Beware of illegal recruiters to Korea

I was intrigued by a post I saw on my Facebook news feed today. It’s a photo of a Korean-Filipino family: a Filipino mom, Korean father and two kids. The owner of the page is spreading their photo on Filipino community pages on Facebook. The owner is claiming that the Korean-Filipino couple are illegal recruiters.
My first reaction? The accusation is serious… I hope that the Korean-Filipino couple would be able to defend themselves.

A screenshot of the page going around on Facebook.
A screenshot of the page going around on Facebook.

Based on the posts by the page admin, the Korean-Filipino couple claim that they own a factory in Korea. They are recruiting Filipinos who would like to work in Korea from Davao and Cebu. Allegedly, they are also asking for money from the prospective workers for as much as 48,000 pesos.
The Korean-Filipino couple should clear this up as they are being accused of a serious crime in the Philippines.
I don’t know if the stories are true since I don’t know the page admin and the Korean-Filipino couple. What I know is that it is advisable for everyone who wants to come to Korea and work here to do it legally ~ through the POEA. It is for their own protection. There is no short cut to glory 😀
Generally speaking, beware of illegal recruiters to Korea. Read this guideline from the POEA as they are signs of dealing with illegal recruiters.
For factory workers, there is only one way to work in Korea and that is through the POEA. There is no direct hiring for EPS jobs. I posted about working in Korea through EPS several days ago.
I’ve also received a few emails about people asking for money promising jobs in Korea. First, they will come to Korea as tourists and then work in factories. Again, it is illegal to come as a tourist and work without the proper visa.
Although I understand why some people would come and work illegally, doing so is not advisable as there are consequences. Future post!


  1. Hi ms. Betchay. I was the one who commented on your blog about visas a month ago. I asked about the korean visa being processed in korea for factory workers and tourist visa to be processed also in korea. I hope you could still remember me though i will use another name to comment here. I used A.S. (my initials from previous comment).yep. this is true. Sad to say. And i am one of the victims of this two. The girl is a filipina who has a lot of relatives in davao. She recruited her relatives (note,relatives) and it reached to 40 people. Each of them paid almost 40,000 pesos. Her name is Catherine Arindain Kim. We all believed in her since she has been visiting her hometown and being good to us and treated us fairly. She contacted us almost everyday. Until such time, when she told us that she will be going home this may 30, 2014 she did not show herself. Her korean husband chatted us through facebook that she was put in prison because she was put on hold by the immigration for bringing philippine passports.her husband told us that she will be put to prison for a month. And i started to be doubtful already. Until i asked the immigration for the proper procedure of working visa and when you replied to me that factory workers are not among those in e7 visas and should be under poea. Now, a case was already filed to both of them. When she saw the facebook account about them being illegal recruiter she was calling us every and now and then to delete our comments. Though on my part i dont know who the admin of this facebook page is. But eventyally, i am grateful to the admin. This was already and continuously spreading in korea.

    1. Hi Ana! Yes, I remember that comment. Oh I hope that you will find justice. I hope the couple also come out and face the accusations against them.

      1. We do hope too Ms. Betchay so they can face us and the consequences that await them. We also hope that all victims of this couple will come out and file a complaint too. Hope we will succeed on our legal battles against these two.

  2. These two deleted their facebook account. Only to find out also that they have a lot of facebook account with different names. They were not reslonding to our emails, calls , texts, facebook messages and kakao messages. Until such time, the girl showed up and called us because she was worried of the facebook account against them. Her address in korea is in goyang city. We are currently tapping the poea, some party list for anti illegal recruitment and the nbi. Hopefully, we could trace them. They are claiming that they have medium size factory in korea which is not true as we found out. We are not only the victims of these couple. They had previous victims from cebu and manila but more from davao. I hope you And your avid readers could advise us what to do and how to trace them.

  3. Hi Ms. Betchay,
    Just would like also to ask for your advise. My husband is currently enrolled in a Korean language training center here in Iloilo city Philippines. The duration of the training is two weeks. After the two weeks training, they will be having a review daw and will eventually take the exam. Once they passed the exam, the passer with the higher score will be prioritized to work in Korea through POEA. Before they will be deployed, they will have another training in Manila. Is this legal? Please advise.
    Thank you.

  4. hi ANNA i have information about this girl im currently here in KOrea i can help you to find her… If you already file case its gonna be more helpful,, cause she f*cked up me and other friends too.. you can give me your number or email address ill talk to you there

    1. Hello concerned citizen. This is my email address.
      hope to talk to you more about her privately. And yes almost 50 people already filed a case in cidg and nbi. Thank you for your concern in advance.

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