Hat tip to Ailee for the info ;p
Have you been to Seoul Land? It is one of the three biggest theme parks in Korea, along with Everland and Lotte World. Seoul Land is one of the places I wanted to visit when I first came to Korea. I loved “My Sassy Girl” and they filmed some of the scenes here. Remember that scene with the soldier?
Anyway, to celebrate its 25th anniversary, Seoul Land and Seoul Global Center are offering free tickets to multicultural families living in Seoul. Here’s how to apply:
1. Download the application form from Seoul Global Center (click on the News/Notice in Korean on the left side)
Direct link to the application form.
2. Fill in the form and send to: wnsgc AT daum DOT net
3. Send your application anytime from May 10th to May 19th
4. Check Seoul Global Center website again on May 20th for the approved applications.
5. Get your tickets at the Seoul Global Center office (5th floor) from May 20th to May 24th
6. Enjoy your special day with your family in Seoul Land on May 26th
Just follow the sample in the form. You can even invite your parents-in-law with you. There is a maximum of six tickets per family. This is open only to multicultural families living in Seoul ;p
Tnx sa info bechay. ^^