my nanay's birthday

Happy birthday to my mother! She’s celebrating her 73rd today! She’s in the Philippines right now for her summer vacation. She’ll be coming over on Sunday morning for a two-week stay here in Korea.
Highlights of my mother’s life so far:

  • born in Dagupan City in 1932
  • was 9 years old when WWII broke out, was adopted by a Japanese couple since she was an orphan at a young age
  • only had elementary education
  • worked as “yaya” to support herself
  • married my father when she was 18 in Pasay City
  • had her first child when she was 19
  • had a total of six children
  • had ME when she was 42 (really!)
  • supported the family by doing laundry for others and dressmaking
  • moved to Angeles City and started a cafeteria business in 1977
  • a widow in 1993 (married for 42 years)
  • first travelled to America (her dream :D) in 1991
  • first travelled to Korea in 2004
  • speaks Ilocano, Panggalatok and a few Bicolano
  • speaks English a lot better than an average college-grad Korean šŸ˜€
  • doesn’t cook as well as my father (he was the “chief cook” in our cafeteria)
  • a devout Catholic

My mother didn’t have the education that my siblings and I had but she and my father worked so hard to put us all through school. She has never stopped working even if she doesn’t need to work at all. Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit her diligence. I got my father’s happy-go-lucky attitude instead.
She has never stopped supporting her children… including me. She has always been generous not only with us but with other people as well. My family-in-law thought that she’s a lot nicer and friendlier than I am, which is very true. Everybody in my old neighborhoods, the red light district of Fields Avenue šŸ˜€ (where we once had a cafeteria) and Josefa Subdivision (our residence), calls her “nanay.”
Anyway, I wish my mother a longer life… she still wants to attain a lot in life! As if she hasn’t accomplished so much!

  1. saeng il chook ha hamnida to your ommoni!!
    reading your post about your mom’s bday made me miss my mom made me want to be next to my mom. to hug her tight.i miss my childhood days.sigh!

  2. annabanana, luchie, anjhylee >> makakarating ang greetings sa aking nanay… salamat sa inyong pagdalaw šŸ™‚

  3. happy birthday to your Nanay
    (but I have to point out that all along I thought that Nanay is Bisaya; You use that term in Angeles too?) šŸ˜€

  4. altair >> i thought “nanay” is the tagalog term for mother šŸ™‚
    ate >> andito na si madir…

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