seoul's first snow

i was still in bed… and my husband was preparing to go to work… that was 10 minutes before 8… a few minutes after, we said our “good day’s” to each other and he opened the door… then he said “ana, ana come out here”… i said “what?!”… he said “come here, come here”…. so i grumpily stood up and went out… and there was snow… it’s my first time to see snow in reality… it was so beautiful… but i know i’ll hate it later… anyway, i’m glad we shopped for a winter jacket last night… so i don’t have to wear the autumn jacket while it’s snowing… hehe…
oh well… i have to go back to sleep now 🙂
BTW… CNN weather says it’s -2 degrees Centigrade right now.

  1. My first glimpse of snow was my Trip to Korea last December 2008..I couldnt explain what I felt but was glad that saw it with my own eyes hahahaha..I was strolling along Han River..just came from 63 building when it snowed.Love the snow but hate the cold weather!!!

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