Chuseok Greetings

This is my 12th Chuseok and I’m not going to post about what we do during Chuseok. I did that several times already and last year, I posted about what happens before, during and after Chuseok.
This year, we’re celebrating Chuseok from September 7 to 9. The actual day is on September 8. How do people greet each other on this special holiday in Korea? Here are a few Chuseok greetings that you can use for your Korean family or friends…
풍요로운 한가위, 감사의 마음을 전합니다.
(pung-yo-ro-un han-ga-wi, kam-sa-ui ma-eum-eul jeon-ham-ni-da)
*Bountiful thanksgiving, sending my thanks to you.
올해에도 가족과 함께 즐겁고 풍성한 한가위 보내세요.
(ol-he-e-do ka-jok-gwa ham-ke jeul-geop-go pung-seong-han han-ga-wi bo-ne-se-yo)
*Have a fun and bountiful thanksgiving with your family this year.
한가위 밝은 보름달처럼 넉넉한 한가위 보내세요.
(han-ga-wi bal-geun bo-reum-dal-cheo-reom neok-neok-han han-ga-wi bo-ne-se-yo)
*Have an ample thanksgiving like the bright full moon.
풍요로운 한가위 보내시고, 가정에 웃음이 가득하시길 기원합니다.
(pung-yo-ro-un han-ga-wi bo-ne-si-go, ka-jeong-e u-seumi ka-deuk-ha-si-gil ki-won-ham-ni-da)
*Wishing you an bountiful thanksgiving and a home filled with laughter.
Chuseok is also known as Hangawi in Korea.

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