Remembering the Fallen on Memorial Day in Korea (현충일)

Today, June 6, is a national holiday in South Korea. We are remembering the brave men and women who fought in the Korean War and beyond and ultimately gave the unselfish sacrifice of their lives.

My husband's grand uncle's headstone.
My husband’s grand uncle’s headstone.

This year, 2013, marks the 58th year of remembrance. It was first observed in 1956. On this day, the President of South Korea leads the nation and representatives of Korean society in honoring the fallen at the Seoul National Cemetery. A loud siren is heard at exactly ten o’clock in the morning and people are expected to spend a minute of silence to offer those who died in the war.
Every year, we visit the Seoul National Cemetery to remember our grand uncle who died in the Korean War. We bring wine and a side dish, such as rice cake and apple. We haven’t been to the cemetery this year, but we were there last year a few days before Memorial Day.

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