This year, the Seoul city government through Seoul’s Ministry of Education (SMOE) is providing a 300,000 won allowance to incoming middle school and high school students.
The SMOE aims to reduce the financial burden to parents of incoming middle and high school students. While the tuition fee, books, and lunch are free, the cost of uniform is quite prohibitive. A student needs a fall/winter set, summer set, and P.E. uniforms. It could cost a parent more than 500,000 won.

Incoming middle and high school students for SY 2021 at public and private schools (including special schools) in Seoul – approximately 137,600
Amount of support: 300,000 won per student
Scope of use: Restricted to items essential for the preparation of education for middle and high school students
The 300,000 won entrance allowance can only be used to purchase school uniform and/or gadgets that they can use for studying such as a tablet PC or laptop. For high school students, it will be sent through Zeropay. For middle school students, the allowance will be sent to the parents as those who aren’t 14 yet cannot make an account with Zeropay.
Application for the 300,000 won entrance allowance is now open. You can call the following numbers for more information or visit the SMOE website.