Korean Scholarship: MDP and MPP

Here’s another Korean scholarship that you guys might be interested with. It’s for MDP or Master of Development Policy and MPP or Master of Public Policy. The scholarship is given by the Korean Government Scholarship Program for those interested in pursuing the said masteral programs. The school is KDI School of Public Policy and Management (this is soooo near my house!!!)
You may send your applications now. The deadline is on March 23rd. You must have a Bachelor or a Master’s degree to apply, and be under 40 years of age. You can find more information about the scholarship and benefits from KDI’s website:
Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Students: NIIED Guidelines for the Year 2012


  1. Greetings!
    Am so interested with this program. Thanks for sharing the info.
    by the way, am I eligible to apply considering that I’m already staying here in Korea but still a Filipino national…just holding an F2-1 visa.
    Thank you and More Power!

  2. Hi!
    I have a cousin who has a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and he really wants to pursue a master’s degree in korea, of course, related to chemistry or other field of science. Can you suggest any scholarship program for him?
    Thanks and best regards!

  3. Hi!
    I have a cousin who has a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and he really wants to pursue a master’s degree in korea, of course, related to chemistry or other fields of science. Can you suggest any scholarship program for him?
    Thanks and best regards!

  4. Hi Betchay. I’ve been reading your blog once in a while, especially during my first year here. I’m Jasmin, and the same as most Filipinas here, I’m married to a Korean. I’m now in my third year here, and been, on and off, teaching English here in Korea. I’ve been thinking of advancing my knowledge and skills in teaching since I don’t really have a degree in teaching, but in another field. I saw one time in your blog that you had an scholarship at Sookmyung University Kotesol (Koreatesol) through Google. I’m really interested in furthering my knowledge, so I can have better options and to be a better educator. The thing here is that education here is quite expensive, so it would truly be lovely to have a scholarship. Is there any government agency I can go to which helps Korean spouses as with regards to “our” education? I will truly appreciate if you can help me with the “how to and where to” here in Seoul. Thank you and best regards!

    1. Hi Jasmin! I’ll ask around. The Korean government is offering scholarship but not to Korean citizens, or even naturalized Koreans. If the government really wants the married immigrants to be productive (not just at home) and raise their literacy then they could help by providing academic scholarships.

      1. I’m amaze for your fast reply. I’m no longer just a silent observer/reader of your blog, but now a fan. Wow, fast action!! Is there any organization that I can able to vote for you? 🙂
        Anyway, maybe there are scholarships for Koreans, but I suppose they are in Hanguel. At any rate, I still hold an F2 visa, so I’m not Korean. (To become Korean or even to hold an F5 is still out of the question for me).
        As you’ve said, and I totally agree with you, that it would really be helpful and nice of the Korean government if they provide some academic scholarships for Korean F2 spouses who are really keen to be more productive and more knowledgeable. The Korean government has been helping some foreigners who are not here in Korea, and that is great. How I just wish that they extend this help to those foreigners who are already here and married to their natives. What they give us will also benefit their own. If we become financially stable ourselves, that would also be a financial help to their natives who are our better-half; and would also make things easier for us to help our families back in the Philippines if we need to (without the guilt, and maybe without the fight). If and when, that you got some tips/information about scholarships for Korean spouses or any information as to how to get a scholarship to any tesol (in which I am really interested) school in Seoul, please email me at rosejasminkim@yahoo.com or post here at your blog for anyone who might be interested. Then my gain will be their gain, too. Thank you so much for your good heart in trying to be of help to everyone, especially for Filipinos here like me. MABUHAY KA! 🙂

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