Miss Betchay and to all the readers of this blog! Wishing everyone a year of good health, safety, and prosperity! 😀

  27. Wow! 🙂 I like this.
    Happy Seollal, everyone! This time of the year, I want us to celebrate this here in the Philippines as well.

  28. Prayer is my gift to you wrapped with faith, given with hope & sent with love. May God bless you and your family.
    Happy New Year!!!

  29. 새해 복 많이 받으세요!greetings from your fellow Angelenians.

  30. Happy new year everyone! i hope this year will be good to all of us!
    and more power to!

  31. Happy happy new year! may this year bring us wealth, happiness and good fortune.
    more years to come at and thank you ate Betchay for the infos you give us.
    Happy new year to you and to your family!

  32. Hello Ms Ana! ^ ^
    Just want to wish you and everyone a happy rabbit year!
    Let’s work hard together! 🙂
    Honey funny bunny year ahead of us!!
    Fighting! 😀
    Best of health, wealth and self! 😀

  33. Happy Chinese New Year, evry1! I just l0ve h0pia esp d ones frm Eng Bee Tin here in the Phils. I also l0ve tik0y, si0mai, siopao, pancit kant0n, nai cha, & Marlo-ahne Dy! Spread the love, madlang pip0l! ^_^

  34. Happy New Year, evry1! I just l0ve h0pia esp d ones frm Eng Bee Tin here in the Phils. I also l0ve tik0y, si0mai, siopao, pancit kant0n, nai cha, & Marlo-ahne Dy! Spread the love, madlang pip0l! ^_^

  35. Sorry po, ms. Bechay for the d0uble submission. I th0ught my c0mment didn’t went thr0ugh the 1st time I’ve sent it. New yr naman po, so Peace!

  36. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
    새해 복 많이받으세요!!!!
    Hope everyone will have a good and smooth Rabbit Year!!!

  37. eomo!! glad to visit your site today!! hahaha
    im really a big fan of YB
    i got corby yello becuase of jeremy (hongki)
    i got the OST playing
    i got a pig rabbit key chain from a friend–
    a cellphone charm would be nice to match with my corby!!!
    thanks for your blogs too! happy new year! i read everything about getting visa– and i got one! 🙂

  38. Happy Chinese new year!
    We got our Korean Visa!
    Will visit Korea in April!
    and get my pig rabbit cellphone charm from ms betchay?

  39. Kung hei fat choi!
    Experts says that this year is not my lucky year..
    Kaya need ko ng charm para makontra ang di magagandang vibes..
    It is very greatful for me if ms betchay give me one..

  40. Kung Hei Fat Choit 2 ol!
    I really like that pig rabbit cellphone charm.
    I watched it twice and I really love it.
    San b me pwede mkbili nyan if ever n di me lucky to get it??!!!!!
    sana may mas mlki jan….. bi2li me!!!!
    anyway, Lucky year 2 every1!

  41. happy new year sa lahat ng Korean DramaLOvers!!! Ihope this year will be a prosperous onefor us Filipinos not just here in the Philippines but across the globe especially there in KOrea. Hopefully I can be there too…

  42. 새해 복 많이 받으세요 ^^!!!
    Thank you for sharing us this very interesting & helpful blog, it gives us a good perspective of what’s life like there, especially from a view point of a mom & a Filipino at the same time. Please continue this blog because I like reading things about South Korea.
    I wasn’t able to finish You’re Beautiful when I moved from California to North Carolina around the same time last year because they don’t offer Korean channels as basic channel on this side of the country :(. But I’ve finally adjusted & just finished Rain’s Fugitive: Plan B…now I’m watching Dream High. Haha lumalayo na ko sa age bracket ko with Dream High :P.
    But I just love IU so much ^^.
    Happy Lunar New Year to all ^^!

  43. Hello, 😀
    새해 ë³µ 많이 받으세요… I really want the 되지 토키 cellphone charm.
    I watched You’re Beautiful and I loved it! 😀
    Thank you, keep going with the good work.


  45. Happy New Year! I´m hoping everyone is having a great time celebrating the new year ahead of us ^_^
    Looking forward to the big parade in London this Sunday!

  46. Happy Lunar New Year!
    Bonne Nouvelle Année!
    새해 복 많이 받으세요!

  47. Happy New Year! I’ve been following your blog ever since I got pregnant last year. I wanted to look up Filipino and Korean mix and stumbled onto your great blog. I’m Filipino born here in the states. My husband is Korean and born here as well. I really enjoy your articles about the culture mix and your family life. It’s been almost a year since I’ve been following your blog and now I am blessed with a “Korpino” daughter who looks exactly like daddy.

  48. hi ma’am betchay! may i know how to claim the pig rabbit cellphone charm? thanks =) super late! sorry po 🙂

    1. Hi Izzie! I sent emails to the winners but one email bounced back. I’m not sure if it’s yours. I’ll have to clean up my inbox.
      Anyway, I’ll have another give-away this month.

  49. Hehe. Thanks. I did not receive any email. I am not sure if #78 is mine. But I will just wait for another give-away, hehe! and support your site.
    More power to you 🙂 God bless.

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