Korean News: Filipino Gangsters in Korea

In the news on Wednesday evening, immigration authorities raided a house in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do and arrested ten men who are believed to be members of a Filipino gang. Most of them with tattoos, they are believed to be living illegally in South Korea for more than ten years.
A Filipino migrant worker, who is a victim of the gang, spoke in anonymity that the gang members asked him for money and hit him with a baseball bat. He said that foreign gangs exist in Gimpo, Incheon and Ansan, where there are lots of foreign workers.
Here is the video of the news shown on MBC: Gansters from the Philippines arrested in Incheon


  1. This is news, lol? Imagine! Filipino bad guys have actually INVADED Korea! I understand this is important to the Filipino community here in Korea, but, for the benefit of your Korean readers, how about an article on the Korean gangs in Angeles City, and, in your “You might also like” section- Philippine Scandal: Koreans involved in illegal gambling. Sorry Betchay, but I would love to see more balanced blogging. Your site, and a good site, but the negativity expressed about Filipinos in Korea is very damaging without balanced information which shows that Koreans, or Americans, or Aussies do the same bad things in the Philippines! Please please use your site evey once in a while to show positive things about the Philippines!

    1. I absolutely agree with you. Not only illegal gambling but also drugs. Just like robbery (hold ups, snatching, pick pocketing), nobody can absolutely say that it’s not happening in other countries. Piece of cake when that Taiwanese fisherman was killed, what a big issue, what about Taiwanese nationals caught having drug laboratories in PH, what a shame, “killing me softly” with the drug trade, they’re just lucky we have a segmented and not stiffer judicial system.

    2. Hi Asawa! My main audience are the Filipino communities in Korea and Filipinos needing information about Korea, and I think it would be a “disservice” if I don’t post about this thing no matter how negative it may be. If I were not blogging and I’m a Filipino living in Korea, I’d like to read about what’s happening involving Filipinos in the country I’m living in. I don’t see how more damaging posting about this news can be since it was on TV anyway. Just wait for the next post… who knows it might be something we could really be proud of ;p

      1. Oh yes! Please don’t misunderstand my post, Betchay. I’ve always thought you had a very good site, and lways do your best to inform the Filipino community of all issues which affect their life here in Korea. You absolutely SHOULD make that post above about gangs in Korea. But(this is only constructive advice) be sure to show balance when addressing issues. I know you will 🙂 You are usually very good at showing the “good, bad and ugly” about life in Korea. While your man audience is certainly Filipinos in Korea, the inernet…and your site are read by people of many nationalites and cultures. I’m NOT Filipino…and I read your blog daily. BTW, I retire next month after almost 20 years here. Philippines, here I come! I won’t show my 15 year old son the Filipino Ganster in Korea blog. Can you guess why? Because I don’t want him thinking that Filipinos are gangsters! So…in short, you have a target audience, but a much larger audience also. Just remember, “balance” is key to good fair unbiased impressions from your audience! I will continue to read your blog while eating my sisig and enjoying life in the Philippines. I still might comment sometimes!
        God Bless!
        Proud Husband of a Wonderful Pinay.

        1. HI Asawa! Are you a serviceman? Oh I envy that you’re retiring. I just asked because I have some high school friends who retired last year from service. I want to thank you for your comment. I’m not a writer and it shows, but I appreciate everyone who takes time to visit the blog even in those times when I couldn’t update as often as I wanted to. Unfortunately, I’m not really good with words like this girl – http://eatlessbemore.blogspot.kr/
          When I first thought about doing this blog, it was because I had a hard time finding information about Korea. I never expected people would actually visit and stay. The best part is I met wonderful people through this blog and some have become my friends. I always take criticisms constructively. I’m not onion-skinned ;p Thanks so much as I remember you’ve been visiting and commenting here from way back. I will try better to present a more balanced life in Korea. Oh, I think you’re a Filipino too – you seem to have a “Pusong Pinoy” ;p

          1. LOL! No, I’m not a serviceman. Yes, I hope to have the heart of a Pinoy someday!
            God Bless!

  2. Thanks for letting us know about this. It’s important to stay updated on recent events, because as they say in the military: “stay alert, stay alive!” -Ben ã……ã……

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