Pyeongtaek Fire
It was an intense moment for a family of four trapped on the fourth floor of a burning building in Pyeongtaek, a city in the province of Gyunggi-do, about an hour from Seoul. The fire happened on April 29th at around 6:30 in the evening.
Firetrucks were having a hard time entering the small alleys of the neighborhood. People are trapped inside the burning building. Seen on a video posted by “Bill Frost”.
A mom and her three kids are seen on the fourth floor of the building. There was no way out but to jump. The rescuers ~ three American soldiers and a Korean ~ are seen on the video holding a pile of blankets from a blanket store. The spectators are urging the mom to let go of the children from an approximate height of 10 meters. One by one she hold them into the air. Screams are heard. The children dropped safely onto the waiting blankets held by the rescuers.
When the children are safely on the ground, six more people joined to help save the mom. A total of ten people held the blankets waiting for the mom to jump from the fire.
The Nigerian family is quite known in the neighborhood. The American soldiers are often seen hanging out in the area and are said to be friendly to the people in the neighborhood.
Source: News1
The fire was declared out after 30 minutes. A total of six people were saved thanks to the efforts of the people who were there. Authorities said the fire started on the second floor of the building but the cause of the fire is still being investigated.
The family thanks their rescuers ~ both foreigners and Koreans for the team work they showed in helping them escape from the Pyeongtaek fire. Awesome!