Isabel's Journey

I’ve been updating my niece’s site… For Isabel to Isabel’s Journey. I first used Textpattern but later on changed to WordPress in another server. I had to change the nameserver of the domain name so now I just have to wait for a couple of hours for it to propagate. Right now, what’s showing is the old site.
A few days ago, I wrote the website’s URL on Sassy’s foodblog and she wrote about it on her journal too. My friend Banana wrote about her too. As a result, traffic to the website increased and my sister received email pledges for prayers from them. I’m so grateful to the Sassy Lawyer and to Anna Banana for helping me promote the site.
So why a site for Isabel? Because I’ve done several websites as a hobby before. My sister and I thought that the more people pray for her, the better she’ll get. And I bet a lot of people who’ve read about her would do just that.

  1. heya my dear namesake!
    isabel is so lucky to have a loving and generous tita like you. im happy that i had the chance to meet you…isa kang tunay na tao! thanks for your patience in talking with me on the phone..and thanks for the job reccommendation! have a great weekend! muah!

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