Scene in Seoul: Civil Defense Drill

Last Thursday morning as I commuted to Nowon-gu, the subway train driver repeatedly announced on the PA system that there will be a civil defense drill at two o’clock in the afternoon. I had so much fun during the day meeting other Filipinas that I forgot about it when I went to work.
As I got off the bus at the transfer center, the sirens went off. The traffic stopped and several officers whistled for the people to stand still.

Green light and yet the cars aren't moving.
Green light and yet the cars aren't moving.

I wanted to cross the street so I could go to work but I didn’t want to be whistled at. So for 15 minutes, I stayed at the bus transfer isle. There were only two other people.
Fifteen minutes in 31 degree heat at the bus transfer isle.
Fifteen minutes in 31 degree heat at the center bus transfer isle.

Good thing, there was the billboard of Nichkhun of 2PM to keep me amused. It would’ve been even better if it was Siwon in his Mr. Simple pictorial though ;p
Nickkhun of 2PM in his Coke Zero billboard.
Nickkhun of 2PM in his Coke Zero billboard.

Next time, I’ll make sure I’m indoors during the civil defense drill.


  1. so what koreans do at the defense drill day? what happened at those 15 min you stayed at the bus isle?

    1. Just stood there. If I were in the bus, I’d be hearing a state broadcast. So I just took some pictures and played “Cut the Rope”.

  2. Wow! 15 mins?! You really have to stand real still? :S
    Can you move around for abit? 😀
    Hear from your mail soon Ms Ana! ^ ^

  3. When i was in high school during minbangui time whole student in my school get down inside the desk waiting for it to be end. It was little painful time for us, too big to stay there .Your pictures make me think about my childhood time..

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