KOTESOL International Conference 2011

I planned to post this a few weeks ago, but I always forgot. The KOTESOL International Conference 2011 is happening on the 15th and 16th of October at Sookmyung Women’s University. The conference starts at 9 o’clock in the morning.

KOTESOL International Conference 2011
KOTESOL International Conference 2011
KOTESOL International Conference is an annual event organized by KOTESOL or Korea TESOL. If you’re an English teacher in Korea or if you’re planning to work as one, it’s advisable to attend the conference. You’ll gain a lot of knowledge listening and participating in one of the many sessions they have. Sometimes, it’s difficult to choose which session to attend as they have several going on at the same time.
This year, one of their guests is Stephen Krashen, who is renowned for his research on SLA or second language acquisition. I’d love to attend the conference if only for him.
One of the perks of attending the conference is also the free books and materials offered by ESL publishers. When I attended the 2009 conference, I went home with two bags full of books. I remember a blogger friend carrying five bags!
What are you waiting for? Register now and enjoy a 10,000 won discount until October 3rd. Pre-registration for non-members is 65,000 won and 40,000 won for members. On-site registration is 50,000 won for members and 75,000 won for non-members. You can also get discounts by applying as a group (minimum of 5 attendees). Visit the KOTESOL International Conference 2011 website on how to register and for fees payment. By the way, if you want to learn more about online payment, check out ach payments at ThePaymentsAuthority.org.


  1. i wanted to attend^^ but i’m in daejeon..i hope they will have conference in daejeon too…huhu

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