Homeplus virtual subway store in South Korea

Got this from a friend’s FB post. Homeplus is one of the three top supermarkets in Korea, the others are E-mart and Lotte Mart. Our favorite has always been E-mart, and I’m going to post about shopping there later on ;p
Six weeks after giving birth, my husband had to go to China for three weeks. During that time, I became an “expert” in online shopping. I bought groceries from the internet – from bottled mineral water to fresh veggies ! Even now, I would sometimes shop while on the subway (using the free WiFi) and have my grocery delivered a few hours later. Very convenient, isn’t it?
Anyway, here’s a video of the virtual subway store of Homeplus in South Korea.

I just might try it when I see it ;p


  1. How brilliant ^^ it’s convenient and fun! Can tourists do this too? Or do you need an alien registration number for homeplus?

  2. I really love and like the idea of virtual market. We can now shop using our phone. Time saver and hassle free.

  3. my friend here does this, shopping online at homeplus. her groceries get delivered for a fee of 1,000won only considering homeplus is quite far from where we live. i’d like to try this one too… hopefully when our pc gets updated this afternoon,kkk

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